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K. Richard. 2. The story of Walter Brute: The pope Antichrist.

ry often are the kinges called Christes. MarginaliaKings and priestes annoynted.And our sauiour was Christ, or annoynted kyng, because he was a kyng for euermore vpon the throne of Dauid, as the Scriptures do very oftentimes witnes. The priestes also were called annoynted, as where it is writen: Do not ye touch my Christes, that is, myne annoynted ones, and be not ye spitefull agaynst my Prophetes. And so was our sauioure Christe, a prieste for euer accordyng to the order of melchisedech. MarginaliaThe popes make them selues priests and kinges.Seyng then, that the Bishops of Rome do say, that they are the hyghe priestes: they say also therein that they are kyngs, because they say that they haue the spirituall sworde perteinyng to their priesthode, and the corporall sworde whiche agreeth for a kynges state. MarginaliaThe pope maketh himselfe Christ.So is it playne, that really and in very dede, they say that they are Christes, albeit that expresly they bee not called Christes. MarginaliaThe pope commeth in the name of Christ.Now, that they come in the name of Christ, it is manifest, because they say that they are his principall vicares in this world, ordeined of Christ specially for the gouernement of the Christian church. Therfore, seyng they say, that really and in very dede they are Christes, and the chief frendes of Christ: MarginaliaPopes proued principal Antichristes.If they make and iustifie many lawes contrary to the Gospell of Iesu Christ, thē is it playne that they them selues in earth are the principall Antichristes, because there is no worse plague and pestilence, then a familiar enemye. MarginaliaThe pope an outward frende, and a priuy enemy to Christ.And if in secrete they be agaynst Christ, and yet in open apperaunce they say that they are his frendes: they are so much þe more meete to seduce and deceiue the Christian people, because that a manifest enemy shal haue much a do to deceaue a mā, because men trust him not: but a priuey enemye pretendyng outward frendshyp, may easly seduce, yea those þt be wyse. MarginaliaWhether the pope doth maintayne any lawes against the lawes of Christ.But that this matter may the more fully bee knowē, let vs see what is the law and doctrine of Christ, that ought to bee obserued of all faithfull people: which being knowē, it shalbe an easie thyng to see, if the bishop of Rome do make or maintaine any lawes, contrary to the law of the Gospell of Iesu Christ. I say then, that the lawe of Christ is charitie, whiche is the perfect loue of God and of Christ. This thyng is playne and manifest. For Christ beyng demaunded of a certeyne doctour of the law: What is the great commaundemēt in the law? aunswered. MarginaliaThe lawe of loue cōmaūded in the gospell.Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God withall thy hart, and withall thy soule, and which all thy minde: This is the principall and greatest commaundement. And as for the second, it is like vnto this: Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thine owne selfe. In these ij. commaundements, doth the whole lawe and Prophets depend. And in an other place Christ sayth: All maner of thinges therfore, that you would that men should doe to you, the same also do ye vnto them. For this is the lawe and the Prophets. And in Iohn the 13. chap. saith Christ, And now doe I say vnto you, I geue you a newe commaundement, that you should loue ech other: As I haue loued you, in like maner that you also shoulde loue one an other. In this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you shall haue loue one towardes an other. MarginaliaIohn. 13.And Iohn 15. chapter: This is my commaūdement that you loue together as I haue loued you. Greater loue then this, hath no bodye, that a man should geue his life for his frendes. MarginaliaIohn. 15.The Apostle Peter sayth in his first epistle 4 chapter: Marginalia1. Pet. 4.Aboue all things, hauing cōtinually charitie one towardes an other, for charitie couereth the multitude of sinnes. Be ye harborers, and intertaine ye one an other without grudging: euery one as he hath receaued grace, so let him bestowe it vpō an other man, as the good stewardes of the manifolde grace of God. If any man speake, let him speak as þe word of God. If any man do ought for an other, let it be done with singlenes and vnfained veritie, ministred of God to vs ward, þt in all things God may be honoured through Iesus Christ our Lord. Iames in his epistle the ij. chapter. Marginalia1. Iacob. 2.If ye performe the royall law accordingly to þe Scriptures (thoushalt loue thy neighbour) ye do wel: But if ye be parciall in receauing & preferring mens personages, ye worke wickednes being blamed of the lawe as transgressours. And again, so speake ye, and so do ye, as you should now beginne to be iudged by the law of libertie. What shall it auaile (my brethren) if a man saye he haue fayth, and haue no workes. Neuer shall that fayth be able to saue him. For if a brother or a sister be naked, and haue nede of daily foode, & some of you say to them, go ye in peace, bee ye made warme and satisfied: and if ye shall not geue those things that are necessarie for the body, what shall it auaile? Euen so fayth, if it haue not workes, is dead in it self. Iohn in his first epistle the 3. chap. This is the tydings which you haue heard from the beginning, that you should loue one an other. And again, we know that we are translated from death to life, if we loue the brethren: He that loueth not, abideth in death. And againe, herein do we know the loue of God, because that he hath laide downe his life for vs, and we ought to laye downe our liues for the brethren. He that shall haue the substance of this worlde, and shall see his brother haue nede, and shall shut vp his bowells from him: how abydeth the loue of God in him? My litle children, let vs not loue in worde nor tonge, but in deede and truth. Marginalia1. Iohn. 3.And againe 4. chap. Most dearly beloued, let vs loue together. For loue is of God, he that loueth not, knoweth not God, for God is loue. In this thing hath the loue of God appeared in vs, that God hath sent his onely begotten sonne into the world, that we should liue by him. Herein is loue: not that we haue loued God, but þt he hath first loued vs, and hath sent his sonne an atonement for our sinnes. Moste dearely beloued, if God haue loued vs: we so ought to loue together. No man hath sene God at any time: if we loue together, God abydeth in vs, and his loue is perfecte in vs. And again, let vs loue God, for he hath first loued vs. If a man shall saye, I loue God, and do hate his brother, he is a lyar. For he that loueth not his brother whom he seeth, how can he loue God, whom he seeth not? And this commaundement haue we of God, that who so loueth God, should loue his brother also. Marginalia1. Iohn. 4.Paule the apostle in his epistle to the Romanes 13. chapter: Ye owe nothing to no body, sauing þt ye should loue together, for he that loueth his brother, hath fulfilled the lawe. For thou shalt not commit adultrye, thou shalt not murther, thou shalt not steale, thou shalt not beare false witnes, thou shalt not couet thy neighbours good: & if there be any other cōmaundement, it is plentifully fulfilled vp in this word, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy self. Wherfore þe fulfilling of þe law is loue.

