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K. Richard. 2. Conclusions put vp to the Parliament.

MarginaliaLatria.for so much as the supreme and highest honor which the clergie calleth Latria, pertayneth only to the Godhead, MarginaliaDulia.and the inferior honour which clergie call Dulia, pertayneth vnto men and Angells, and to none other inferiour creature. The corolarie is, that the seruice of the crosse celebrate twyse euery yeare in our church, is full of idolatry: For if roode, tree, nailes and speare, ought so profoundly to be honoured and worshipped, MarginaliaIudas lips.then were Iudas lippes (if any mā could get them) a maruelous goodly relique. But thou Pilgrime, we pray thee tell vs, whē thou doost offer to the bones of sainctes and holy men which are layd vp in any place: whether doost thou relieue therby the holy man which is already in ioye, or þe almes house that is so well indowed, where as they are canonised (the Lord knoweth howe) and to speake more plaine, euery faithfull Christian may wel iudge and suppose, MarginaliaThe death of Thomas Becket of Caunterbury is not to be counted for martyrdome.that the strokes of that same man, whome they call S. Thomas, were no cause of Martirdom, nor yet be.

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Auriculer confession.
The ix. conclusion that kepeth the people low, is, that auricular confession which is said to be so necessary for saluation, and the fayned power of absolution: exalteth & setteth vp the pryde of priestes, & geueth thē oportunitie of other secrete talkes, which we will not at this time talke of, for so much as both Lordes and Ladies do witnes that for feare of their cōfessors, they dare not speake the truth: MarginaliaConfession the minister of lustand in tyme of confession is good oportunitie ministred, of wooyng, or to play the bawdes, or to make other secret conuentions to deadly sinne. They affirme and say, that they are cōmissaries sent of God to iudge and discerne of all maner sinne, to pardon and clense what soeuer please them. MarginaliaThe impudent boldnes of priestes.They say also, that they haue the keyes of heauen and hell, and that they can excommunicate, curse and blesse, bynde and loose, at theyr owne will and pleasure: in so much, that for a small rewarde or for xij. d. they will sell the blessyng of heauen by charter and clause of warrantes sealed by their common seale. This conclusion is so common in vse, that it needeth not any probation. MarginaliaThe pope treasurer of the church, in stede of treasure layeth vp coales.The corolarie hereof is, that the Pope of Rome whiche fayned hym selfe to bee the profounde treasurer of the whole churche, hauyng that same worthye iewell whiche is the treasure of the passion of Christ in hys owne keping and custodie, together with the merites of all the sainctes in heauen, wherby he geueth fained indulgences and pardons a pena & culpa: He is a treasurer almost banished out of charity, wherby he may deliuer all captiues being in purgatory at his pleasure, and make them not to come there. But here euery faithfull Christian may easely perceiue, that there is much falshood hid in our church.

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How war is lawfull, the proofe by experience.
The tenth, that manslaughter (either by war or by any pretensed law of iustice, for any temporall cause, or spirituall reuelation) is expresly contrary vnto the newe Testament, which is the lawe of grace, full of mercye. This conclusion is euidently proued by the examples of the preaching of Christ here in earth, who chieflye teacheth euery man to loue his enemies, and haue compassion vpon them, & not to kill and murther them. The reason is this, that for the most part when as men do fight, after the firste stroke, charitye is broken: and whosoeuer dieth withoute charitye, goeth the ryghte waye to hell. And beside that, we doo well vnderstande and know that none of the Clergy, neither by any other lawfull reason, canne deliuer anye man from the punishment of death, for one deadly sinne, and not for an other: but the law of mercye which is the newe Testament, forbiddeth all maner of murther. For in the Gospell it is spoken vnto our forefathers, thou shall not kyll. The corolarie is: It is a verye robbing of the people, when Lordes purchase indulgences and pardons a pena et culpa, vnto such as doo helpe their armies to kill and murther the Christian people in forein countries for temporall gaine, as we do see certayne soldiours which do runamongest the Heathen people to get them selues fame and renowme by the murther and slaughter of men. Much more do they deserue euill thankes at the handes of the kyng of peace, for so much as by humility & peace, our fayth is multiplied and increased: for murtherers and māquellers, Christ doth hate and manaseth: he that striketh with the sword, shall perish with the sword.

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Nonnes and widowes which vowe a single lyfe.
The. xj. conclusion is, which is shame to tell: that the vow of chastitiy made in our churche by women whych are frayle & vnperfit in nature, is the cause of bringyng in many great and horrible offences and vices, accident vnto the nature of man. For albeit, the murther of their children borne before their time, and before they are christened, and the destruction of their nature by medicine, are filthy and foule sinnes: yet they accompanieng amōgest them selues, or with vnreasonable beastes, or wyth any creature not hauing lyfe, do passe to such an vnsemelynes, that they are punished by infernal torments. The corolarie is, that widowes and such as take the mantel and the ring delitiouslye fed, we woulde that they were maryed, because that we cannot excuse them from priuate offence of sinne.

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Marginalia12The. xij. that the multitude of Artes not necessarye (vsed in this our church) causeth much sinne and offence in wast, curiositie, and disguising in curious apparell: experience and reason partly doth shew the same, for so much as nature with a few artes, is sufficient for mans vse and necessity.

Thys is the whole tenor of our ambassade whyche Christ hath commaunded vs to prosecute at thys tyme, most fit and cōuenient for many causes. And albeit that these matters be here briefly noted and touched: yet not withstanding, they are more at large declared in an other booke with manye other more in our owne proper toung, which we would should be common to all Christian people. Wherfore, we earnestly desire and beseche God for his great goodnes sake, that he wyll wholy reforme our churche (now altogether out of frame) vnto the perfection of his firste beginning and originall. Ex Archiuis Regiis.

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¶ These verses followyng, were annexed vnto the conclusions.

Plangunt Anglorum gentes crimen Sodomorum,
Paulus fert horum sunt idola causa malorum,
Surgunt ingrati Gyerzite Simone nati,
Nomine prælati hoc defensare parati,
Qui reges estis populis quicunque preestis,
Qualiter his gestis, gladios prohibere potestis?

¶ The which verses are thus Englished.

The Englysh nation doth lament, of Sodomites their synne,
Whych Paule doth playnly signify, by Idoles to begynne.
But Giersitis full ingrate, from sinful Symon sprong.
This to defēd (thogh priests in name) make bulwarks gret & strōg
Ye Princes therfore whych to rule, the people God hath placed,
Wyth iustice sword why see ye not, thys euyl great, defaced?

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After these conclusions were thus proposed in the parliamēt, the king not long after returned home frō Dubline into England, toward the latter ende of the parliament. MarginaliaRichard Stury, Lewes Clifford Tho. Latymer. I. Mountacute, good fauorers.Who at hys returne, called certaine of his nobles vnto hym, Richard Stury, Lewes Clifford, Tho. Latimer, Iohn Mountacute, &c. whome he did sharplye rebuke, and did terribly threaten for þt he heard them to be fauorers of that syde: charging thē straightly, neuer to hold, maintayne, nor fauour any more those opinions & conclusions. And namely of Richard Stury, he toke an othe, that he should neuer from that day, fauour or defend any such opinions: which othe beyng takē, þe king then aunswered. And I sweare (saith he) agayne to thee, that if thou doost euer breake thine othe, thou shalt dye for it ashamefull death, &c. Ex Chron D. Albani.

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All this while W. Courtney Archb. of Cant. was yet alyue, who was a greate stirrer in these matters. MarginaliaPope Vrbane 5. dead.But yet pope Vrbane the great master of the catholike
