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K. Henry. 4. Examination of Iohn Badby. Actes and Mon. of the church.

der written: the foresayd Iohn Badby a lay man, of the sayd dioces of Worcester, appearing personally, before the reuerend father in Christ and Lord, Lord Thomas, by the grace of God bishop of Worcester, sitting in the sayd chappell for chiefe Iudge, was detected of and vpō the crime of heresie, being heretically taught, and openly mayntayned by the foresaid Iohn Badby. MarginaliaThe Sacrament of christes body.That is, that the sacrament of the body of Christ, consecrated by the priest vpon the aulter, is not the true bodye of Christ, by the vertue of the wordes of the sacrament. But that after the sacramentall woordes spoken by the prieste to make the bodye of Christ: the materiall breade doth remayne vpon the aulter as in the beginning, neither is it turned into the very body of Christ after the sacramentall woordes spoken of the priest. Which Iohn Badby, being examined and diligently demaunded by the foresayd reuerend father concerning the premisses, in thend did answer: that it was impossible that any priest shuld make the body of Christ, and that he beleued firmly that no priest could make the body of Christ by such wordes sacramentally spoken in such sorte. And also he sayd expressely, that he would neuer whyle he lyued beleue, that any priest could make the body of Christ sacramentally, vnles that first he saw manifestly the like body of Christ to be handled in the hands of the priest vpon the aultar, in his corporall forme. And furthermore he saide, that Iohn Rakier of Bristoll had so much power and authority to make the like body of Christ, as anye priest had. Moreouer he sayd, that when Christ sat at supper wyth his disciples: he had not his body in his hand, to þe intent to distribute it to his disciples: and he sayd expresly, that hee did not thys thing. MarginaliaI can not blame ye that ye are so angry, for it was not for your profite.And also he spake manye other woordes teaching and fortefieng the sayd heresie in the same place, both greuous, and also out of order, and horrible to the eares of the hearers, soundyng agaynst the catholike fayth.

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Vpon which occasion, the same reuerende father admonished and requested the sayde Iohn Badby often tymes, and very instantly to charitie: forsomuche as he would wyllingly þt he should haue forsakē such heresy & opinion, holdē, taught, and mayntayned by him, in such sort against the sacrament, to renounce and vtterly abiure them, and to beleue other things which the holy mother the church doth beleue. And he informed the sayde Iohn on that behalfe both gentlye, and also laudablye. Yet the sayd Iohn Badby, althoughe he were admonished and requested both often and instantly by the sayde reuerend father: sayd and answered expresselye, that he would neuer beleue otherwise then before he had sayde, taught, and aunswered. Wherupon, the foresayd reuerend father bishop of Worcester, seing, vnderstandyng, and perceauing the foresayd Iohn Badby to mayntain and fortefie the sayd heresie, being stubburne, and proceding in the same stubburnes: pronounced the sayd Iohn to be before this time conuicted of suche an heresie, and that he hath bene, and is an heretike, and in the ende declared it in these wordes.

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MarginaliaThe sentence of the Bish. of Worcester against I. BadbyIn the name of God, amen. We Thomas bishop of Worcester, do accuse thee Iohn Badby being a lay man of our dioces, of and vpō the crime of heresie before vs, sitting for chiefe iudge, being oftentimes confessed and conuicted of and vpon that, that thou hast taught and openly affirmed as hetherto thou doest teach, boldlye affirme, and defend: that the sacrament of the bodye of Christ, consecrated vpon the aulter by the priest, is not the true bodye of Christ: But after the sacramentall wordes to make the body of Christ by vertue of the said sacramentall wordes pronounced, to haue been in the crime of heresie: and we do pronounce thee, both to haue been and to be an heretique, and do declare it finally by these writings. These things wer done accordingly as is aboue written and are recited in the yeare, indiction,popedome, month, day and place aforesayd, MarginaliaA rable of monkes & Friers about the condemnatiō of Iohn Badby.being present the same time, Iohn Malune prior of the cathedrall church of Worcester, Iohn Dudle monke, and Iohn Haule the suppriour of the sayd church, Thomas Peninges of the order of the Carmelites, Tho. Fekenham of the order of the preaching fryers, William Pomfret of the order of the minorites, being professours and maisters in diuinitie, William Hailes, Gualter of London, Iohn Swippedew being publique notaries, and Williā Beuchampe and Thomas Gerbrigs being knightes, MarginaliaQuare fremuernut gentes, Psal. 2.Richard Wishe of Tredington, Thomas Wilbe of Hembury, Iohn Weston of Yewley, being persons of churches, and Thomas Baleings, the maister of Saint Wolstone in Worciter, and also Henry Haggely, Iohn Penerell, Thomas Trognorton and William Wasseborne esquiers of þe dioces of Worciter and Norwich, MarginaliaScribes with Pharises.and many other worshipfull and honest men being witnesses and called spiritually to the thinges aforesayd.

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And I Iohn Chew clerke of the dioces of Bathe and Wells, and by the authoritie apostolique, publique notarie of the said bishop: haue in testimonie of þe premisses, put my hand and seale to the examination, interrogation, monition, and aunswere of the same Iohn Badby, and to his obstinacie: and also to the procedings and all and singuler other doings as is aforesaid, which against hym before the sayd bishop were handled and done, in the yeare, indiction, popedome, moneth, day, and place aforesayd, which with the fornamed witnesses was personally present: and the same, euen as I heard them and sawe them to be done (being occupyed with other matters) caused them to be written and published, and into thys publique forme haue compiled the same. I the foresayd notarie am also priuie, vnto the wordes and examinations interlyned betwene vij. or viij. lynes of the beginning of this instrument, which lynes I also the foresayd notarie do approue and make good.

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And I Walter London clerke, of the dioces of Worcester, and by the authoritie apostolicall, publique notarie: to all and singular the foresayd thinges as afore by the foresayd notarie is recited, and in the yeare, indiction, popedome, moneth, day, and place aforesayd were handled and done, being with other the fore recited witnesses personally present: and to all and euery of þe same (as I sawe and heard them to be done being therunto faythful desired and required) In testimonie of the premisses, haue signed and subscribed according to the accustomed manner. Hæc ex Regist. Cant.

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MarginaliaThe aunswer of I. Badby to the articles.And when the articles, in the foresayd instrument cōtayned, were by the Archb. of Cant. publiquely and vulgarly red and approued: he publiquely confessed and affirmed, that he had both sayd and maynteined the same. And then the archb. to conuince the constant purpose of the sayd Iohn Badby, commaunded the same articles agayne to be red, often instructing hym both by wordes and examples, informing and exhorting him that therby he myght be brought the sooner to the religion that he was of. And furthermore, the sayd Archb. sayd and affirmed there openly to the same Iohn: that he would (if he would liue according to þe doctrine of Christ) gage hys soule for hym at the iudgement day. And after that agayne he caused those articles in the sayd instrument expressed, to be red by the foresayd Phillip Morgan, and the sayd Archb. himself expounded the same in Englishe as before: whereunto Iohn Badby aunswered. As touching the first article concerning the bodye of Christ, he expreslye sayd, that after the consecration at the aulter, there remayneth materiall bread, and the same bread which was before: notwithstāding (sayd he) it is a signe or sacrament of the liuing God.

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Also, when the second article was expounded vnto hym, that it is impossible for any priest &c. To this article he aunswered and sayd, that it could not sinke into
