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K. Henry. 4. Examination and condemnation of W. Sawtrey. Actes and Mon. of the church.

MarginaliaThe conuocation continuedthe next daye: and continued this conuocation then and there vntyll the morrow. Which morrowe, to wyt, the xix. day of February being come: the foresayd archb. of Canterbury, in the sayd chapter house of S. Paule in London, before his counsell prouinciall, then and there assembled, MarginaliaW. Sawtrey again examinedspeciallye asked and examined the sayde Syr William Sautre there personally present, vpon the sacrament of the aulter, as before. And the same sir William againe in lyke maner as before, aunswered. After this, amongest other things the sayd bishop demaunded of the sayd William, if the same material breade beyng vpon the alter after þe sacramental wordes being of the priest rightly pronounced, is transubstantiated into the very body of Christ, or not? And the sayde sir Wylliam sayd he vnderstoode not what he ment. The the sayde Archbishop demaunded, whither that materiall breade being round and whyte, prepared and disposed for the sacrament of the body of Christ vpon the aulter, wanting nothing that is meete and requisite therunto, by the vertue of the sacramentall wordes being of the priest rightly pronounced, be altered and chaunged into the verye bodye of Christ, and ceaseth anye more to be materiall and very bread, or not? Then the sayd sir William deridingly answering, sayd he could not tell. Then consequently the sayd archb. demaunded, whether he woulde stand to the determination of the holye churche or not, which affirmeth: that in the sacramēt of the aulter, after the wordes of consecration, being ryghtlye pronounced of the priest, the same bread, which before in nature was bread, ceaseth any more to be bread. MarginaliaDetermination of the church so to be followed as it is ioyned to the will of God.To this interrogation, the sayd sir William sayd: that he would stande to the determination of the church, where such determination was not contrary to the wyll of God. Thys done, he demaunded of him agayne, what hys iudgemēt was concerning the sacrament of the aulter: Who sayde and affirmed, that after the woordes of consecration by the priest duly pronoūced, remaineth very bread: & the same bread, which was before the wordes spoken. And this examination about the sacrament lasted from. viij. of the clocke of the same daye, vntill. xj. of the clocke or there abouts: in so muche, that during all this tyme, the foresayd W. would no otherwise aunswer: neither yet touching the same sacrament, receaue catholike information, according to the institutiō of the popes church and hys christian faithe. Wherefore, the said Canterburye, by the counsail and assent of his whole couente then and there present: did promulgate and geue sentence by the mouth of Robert Hall, agaynst the same sir Wylliam Sawtre (being personallye present, & refusing to reuoke his heresies,þt is to say his true doctrine, but cōstātly defēding the same) vnder the tenour of words as foloweth.

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MarginaliaThe sentence against W. Sautre.IN the name of God, Amen: We Thomas by the grace of God archbishop of Cāterbury, primate of Englād, and Legate of the see Apostolical. by the autoritie of god almighty, and blessed saynt Peter and Paule, and of holy church, and by our own autority sytting for tribunall or chiefe iudge, hauyng God alone before our eyes: By the counsell and consent of the whole clergy, our fellowe brethren, and suffragans assistaunce vnto vs in thys present counsell prouinciall, by this our sentence difinitiue, do pronounce, decree, and declare by these presents, thee Wylliam Sawtre, otherwyse called Chawtrey paryshe priest pretensed, personally appearing before vs, in and vpon the crime of heresy: iudicially and lawfully couict as an heretick, and as an heretike to be punished.

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Which sentence diffinitiue being thus read: the foresaid archbishop of Canterbury continued the same prouinciall councell, tyll wedensday next and immediatlye insuing, to wit, the. xxiiij. day of the same moneth of February, which being expired: the bishop of Norwich, according to the commaundement of the sayd archbishop of Canterbury, presented vnto the foresayde Wylliam Sawtry by a certaine friende of hys, beyng present atthe same councell, a certaine processe inclosed and sealed wyth hys seale, giuing the names of credible wytnesses sealed with their seales: the tenour whereof foloweth in this wyse.

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MarginaliaA certayne processe against W. Sautre presented by the bish. of Norwiche.Memorandum, that vpon the last daye of Aprill, in the yeare of our Lord. 1399. in the. vij. indiction and. x. yere of the papacy of Pope Boniface the. 2. In a certain chamber within the manor house of the sayde byshop of Norwich, at South Helinham (where the register of the saide bishop is kept) before the houre of. ix. in a certayne chappell within the sayd manour situate, and the fyrst day of May, then next and immediatlye insuing: in the foresayd chamber, sir William Chatris, parishe priest of the church of S. Margaret in the towne of Lynne, appeared before the bishop of Norwiche, in the presence of Iohn de Derlington, archdeacon of Norwich, doctor of the decrees, Frier Walter Disse, and Iohn Rikinghall professours in diuinitye, William Carlton doctour of both lawes, and W. Frisbey, with Hugh Bridham publike Notaries: and there publikelye affirmed and helde, the conclusions, as before is specified.

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All and singular the premisses the foresaid William affirmed vpon mature deliberation. And afterwards to wyt, the xix. day of May in the yeare, Indiction, and papacie aforesaide, in the chapple within the manor house of the sayd Henry bishop of Norwich, situat at South Helinham: The foresayd sir William, reuoked and renounced all and singular the foresayd hys conclusions: abiuring and correcting all suche heresies and errours, taking hys othe vpon a booke before the foresayd Henry bishop of Norwiche, that from that tyme forwarde he would neuer preach, affirme, nor hold, priuely nor apertly the foresayd conclusions. And that he would pronoūce according to the appoyntment of the sayd byshop, the foresaid conclusions to be erroneous and heresies, in the parysh churches of Lynne and Tilney & in other places at the assignment of the sayd bishop. And farther sware, that he would stand to the ordinance of the sayd bishop, touching the premisses, in the presence of the descret and worshipfull men afore recited with diuers others moe.

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As concerning the first conclusion that he sayd he would not worship the crosse, &c. he confessed hymself to haue erred and that the article was erroneous and submitted hymself. Also as touching the second article, that he sayd he would rather worship a king, &c. he confessed hymselfe to haue erred and the article to be erroneous and submitted hymself, and so forth of all the reast.

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Then next after this, vpon the xxv. day of May in the yeare of our Lorde aforesayd, in the churchyarde of the chapple of S. Iames within the towne of Lynne: The foresayd William, in presence of the foresayd byshop and clergie and the people of the sayd towne of Lenme standing round about: publiquely declared in hys Englishe tonge, the foresaid conclusions to be erroneous and heresies, as was contayned in a certayne scrole. And after this, the xxvj. day of May in the yeare abouesayd, in the church of the hospitall of S. Iohnes of þe sayd towne of Lynne: The sayd sir William, before the said bishop sitting as iudge, sware and tooke hys othe vpon the holy Euangelistes that he woulde neuer after þt time preach openly & publiquely the foresayd conclusions, nor would heare the confessions of any of the subiects of hys dioces of Norwich, without the speciall licence of the sayd byshop, &c. In the presence of Fryer Iohn Smermen, M. Iohn Rikynghale, doctour of diuinitie, W. Carlton doctour of both lawes, & Thomas Bulton officer of the liberty of Lynne aforesayd with diuers others.

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¶ The tenour of the scrole and recantation.

In primis, touching the first and second, where I said, that I would adore rather a tēporall prince, & the liuely bodyes of the saintes then the wodden crosse, wherupon the Lord dyd hange, I do reuoke and recante the same, as being therin deceaued.
