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K. Richard. 2. The story of Walter Brute with his declarations.

ted, for the saluacion and redemption of mankynd, who was cōceiued by the holy ghost euerlastyngly proceding from the father and the sonne, and was borne of Mary the virgine, to the end that we might be borne a new. He suffered Passion vnder Pontius Pilate for our sinnes, laying downe his life for vs, that we should laye downe our lyfe for our brethren. He was crucified, that wee should be crucified to the world, and the world to vs. He was dead, that he might redeme vs from death, by purchasing for vs forgeuenes of sinnes. He was buried, that we being buried together with him in to death by baptisme, & that we dead to sinnes, should lyue to righteousnes. He descended into hell, therby deliuering man from thraldome, and from the bondage of the deuill, and restoring him to his inheritaunce, whych he lost by sinne. The third day he rose from the dead, through the glorye of his father, that we also should walk in newnes of life. He ascended vp to the heauens, to which no bodye hath ascended, sauing hee that descended from heauen, euen the sonne of man which is in heauen. He sitteth at the right hand of God the father almighty, vntil his enemies be made his foote stoole. He being in very deede so much beeter then the angels, as he hath obtained by inheritaunce a more excellent name then they. Frō thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade, accordingly to their works, because the father hath geuen all iudgement to the sōne. In whose terrible iudgement we shall aryse agayne, and shall all of vs stande before hys iudgement seate, and receiue ioy aswell bodely, as spiritually for euer to endure, if we be of the sheepe placed at the right hand: or els punishment both of body & soule if we shalbe found amōgst gotes, placed on the left hād. &c

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MarginaliaThe second case or assertion.Iesus Christ the sonne of God, verye God and verye man, a king for euer, by stablishing an euerlasting kingdom, breaking to pouder all the kingdoms of the world: Daniel. 2. a priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech, whereby also he is able euermore to saue suche as by him come vnto God, and alwayes lyueth to intreate for vs. Hebr. 7. He offering one sacrifice for our synnes, hath made perfect for euer by one oblation, those that be sanctified, Heb. 10. Being the wysedome that cannot be deceyued, and the truth that cannot bee vttered: hee hath in this world taught the wyll of the Godheade of his father, which wyll he hath in worke fulfilled, to thintent that he might faithfully instruct vs, and hath geuen the law of charitie to be of his faithful people obserued, which he hath wrotten in the hartes and myndes of the faithfull with the finger of God, where is the spirite of God, searching the inwarde secretes of the Godheade. Wherfore his doctrine must be obserued aboue al other doctrines, whether they be of angels or of men, because that he coulde not nor woulde not erre, in his teachyng. But in mens doctrines there chaunceth often tymes to be errour, and therefore we must forsake their doctrines if clokedly or expresly they be repugnant to the doctrine of Christ. MarginaliaHow farre mens doctrine doo serue.Mens doctrines being made for the peoples profit must bee allowed and obserued, so that they bee grounded vpon Christes doctrine, or at the least be not repugnant to hys wordes.