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MarginaliaRom. 13.Paule to the Corinthes, 5. sayth: If I shoulde speake with the tongs of men and angels, and yet haue not charitie, I am becom as it were a peece of sounding mettal or tinkling cymball. And if I shall haue all prophecye, and knowe all misteries, and all knowledge, and shall haue all faith, so that I might remoue mountaines, and yet shall not haue charity: I am nothing. And if I shall geue abroade all my goodes to feede the poore, and shall geue vp my body to be burned, and yet haue not charitie: it profites me nothing. Marginalia2. Cor. 5.To the Galathians. 5. sayth Paule: For you my brethren, are called into libertye. Do not ye geue your liberty for an occasion of the flesh, but by charitie of the spirite, serue ye one an other. For all the law is fulfilled in one saying: Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thine own selfe. MarginaliaGal. 5.To the Ephesians. 4. cha. he saith: I therefore that suffer bondes in the Lorde, doe biseche you, that you would walke woorthy of the calling wherewith ye are called, with all humblenes and mildenes, with paciēce, forbearing one an other in loue, being careful to keepe the vnity of the spirit, in the bond of peace: that you be one bodye, and one spirit, euen as you be called in one hope of your calling.MarginaliaEphes. 4. And againe in the. 5. chap. MarginaliaEphes. 5.Be ye followers of me, as most deare chyl-

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