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K. Richard. 2. The story of Walter Brute with his declarations. Actes and Mon. of the church.

MarginaliaThree orders or sortes of priestes.
1. Aaronicall.
2. Eternall.
3. Christian.
nall and regall accordyng to the order of Melchisedech: The third to be Christian. The first of these ceased at the commyng of Christ: for that as S. Paul to the Hebrues sayth. The priesthood of Aaron was translated to the priesthood of the order of Melchisedech. MarginaliaLeuitical priests diuided from the people, by kindred, office, & inheritance.The legall sorte of priestes of Aaron, were separate from the rest of the people, by kinred, office, and inheritaunce. By kinred, for that the children of Aaron onely were priests. By office, for that it onely pertayned to them to offer sacrifice, for the sinnes of the people, and to instruct the people in þe preceptes and ceremonies of the lawe. By inheritaunce, because the Lord was their porcion of inheritaunce: neyther had they any other inheritaunce amongest their brethren, but those things whiche were offered vnto þe Lord, as the first frutes, parte of þe sacrifices, and vowes, except places for theyr mansion houses for them and theirs, as appeareth by the processe of Moses law. MarginaliaThe priesthode of Christ differeth from the Leuitical priesthode, how, and wherin.The priesthood of Christ, did much differ from this priesthood, as Paul doth witnes to the Hebrues chap. 1. 8. 9. 10. Marginalia1.
In Kinrede.
First in kinred, because that our Lord & sauiour Iesus Christ, came of the stocke & tribe of Iuda: of whiche tribe none had to do wt the aulter: and in whiche tribe nothyng at all was spoken of the priests of Moses. Marginalia2.
In othe taking.
The second, for that other were made priests without their othe takē. but he, by an othe by him which said: The Lord swore, and it shall not repent him: Thou art a priest for euer accordyng to the order of Melchisedech. Marginalia3.
In Durabilitie.
Thirdly by durabilitie, for that many of thē were made priests but during the terme of their lyues: but he, for that he remaineth for euer, hath & eternall priesthood. Wherefore he is able to saue vs for euer, hauyng by him self accesse vnto God, which euer liueth to make intercessiō for vs. The law made also such men priestes as had infirmities, but Sermo (that is, the worde whiche according to the law is the eternall sonne and perfect) by an othe. The priesthood of Christ also did differre from the priesthood of Aaron and the law, in the matter of the sacrifice: and in the place of sacrifising. Marginalia4.
In matter of sacrifice.
In the matter of the sacrifice, because they did vse in theyr sacrifices straunge bodies for the matter of their sacrifices, & did shed straūge bloud for the expiation of sinnes: But he, offeryng him selfe vnto God his father for vs, shedde his owne bloude, for the remission of our sinnes. Marginalia5.
In place of sacrificyng.
In the place of sacrificyng, because that they did offer theyr sacrifice in the tabernacle or temple: But Christ sufferyng death without the gates of the Citie, offered him selfe vpon the aulter of the crosse to God his father, and there shed his precious bloud. In his suppyng chamber, also he blessed the bread and cōsecrated the same for his body, and the wyne whiche was in the cup, he also cōsecrated for his bloud: deliueryng the same to his Apostles to be done, for a commemoration & remembraunce of his incarnation and passion. Neither did Iesus enter into the sanctuarie made with mans handes, whiche be examples and figures of true thinges: but entred into heauen it selfe, that he might appeare before the maiestie of God for vs. Neither doth he offer him selfe often tymes, as the chief priest in the sāctuarie did euery yeare with straunge bloud (for thē should he often tymes haue suffered from the begynnyng) but now once for all, in þe latter end of the world, to destroy sinne by his peace offeryng, hath he entered. And euen as it is decreed, that mā once shall dye and thē commeth the iudgement: so Christ hath ben once offered to take away the sinnes of many. The secōd time he shal appeare without sinne to them þt loke for hym, to their saluation. MarginaliaThe law bringeth none to perfection.For the lawe hauing a shadow of good thinges to come, canne neuer by the Image it selfe of thinges (which euery yeare without ceasing they offer by such sacrifices) make those perfect that come therunto, for otherwise that offering shoulde haue ceased: Because that such worshippers beyng once clensed from their sinnes, should haue no more conscience of sinne. But in these, commemoratiō is made euery yere of sinne: for it is impossible that by the bloude of Goatesand calues, sinnes should be purged and taken awaye. Therfore, comming into the world he sayde: Sacrifice and oblation thou wouldest not haue, but a bodye haste thou geuen me, peace offeringes for sinne haue not pleased thee: Then sayd I, beholde I come. In the volume of the booke it is written of me, that I should do thy wyll O God: Saying as aboue, because thou wouldest haue no sacrifices, nor burnt offerings for sinne, neither doest thou take pleasure in those thinges that are offered according to the law. Then sayd I, beholde I come, that I may doo thy wyll O God. He taketh awaye the first, to stablish that which followeth. In which wyl, we are sāctified by the oblation of the bodye of Iesus Christ, once for all. And euery priest is ready daylye ministring, and oftē times offering like sacrifices, which can neuer take away synnes. But this Iesus offring one sacrifice for sinne, sitteth for euermore on the right hand of God, expecting the tyme tyll his enemies be made his footstoole. For by his owne onely oblation, hath he consummated for euermore those that are sanctified.

