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K. Richard. 2. The story of Walter Brute with his declarations. Actes and Mon. of the church.

MarginaliaThe beast with 7. heads in the Apoc. signifieth Rome.empyre of the Romaynes, that is to say from the beginnyng of Iulius Cesar, whych was the fyrst Emperour of the Romaynes, vnto the ende of Fridericus, whych was the last Emperour of the Romaynes. Vnder thys empire Christ suffered, and other Martirs also suffered for hys names sake. And here is fallen Rome as Babylon (which is all one) according to the maner of speaking in the Apocalyps, as touching the temporall and corporall power of gouernyng. And thus shall she fall also touchyng the spirituall power of gouernyng, for the multitude of the iniquities and spiritual fornication and marchandise that are committed by her in the church.

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MarginaliaThe feete of the image in the dreame of Nabuchodonosar, signifieth Rome.The feete of the image which Nabuchadnesar saw, did betoken the Empire of Rome, and part of them wer of yron, and part of clay and earth. That part that was of yron, fell, and the power thereof vanished awaye, because the power thereof was at an end after certain monethes. That part of clay and earth yet endureth, but it shal vanish awai by the testimony of the prophets: wherupon, saynt Iohn in the Apocalips: After that he saw the part made of yron rysing out of the sea, to whych eche people, tribe, and toung submitted them selues. MarginaliaThe beast with 2. hornes like the lambe, signifieth the spirituall dominion of Rome.And he sawe an other beast commyng out of the earth, whych had two hornes, lyke to the hornes of a Lambe, and hee spake lyke a Dragon, and he vanquished the first beast in hys sight. Thys beast, as seemeth me, doth betokē the clayie and earthen part of the fete of the image, because he came out of the earth. For that by terrene helpe he is made the hygh and chiefe priest of the Romaines, in the church of Christ, and so from alow he ascended on high. But Christ frō heauen descended, because that he which was God and autor of euery creature, becam man: and he that was Lord of Lords, was made in the shape of a seruaunt. And although that in the heauens the company of Angels minister vnto him, he hymself ministred or serued in earth, that he myght teache vs humilitye, by whych a man ascendeth in to heauen, euen as by pryde a man goeth downe into the botomlesse pyt. This beast hath two hornes most like a Lambe, because that he chalengeth to hymselfe bothe the priestly, and kynglye power, aboue all other here in earth. The Lambe þe Christ whiche is a kyng for euer vpon the kyngly seate of Dauid, and he is a prieste for euer after the order of Melchisedech: but hys kyngdome is not of thys worlde, but the kingdome of this beast is of thys world, because those that be vnder hym, fyght for hym. MarginaliaIesus is Chrst a manner of wayes as king and priest.And as Iesus is Christe two manner of wayes, because that Christus is as much to say as Vnctus. He verelye was anoynted kyng, and anoynted priest: so this beast sayth that he is chiefe kyng and priest. Wherefore doth he call himselfe Christ? because that Christ knowing that afore, said: Many shal come in my name, saying I am Christ, and shal deceaue many. MarginaliaThe double sword of the pope.And thus because that he is both kyng & priest, he chalengeth to him selfe the double swoord, that is the corporall sword, and the spirituall sword. The corporal sword is in his right hand, and the spiritual sword is in hys right eie, by the testimony of Zachary. But he speaketh subtilly lyke a Dragon, because that by the testimony of Christe he shall deceaue manye, as the Apoc. witnesseth. He did gret wōders, that also he might make more fyre to come frō heauen into þe earth in the sight of men, that hee myght deceaue those that dwell vpon the earth, because of the wonders that are permitted him to doo in the sight of the beast, and hee ouercame the fyrst beast which ascended out of the sea. For that beast chalenged vnto hym selfe autoritye of gouernment of the whole world. He hath put to death and tormented those that resist hys commaundementes, and would be honored as a god vpon the earth. The bishop of Rome sayth, that the whole world ought to