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K. Henry. 4. Constitutions of the Archbishop against the Gospellers. Actes and Mon. of the church.

thou confirme and reduced hym in the ryght waye again. MarginaliaMarke well the popes diuinitieWhich thyng no doubt, the Lord would neuer haue sayd vnto him, if he had so minded, that the rest should be obedient to him. MarginaliaAn argument far set that true doctrine consisteth in making one heade of the church.And yet all this notwithstādyng, we know and dayly proue that we are sory to speake, how the olde Sophister, the enemy of mankynd (foreseing and fearyng lest the sounde doctrine of the churche determined from auncient tymes by the holy forefathers, should withstād his malices, if it might kepe the people of God in vnitie of fayth vnder one head of the churche) doth therfore endeuoure by all meanes possible, to extirpe the sayd doctrine, feyning vices to be vertues. And so vnder false pretenses of veritie dissimuled, soweth discord in catholique people, to the intent, that some goyng one way, some an other: He in the meane tyme, may gather to hym selfe a churche of the malignant, differyng wickedly from the vniuersall mother holy churche. MarginaliaHow aptly he painteth the procedinges of his owne popish church.In the which, Sathan transformyng him selfe into an aungell of lyght, bearyng a lyeng and deceatfull balaunce in hys hand, pretendeth great rightuousnes, in contrarying the aunciēt doctrine of the holy mother Churche, and refusyng the traditions of the same determined and appoynted by holy fathers: persuadyng men (by feyned forgeryes) the same to bee naught: and so inducyng other new kyndes of doctrine, leadyng to more goodnes, as he by hys lyeng persuasions pretendeth, although he in very truth neither wylleth nor myndeth any goodnes, but rather that he may sowe schismes, wherby diuers opinions and contrary to them selues beyng raysed in the Churche: fayth thereby may be diminished, and also the reuerend holy mysteries through the same contention of wordes may be prophaned, with Paganes, Iewes, and other infidels, and wicked myscreantes. MarginaliaApoc. 6.And so that figure in the Apocalips. 6. is well verifyed, speaking of him that satte on the blacke horse, bearyng a payre of balaunce in hys hande, by the whiche heretikes are vnderstande. Who at the fyrst appearaunce lyke to weightes or balance, make as though they woulde set foorth ryght and iuste thynges, to allure the hartes of the hearers. MarginaliaThe figure of the black horse in the Apoc. doctorlye expounded.But afterward, appeareth the blacke horse, that is to saye, their intention, full of cursed speakyng. For they vnder a diuerse shewe and colour of a iuste balance, with the tayle of a blacke horse sprynklyng abroad heresyes and erroures, doe stryke. And beyng poysoned them selues, vnder colour of good, rayse vp infinite slaunders, and by certayne persons fytte to doe mischiefe, doe publishe abroade as it were, the sugered taste of honye mixte with poyson, thereby the sooner to bee taken: working and causing throughe their sleite subtleties, that errour shoulde be taken for veritie, wickednes for holines, and for the true will of Christ. Yea and moreouer, the foresayd persons thus pycked out, doe preache before they be sent, and presume to sowe the seede, before the seede discretly be separate from the chaffe. Who not pondering the constitutions & decrees of the Canons, prouided for the same purpose agaynst such pestilent sowers, doe preferre sacrifice Diabolicall (so to terme it) before obedience geuen to the holy church militant.

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MarginaliaBehold the true image of Wolues vnder shepes clothing.We therefore considering, and weyeng, that erroure which is not resisted, seemeth to be allowed, and that he openeth hys bosome to wyde, which resisteth not the vipere thinkyng there to thrust out her venyme: And willing moreouer to shake of the duste from our feete, and to see to the honour of the holy mother church, wherby one vniforme holy doctrine maye be sowen and planted in the church of God (namely in thys our prouince of Canterbury) so muche as in vs doth lye, to the encrease of fayth and seruice of God, fyrst rooting out the euill weedes and offendicles which by the meanes of peruerse preaching, and madde doctrine haue spronge vp hetherto, and are lyke more hereafter to growe: purposing by some conuenient way, with all diligence possible to withstand in tyme & to prouide for the perill of soules, which we see to ryse vnder pretense of the premisses: also to remoue all such obstacles, by which the sayd our purpose may be stopped, by the aduise and assent of all our suffragans and other prelates, being present in thys our conuocation of the clergye, as also of the procurators of thē that be absent: and at the instant peticion of the procuraters of the whole clergie within thys oure prouince of Cant. for the more fortification of the common lawe in thys parte, adding therunto punishment and penaltyes condigne as be here vnder written, wee will and commaund, ordeine and decree.

