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K. Henry. 4. The degrading of W. Sawtrey.

Marginalia3To this I say, that þe article is fals & erroneous, & by fals informacion, I held it, þt which I renounce & aske forgeuenes thereof, and say that it is a precious relique, and that I shall hold it while I lyue, and that I sweare heare.

Marginalia4I know well that I erred wrongfully, by false informacion: for I wot well, that a Deacon or a priest is more bounde to say his Matines and Houres, then to preach, for therto he is boūdē by right, wherfore I submit me. &c.

Marginalia5Thouchyng that article, I know well that I erred by false informacion. Wherfore I aske forgeuenes.

Marginalia6As concerning vowes, I say, that opinion is false and erroneous, and by false informacion I helde it, for a man is holden to hold his vowe. &c.

Marginalia7To the 7. article I say, þt I dyd it, by autoritye of priesthood, where through I knowledge wel that I haue gilt and trespassed, wherfore I submit me to God and to holy churche, and to you father, swearyng that I shall neuer hold it more.

Marginalia8To þe 8. I say, that I held it by fals & wrong informatiō. But now I know well that it is heresy, and that bread anone as the woorde of the Sacramente is sayde, is no longer bread materiall, but that it is turned into very Christes body and that I sweare heare.

Marginalia9I say that this is false and erroneous. &c.

Marginalia10I say as I sayd. &c.

MarginaliaProces against W. Sawtrey.This beyng done, the xxij. day of February aforesaid in the yeare of our Lord. 1400. in the Chapter house of S. Paule in Lōdon aforesayd: The foresayd Archbishop of Canterbury, In the conuocation of his prelates and clergy and such lyke men there being present, caused the fore recited proces of the Bishop of Norwiche to be read openly and publiquely to Syr William Sautrie otherwise called Chatris. And afterward, he axed the sayd sir William, whether he plainly vnderstood and knew such proces and cōtentes within the same, and he sayd ye. And further he demaunded of him, If he would or could say or obiect any thyng agaynst the proces, and he sayd no. And after that incontinent, the foresayd Archbishop of Canterbury demaūded and obiected agaynst the sayd Syr William as diuers others more did: That after he had before the Byshop of Norwiche, reuoked and abiured Iudicially diuers errours and heresies, that among other errours, and heresies by hym taught, holden, and preached, he affirmed: That in the Sacrament of the aulter after the cōsecration made by the priest as he taught, there remained materiall bread: which heresie amongest others as errours hee also abiured before the foresaide Byshop of Norwiche. MarginaliaEx Regist. Cantuar.Hereunto the foresayd William aunswered smilyngly or in mockyng wyse, saying, and denying that he knew of the premisses. Notwithstāding, he publiquely affirmed that he helde and taught the foresayd thynges after the date of the sayd processe made by the sayd Bishop of Norwich, and that in the same councell also he held the same. Then finally, it was demaunded of the sayd Syr William, why he ought not to bee pronounced as a man fallen into heresie, and further to procede vnto his degradation, accordyng to the canoni-nical sanctions: wherunto he answered nothyng, neyther could he alleadge any cause to the contrary.

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Wherupon, the foresayd Archbishop of Canterbury by the counsaile and consent of the whole Councell, and especially by the counsaile and assent of the reuerend fathers and Byshops, as also, Priours, Deanes, Archdeacons, and other worshipfull doctours and clerkes thē and there present in the councell: That he had decreed to procede to the degradation, and actuall deposing of the sayd Williā Sautrie, as refallen into heresie, & as incorrigible, accordyng to the sentence definitiue put in writyng, the tenour wherof is in wordes as foloweth.

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MarginaliaSentence of Relapse.¶ In the name of God Amen: Wee Thomas by the grace of God Archbyshop of Canterbury, Legate of the see Apostolicall and Metropolitane of all England: do finde and declare, that thou William Sautrie otherwyse called Chatris priest, by vs with the counsaile and assent of all and singular our felow brethren & hole cleargy, bythis our sentence difinitiue declared in writyng, hast ben for heresie conuicte and condemned, and arte (beyng agayne fallen into heresie) to be deposed and degraded, by these presentes.

