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K. Henry. 4. Conclusions of the Archbishop against Gods worde.

whiche it was so preached, shall ipso facto, receaue the ecclesiasticall interdicte, and so shall remayne interdicted, vntyll they that so admitted and suffered hym to preache, haue reformed them selues, and obtayned the place so interdicted to be released in due forme of law, eyther form the Ordinary of the place, or hys superiour.

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MarginaliaConstit. 3Moreouer, lyke as a good housholder casteth wheate into the ground (wel ordered for that purpose) therby to get the more encrease: euen so we wyll and commaunde, that the preacher of Gods woord, comming in forme aforesayd, preaching eyther vnto the Clergy or Laity, according to hys matter proponed: shall be of good behauiour, sowyng such seede as shall be conuenient for hys auditory. And chiefly preching to the Clergy, he shal touch the vices vsed amongest them, and to the Laitye he shall declare the vices commonlye vsed among them, and not otherwyse:MarginaliaWhat tyrannye is this to binde the preachers mouth what to say. But if he preach contrary to thys order, then shall he be sharply punished by the Ordinarye of þe place, according to the qualitie of the offence.

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MarginaliaConstit. 4.Item, forasmuch as the part is vyle, that agreeth not wyth the whole: we do decree and ordayne, that no preacher aforesayd, or any other person whatsoeuer, shall otherwise teach or preach concerning the sacrament of the aultar, matrimony, confession of synnes, or any other sacrament of the church, or article of the fayth, then that already is discussed by the holye mother churche, nor shall bryng anye thyng in doubte, that is determined by the churche: MarginaliaA barre for the preachers.nor shall to his knowledge priuelye or apertly pronounce, blasphemous words concerning the same, and shall teache, preach, or obserue anye sect, or kynde of heresy whatsoeuer, contrary to the wholesome doctrine of the church. He that shall wyttingly and obstinatly attempt the contrary, after the publicatiō of these presēts, shall incurre the sentence of excommunication ipso facto: From the whych (except in poynt of death) he shall not be absolued, vntyll he hath reformed hym selfe by abiuration of hys heresye, at the discretion of the Ordinarye in whose territory he so offended, and hath receaued wholsome penitence for hys offences. But if the seconde tyme he shall so offend, beyng lawfullye conuicted, he shall be pronounced an hereticke, and hys goods confiscate and apprehended, and kept by them to whom it shall appertayne. The penaunce before mēcioned, shall be after this maner: If any man contrary to the determination of the church, that is, in the decrees, decretals, or our constitutions prouinciall, do openly or priuely teache or preache any kinde of heresy or sect: he shall, in the parish churche of the same place, where he so preached, vpon one sonday or other solemne day, or more, at the discretion of the Ordinary, and as his offence is more or les: expresly reuoke that he so preached, taught, or affirmed, euen at the tyme of the solemnitie of Masse, when the people are most assembled, and there shall effectuallye and without fraude preache, and teache the verye truthe determined by the church: and further shall bee punished after the qualitie of hys offence, as shal be thought expedient to the discretion of the Ordinary.

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MarginaliaConstit. 5.Item, forasmuch as a new vessell being long vsed, sauereth after the heade, wee decree and ordayne, that no Scholemaisters and teachers whatsoeuer, that instruct children in Grammer, or others whom soeuer, in primitiue sciences: MarginaliaA caueat for schole mastersshall in teaching them, intermingle anye thing concerning the catholike fayth, the Sacrament of the aultar, or other sacramentes of the churche, contrarye to the determinations of the churche. Nor shall suffer theyr scholers to expound the holye scripture (except the text as hathe bene vsed of auncient tyme) nor shall permit them to dispute openly or priuely concerning the catholike faith or sacraments of the church. Contrarywise, the offender herein shall bee greuouslye punished by the Ordinarye of the place, as a fauourer of errours and schismes.

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MarginaliaConstit. 6.
Bookes of Iohn Wickleffe forbidden.
Item, for that a new way doth more frequently leade astray, then an old way: we wyl and commaund, that no booke or treatise made by Iohn Wycklyffe, or other whō soeuer, about that time or sithēs, or hereafter to be made: be from hencefoorth read in scholes, halles, hospitals, or other places whatsoeuer, within our prouince of Canterbury aforesayd, except the same be fyrst examined by the vniuersity of Oxford or Cambrige, or at the least by. xij. persons, whom the sayd vniuersities or one of them shal appoynt to be chosen at our discretion, or the laudable discretion of our predecessors: and the same beyng examined as aforesayd, to be expressely approued and allowed by vs or our successours, and in the name and autorityeof the vniuersity, to be deliuered vnto the Stacioners to be copied out, & the same to be sold at a reasonable price, the originall thereof alwayes after, to remayne in some chest of the Vniuersity. But if anye man shall reade anye such kynde of boke in scholes or otherwyse, as aforesaid: he shal be punished as a sower of schisme, and a fauourer of heresy, as the qualitie of the fault shall require.