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MarginaliaThe first constitutiō.That no maner of person secular or regular, being autorised to preache by the lawes now prescribed, or licensed by speciall priuiledge: shall take vpon hym the office of preaching the word of God, or by any meanes preach vnto the clergy or laytie, either in the church or without, in Latine or in English, except he fyrst present hym self, and be examined of the Ordinarye of the place where he preacheth. And so being found a fyt person, as wel in maners, as knowledge: he shall be sent by the sayd Ordinary, to some one church or more, as shall be thought expedient by the sayd Ordinary, according to the qualitye of the person. MarginaliaNo priestes to preach, but by limitatiō of the prelates.Nor anye person aforesayde shall presume to preache, except fyrst he giue faythfull signification in due forme of hys sendyng and autority, that is: That he that is autorised, do come in forme appointed him in that behalfe: and those that affirme they come by speciall priuiledge, do shew their priuiledge vnto the Person or Vicar of the place where they preach. And those þt pretende them selues to be sent by the Ordinary of the place, shall likewyse shewe the Ordinaries letters made vnto hym for that purpose, vnder hys great seale. Let vs alwayes vnderstād, the Curate (hauing the perpetuitie) to be sent of right vnto the people of hys own cure. But if any person aforesayde, shall bee bydden by the Ordinarye of the place, or any other superiour to preache, by reason of hys errours and heresies whych before peraduēture he hath preached and taught: that then and from thence forth, he abstayne from preaching within our prouince: vntyll he haue purged hymselfe, and be lawfully admitted againe to preach, by the iust arbitrement of him that suspended & forbad him. And shal alwais after þt, cary wyth him to all places where so euer he shall preach, the letters testimoniall of hym that restored hym. Moreouer, the paryshe Priestes or Vicars temporall, not hauing perpetuities, not being sent in forme aforesayd, shall simplye preach in the churches where they haue charge, onely those things whych are expressely contayned in the prouinciall constitution set forth by Iohn our predecessor of good memorye, to helpe the ignoraunce of the Priestes, which beginneth: Ignorantia Sacerdotum: Whych boke of constitutions, we would should be had in euery parishe churche in our prouince of Canterbury, within thre monethes next after publication of these presentes, and (as therein is required) that it be effectually declared by the priests them selues yearely, and at the tymes appoynted. And least thys wholesome statute, mught bee thought hurtfull of some, by reason of payment of money, or some other difficultie: we therefore wyll and ordayne, that the examination of the persons aforesayde, and the making of theyr letters by the Ordinary, be done gratis and freely, wythout any exaction of mony at all, by those to whom it shal appertayne. And if any man shall wyllingly presume to violate thys our statute grounded vpon the old law, after the publication of the same: he shall incurre the sentence of greater excommunication ipso facto: whose absolution we specially reserue by tenour of these presentes, to vs and our successors. But if any such preacher despysing thys wholesome statute, and not waying the sentence of greater excommunication, doo the seconde tyme take vpon hym to preach: saying and alledging, & stoutly affirming, that the sentence of greater excommunication aforesayd, cannot be appoynted by the church in the persons of the prelates of the same: That then, the superiours of the place, do woorthely rebuke hym, and forbyd hym from the communion of all faythfull Christiās. And that the said person hereupon lawfulfy conuicted (except he recant, and abiure after the maner of the churche) bee pronounced an hereticke by the Ordinarye of the place. And that from thēce forth, he be reputed and taken for an heretike and schismaticke, and that he incurre (ipso facto) the penalties of heresy & schismacy, expressed in the law: And chiefly, that his goods be adiudged confiscate by the law, and apprehēded and kept by them, to whom it shall appertayne. And that hys fautours, receauers, and defenders beyng conuicted, in all cases by lykewyse punished, if they cease not of, wythin one moneth, being lawfullye warned thereof by the superiours.

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MarginaliaConstit. 2.Furthermore, no Clergye man or parochians of anye parish or place within our prouince of Canturbury, shal admit any man to preach within their churches, churchyardes, or other places whatsoeuer, except fyrst there be manifest knowledge had of hys autoritye, priuiledge, or sendyng thether, according to the order aforesayd: Otherwyse, the Churche, Churchyard, or place whatsoeuer, in

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