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And from that day beyng Wedensday, there was in the sayd councell prouinciall nothyng further prosecuted, but was continewed with all dependentes, till the Friday next insuyng. Which Friday approchyng, maister Nicholas Rishton, by the commaundement of the sayd Archbishop of Canterbury, beyng thē busied as he sayd in the Parliamente house: cōtinewed this counsell and conuocation with all incidentes, dependentes, and occasions, growyng and annexed thereunto, to the next day to wit Saterday, next & immediatly after insuyng. Vpon Saterday beyng the xxvi. day of the sayd moneth of February, the foresayd Archb. of Caunterbury, sate in the Byshops seate of the foresayd churche of S. Paul in London, and solemply appareled in his Pontificall attire, sitting with him as his assistentes these reuerend fathers and Byshops, of London, Lyncolne, Harford, Exeter, Meneuensis & Roffensis Episcopi, aboue mentioned: commaunded and caused the sayd Syr William Sautry appareled in priestly vestimentes, to be brought and appeare before him. That done, he declared and expounded in Englishe to all the clergye and people there, in a great multitude assembled: that all proces was finished and ended agaynst þe sayd Syr Williā Sautrie. Which thyng finished, before the pronouncyng of the sayde sentence of the Relapse agaynste the sayd Syr William as is premised, he often then and there recited and read. And for that he sawe the sayd Williā in that behalf, nothyng abashed: He proceded to his degradation and actuall deposition in forme as foloweth.

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MarginaliaSentence of degradation.In nomine patris et filij et spiritus sancti, Amen. We Thomas by Gods permission Archb. of Cant. Primate of all England, and Legate of the Apostolique see: do denoūce thee William Sautre otherwyse called Chautris, chaplin fayned, in the habite and aparell of a priest, as an heretique and one refallen into heresie by thys our sentence definitiue, by counsaile, assent, and authoritie, to be condemned: And by conclusion also of all our fellow brethrē, fellowe bishops, prelates, counsaile prouinciall, and of the whole clergie: do degrade and depriue thee of thy priestly order. MarginaliaThe patten and chalice takē frō hym.And in signe of degradation and actuall deposition from thy priestly dignitie, for thine incorrigibilitie & want of amendmēt: we take frō thee the patent and chalice, & do depriue thee of all power and autoritie of celebrating masse: and also we pul from thy backe, the Casule, and take frō thee the vestiment, and depriue thee of all maner of priestly honour.

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Also, we Thomas the aforesaid Archb. by authoritie counsell, and assent, which vpon the foresayd William we haue, being deacon pretensed, in the habite and aparel of a deacon, hauing the new testament in thy hands, being an heretique and twyse fallen, condemned by sentence as is aforesayd: do degrade and put thee from the order of a deacon. MarginaliaThe booke of a new testamēt takē from him.And in token of this thy degradation and actuall deposition we take from thee the boke of the new testament, and the stole, and doe depriue thee of all authoritie in reading the Gospell, and of all and all maner of dignitie of a deacon.

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Item, we Thomas Archb. aforesayd, by authoritie, counsel, and assent, which ouer thee þe foresaid William we haue, being a subdeacon pretenced, in the habite and vestiment of a subdeacon, and heretique, and twyse fallē, condempned by sentence as is aforesaid: do degrade and put thee from the order of a subdeacon. MarginaliaThe Albe taken from hym.And in token of this thy degradation and actuall deposition, we take frō thee the Albe and Maniple, and do depriue thee of all and all maner of subdiaconall dignitie.

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Also, we Thomas, Archb. aforesayd, by counsaile, assent, and autoritie which we haue ouer thee the foresaid William, an Accolite pretensed, wearing the habite of an Accolite, and heretique, twyse fallen, by our sentēce

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