be in subiection vnto him, those that be disobedient vnto hys commaundementes, he putteth in prison, and to death if he can: If he cannot,he excommunicateth them, and commaundeth them to be cast into the deuils dungeon. But he that hath no power ouer the body, muche lesse hath hee power ouer the soule. And trulye hys excommunication, nor the excommunication of any priest vnder hym, shall at that tyme litle hurt hym þt is excommunicate, so that the person of hym that is excommunicate, be not fyrst excommunicat of God through sinne. And thus it seemeth a trouth vnto me, that God thus turneth their blessinges into curssinges, because they geue not due glory vnto hys name. So when that they vniustly excommunicate and curse, he turneth their cursynges into blessynges. MarginaliaThe bish. of Rome seeketh to be worshipped as god.Also the byshop of Rome doth make men to worship hym as God, because that the speciall sacrifice that God doth requyre of vs, is to be obediēt vnto him in the kepyng of hys cōmaundementes. MarginaliaThe commaundements of the pope more regarded then Christes.But now the Popes cōmaundements be commaunded to be kept, and be kept in verye deede, but the commaundements of Christ are contemned and reiected. Thus sitteth the bishop of Rome in the temple of God, shewing hymselfe as a God, and extolleth hymselfe aboue all that whych is called God, or worshypped as God. But in his fall he shal be reuealed, because that euery kyngdome deuided in it selfe, shall be made desolate. He teachyng a truth, is the head of the churche, but the Prophet teachyng a lye, is the tayle of the Dragon. He seducing the world, shall be acknowledged to bee the verity of the doctrine of Christ: but after he is knowen, he shall bee reiected and naught esteemed. He gyueth to small and great, ryche and poore, free and bonde, markes in their ryght handes, and in their forheades: that no man should bie or sell, but those that shall haue the markes of the name of the beast, or that looketh to haue of him some recompence, small, meane, or great, or els the nūber of his name, which number is 300. The Pope sayth that in the administration of euery sacrament, he doth imprint a certaine charecter or marke into the soule of him that receaueth. In baptisme he sayeth that he doth imprint into the soule of him that is baptised, a marke that can not be wyped out, and so likewyse in other sacramentes. MarginaliaIn euery Sacrament 2. thinges cōteined.And I knowe that in a sacrament are two things, that is, the sacramentall signe, and spirituall grace represented by the same signe: the sacramentall signe is geuen to mā of man, but the spirituall grace is geuen of Christ. Wherfore, although a vicious or naughtie priest doth baptise any man, if he that is baptised or his parentes (if he be a childe) doe aske with faythfull meaning baptisme, and doe meane faythfully hereafter to obserue the workes of baptisme: is as well baptised, as if he were baptised of neuer so vertuous a priest. So also the sinner which with all his hart is sory for hys sinnes, and doth aske faythfully mercye of God, is as well absolued of a vicious priest, as of a vertuous. Because the Lambe of God which taketh awaye the sinnes of the world, wypeth away inwardly our sinnes by his grace, because that he is the bishop and pastour of our soules. All other priestes doe outwardlye worke absolution, which know not for a certaintie if they haue absolued or not. So also is it in the other, because that the grace of the sacrament is geuen of God, and the sacramental signe, of man. In geuing of orders, the chiefe byshop doth imprint the corporall markes, but of the spirituall markes, I knowe none: vnles a man will say, that by receauing the order he hath some beliefe that he may worke some thinges pertayning to that order, the which before the receauing of the order he coulde not. But this one thing is, that none in the church ought to sell spirituall marchandise (of which thinges we haue spoken before) vnles he haue the marke of the beast. MarginaliaCaueat emptor.My coūsell is, let the byer beware of those markes. Because that after the fall of Babilon, if any man hath worshipped the beast and her image, and hath receaued þe marke vpon his forhead, and vppon his hand, he shall drinke of

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