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All these places haue I recited which Paule writeth, for the better vnderstandyng and declaration of those thinges I meane to speake of. MarginaliaThe priesthoode of Christ diffreth from all other priesthoodsBy all which it appereth manifestly, how the priesthoode of Christ, differeth from the legall priesthoode of Aaron: and by the same also appeareth, how the same differeth frō all other priesthoode christian, that immitateth Christ. For, the properties of the priesthoode of Christ aboue recited, are found in no other priest, but in Christ alone. MarginaliaThe third priesthood.Of the third priesthode that is, the christiā priesthoode: Christ by expresse words speketh but litle, to make any differēce betwene þe priests and the rest of the people, MarginaliaThe name of Sacerdos or priest not vsed in the new testament of Christ.neyther yet doth he vse thys name of Sacerdos or præsbiter in the Gospell. But some he calleth disciples, some Apostles, whom he sent to baptyse and to preach and in his name to doe miracles. He calleth them the sallt of the earth in which the name of wisedome is ment: and he calleth them the light of the world by which, good liuing is signifyed. For he sayth, So let your light shyne before men, that they maye see your good workes, and glorify your father which is in heauen. And Paul speaking of the priestes to Timothe, and Titus, seemeth not to me to make any diuersitie betwixte the priestes and the other people, but in that he would haue them to surmount other in knowledge and perfection of life. MarginaliaThe fourth priesthode which is the Roman priesthoodeBut the fourth priesthoode, is the Romane priesthoode, brought in by the church of Rome: which church, maketh a distinction betwene the clergie and the lay people: and after that, the clergie is diuided into sondry degrees as appeareth in the decretals. This distinction of the clergie frō the laitie, with the tonsure of clerkes, beganne in the time of Anacletus as it doth appeare in the Chronicles. The degrees of the clergie, were afterward inuented and distincted by their offices, and there was no ascention to the degree of priesthoode, but by inferiour orders and degrees. But in the primatiue church it was not so: for immediatly after the conuersion of some of them to the fayth, and baptisme receaued: they were priests & bishops made, as appeareth by Anianus, whom Marcus made of a Taylor or Shomaker, to be a bishop. And of many others it was in like case done, according þe traditiōs of þe church of Rome. MarginaliaThe office of priestes after the popes orderPriestes are ordained to offer sacrifices, to make supplication and prayers, & to blesse and sanctifie. The oblatiō of the priesthood, onely to priestes (as they say) is congruent: whose duties are, vpon the aultar to offer for the sinnes of the people the Lordes body, whiche is consecrated of bread. Of whiche saying I haue great meruell, cōsideryng S. Paul his wordes to the Hebrues before recited. If Christ offeryng for our sinnes one oblation for euermore sitteth on the righte hande of God, and with that one oblation hathe consummated for euermore, those that are sanctified? If Christe euermore sitteth on the righte hande of God, to make intercession for

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