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MarginaliaThe first ConclusionIf the high Bishop of Rome, calling him selfe the seruaunt of the seruauntes of God, and the chief vicare of Christ in this world, do make and maintein many lawes contrarye to the Gospell of Iesu Christe: MarginaliaThe pope an idole of desolation sittyng in the temple of God.then is he of those that haue come in Christes name, saying, I am Christ, and haue seduced many a one, by the testimonie of our sauiour in Math, chap. 24 and the Idoll of desolacion sitting in the temple of God, and takyng away frō hym the continuall sacrifice for a time, tymes, and halfe a time. Which Idoll must be reueled to the Christiā people by the testimonie of Daniel. Wherof Christ speaketh in the Godpell. When you shall see the abhominacion of desolation that was tolde of by Daniell the Prophet, stā-dyng in the holy place: MarginaliaThe pope if his lawes be contrary to Christ is the pestiferous mountaine infecting the whole earth.
Ieremy. 51.
let hym that readeth, vnderstande and he is the pestiferous mountaigne infectyng þe whole vniuersall earth, as witnesseth, Ieremie, chap. 51. & not the head of Christes body. For the auncient person in yeares, and honorable in reuerence, he is the head, and the prophet teachyng lyes, is the taile, as Esay allegeth. chap. 9. MarginaliaThe pope, the sinful captain of Israel, spokē of Exech. 21.And he is that wicked, and sinnefull captaine of Israell, whose fore appointed day of iniquitie is come in tyme of iniquitie, who shall take away Cidarim, & take away the crowne. Ezech. chap. 21. to whom it was sayd, For asmuch as thy hart was exalted, and dydst saye, I am a God, and sittest in the seate of God, in the hart of þe sea, seyng thou art a man and not God, and hast geuen thyne hart, as if it were the hart of God: therfore beholde I will bring vpon thee, the most strōg and mighty straūgers of the nations, and they shall drawe their swoordes vpon the beautie of thy wisedome, & shall defile thy comlynes, and kill thee, and pull thee out, and thou shalt dye in the destruction of the slayne, & it foloweth. In the multitude of thine iniquities, & of the iniquities of thy marchaundise, MarginaliaAntichrist described.thou hast defiled thy sanctification. I will therfore bring forthe a fire, from the middest of the whole earth, and wil make thee as ashes vpon earth. Thou art become nothyng, & neuer shalt thou be any more. MarginaliaEzech. 28Ezech. chap. 28. MarginaliaThe pope an Idle shepherd.
Zacha. 11.
Farthermore he is the Idle shephearde forsakyng his flocke, hauyng a sword on his arme, and an other sworde in his right eye. Zacha. 11. and sittyng in the temple of God, doth aduaunce him selfe aboue all thyng that is called God, or what soeuer is worshipped, by the testimonie of Paul to Thes. 2. epist. 2. chap. And in the defection or fallyng away shall the man of sin be reuealed, whom the Lord Iesus shall slay, with the breath of hys mouth. For euery kyngdome diuided in it selfe, shalbe brought to desolacion. MarginaliaThe beast horned like the lambe.He is also besides, the beast ascendyng vp out of the earth, hauing two hornes like vnto a Lambe, but he speaketh lyke a dragon, MarginaliaThe pope signifieth the beast ascending out of the earth.and as the cruell beast ascending vp out of the sea, whose power shall continue. 42. monethes. He worketh the things that he hath geuen to the image of the beast. And he compelled small and great, rich and power, freemen and bond slaues, to worshyppe the beast, and to take hys marke in their foreheade or their handes. Apocalips the 13. chapter. MarginaliaTerrible scriptures agaynst the pope.And thus by the testimonie of all these places is he the chiefe Antichrist vpon the earth, and must be slaine with the sword of Gods word, and cast with the Dragon, the cruell beast, and the false Prophet that hath seduced the earth, into the lake of fire & brimstone to be tormented world without end. If the citie of Rome do allowe hys traditions, and do disalowe Christes holy commaundementes, and Christes doctrine, that it may confirme his traditions: MarginaliaRome Babylō.then is she Babilon the great, or þe daughter of Babilon, and the great whore sitting vpō many waters, with whom the kings of the earth haue committed fornication, and the inhabitauntes of the earth are become dronken with the wine of her harlotrie lieng open to baudrie. With whose spirituall whoredome, enchantmentes, witchcraftes, & Simon Magus marchandises, the whole round world is infected and seduced: saying in her hart, I sit as queene, and widowe I am not, neither shall I see sorowe and mourning. Yet is she ignoraunt that within a litle while shall come the daye of her destruction & ruine, by the testimonie of the Apoc. chap. 17. MarginaliaApoc. 17.Because that from the time that þe continuall sacrifice was taken awaye, and the abhomination of desolation placed, Marginalia1290. dayes figured in Dan.there be passed 1290. daies by the testimonie of Daniell, and the Chronicles added do agree to the same. And the holy citie also hath been troden vnder foote of the heathen, for 42. monethes: and the woman was nourished vp in the wildernes (vnto which she fledde for feare of the face of the serpent) during 1260. dayes, or els for a time, times, and halfe a time which is all one. All these thinges be manifest by the testimonie of the

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