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MarginaliaConstit. 7.Item, it is a daungerous thyng (as witnesseth blessed S. Ierome) to translate the text of holy Scripture out of one tonge into an other: for in þe trāslation, the same sense is not alwayes casely kept, MarginaliaHe confesseth that S. Ierome erred in his the same S. Ierome confesseth, that although he were inspired, yet oftentymes in this, he erred. We therfore decree and ordeine, that no mā hereafter by his owne authoritie, translate any text of the Scripture into English, or any other toūgue by way of a boke, libell, or treatise: MarginaliaAnd yet the said Archb. comended Quene Anne, for hauyng the scripture in english.and that no man read any such boke, libell, or treatise, now lately set forth in the tyme of Iohn Wickleffe, or sithens, or hereafter to be set forth, in parte or in whole, priuily, or appertly: vpon payne of the greater excōmunication, vntill þe sayd translation be allowed by the ordinary of the place, or (if the case so require) by the councell prouinciall: He that shall do contrary to this, shall likewise be punished as a fauourer of errour and heresie.

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MarginaliaConstit. 8.Item, for that almightye God can not bee expressed with any Philosophicall termes or otherwise inuēted of man: And S. Augustine sayth, that he hath oftentimes reuoked such conclusions as hath been most true, because they haue been offensiue to the eares of the religious: MarginaliaTermes and propositions in disputyng to be obserued.We do ordeyne & specially forbid, that no maner of person of what state degree or cōdition soeuer he be, do alleadge or propone any conclusions or propositiōs in the catholike faith, or repugnant to good maners (except necessary doctrine perteining to their facultie of teaching or disputing in their scholes or otherwise) although they defend þe same wt neuer so curious termes & wordes. For as sayth blessed S. Hugh of the Sacraments, þt which oftentimes is wel spokē, is not wel vnderstode. Yf any man therfore after þe publicatiō of these presētes, shalbe conuict wittingly to haue proponed such conclusiōs or propositiōs, except (being monished) he reforme him selfe within one mōth, by vertue of this present constitution: He shall incurre þe sentēce of greater excommunication Ipso facto, & shalbe opēly pronounced an excōmunicate, vntil he hath confessed his fault openly in the same place where he offended, and hath preached the true meaning of the sayd conclusion or proposition, in one church or more, as shalbe thought expedient to the ordinary.

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MarginaliaConstit. 9.Item, no maner of person shall presume to dispute vppon the articles determined by the churche, as is conteyned in the decrees, decretalles, our constitutions prouinciall, or in the generall councels. But onely to seeke out the true meanyng thereof, and that expressely, whether it be openly or in secret: MarginaliaAutoritie of the popes decretals not to be doubted vnder payne of heresy.nor none shall call in doubt the authoritie or the sayd decretals or constitutions, or the authoritie of him that made them, nor teach any thyng contrary to the determinatiō therof: And chiefly, concerning the adoration of the holy crosse, the worshipyng of Images, of saintes, goyng on pilgrymage to certaine places, or the reliques of saints, or agaynst the othes in cases accustomed to bee geuen in both common places, that is to say, spirituall and temporall: MarginaliaAdoratiō of the crosse.But of all it shalbe commōly taught and preached, that the crosse and Image of the crucifixe, and other Images of saintes in the honour of them whom they represent, are to bee worshipped with procession, bowyng of knees, offryng of francke incense, kissyngs, oblations, lightyng of candels, and pilgrimages, * Marginalia* With all abhomination.and withall other kynd of ceremonies and maners that hath been vsed in the time of our predecessours: And that geuyng of othes in cases expressed in the law, and vsed of all men to whom it belongeth in both commō places, ought to bee done vpon the booke of the Gospell of Christ. Cōtrary vnto this who soeuer doth preach, teach, or obstinatly affirme (except he recāt in maner and forme aforesayd) shal forthwith incurre the penaltie of heresye, and shalbe pronounced an heretike, in all effect of law.

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MarginaliaConstit. 10.
No priest to celebrate without their letters of orders.
Item, we do decree and ordeyne, that no chapleine bee admitted to celebrate in any dioces within our prouince of Canterbury, where he was not borne, or not receaued orders: excepte he bryng with hym his letters of orders, and letters commendatorie from his ordinary, and also from other Byshops in whose dioces of a long tyme he hath been conuersaunt, wherby his conuersation and maners may apeare: So that it may be known, whether he hath ben diffamed with any new opinions touching the

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