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K. Henry. 4. Examination of maister W. Thorpe.

arte nowe withstanded and brought into my warde, MarginaliaThe grace of God and of my Lord of Canterbury be 2. that I shall now sequester thee from thine euill purpose, and let thee to enuenime the shepe of my prouince. Neuertheles S. Paule saith: If it may be, as much as in vs is, we owe to haue peace with all men. Therfore William, if thou wilt now mekely and of good hart, without any fayning, knele down and lay thy hand vpon a boke and kisse it, promising faythfully as I shall here charge thee, that thou wilt submit thee to my correction, & stand to myne ordinaunce, MarginaliaYour ordinance, and why not to gods ordinance if it please your grace?and fulfill it duely by all thy cunning and power, thou shalt yet finde me gracious vnto thee. Than sayd I to the Archb. Syr, since ye deme me an heretike & out of beleue, wil ge geue me here audiēce to tell my beleue. And he sayd, yea tell on. And I sayd, I beleue that there is not but one God almightie, & in this Godhead, and of this Godhead, are three persons, that is, the father, the sonne, and the sothefast holy ghost. And I beleue, that all these three persons are euen in power and in cunning, and in myght, full of grace and of all goodnes. For whatsoeuer that the father doth or can or will, that thyng also the sonne doth and can and will: and in all their power, cunning & will, the holy ghost is equall to the father and to the sonne. Ouer this I beleue, that through counsell of this moste blessed Trinitie, in most conuenient time before ordained for the saluatiō of mākinde, the second person of this Trinitie, was ordayned to take the forme of man, that is, the kinde of man. And I beleue, that this second person our Lord Iesu Christ, was conceaued through the holy ghost, into the wombe of the moste blessed Virgin Mary, without mans seede. And I beleue, þt after ix. monethes Christ was borne of thys moste blessed Vyrgin, wtout any paine or breaking of þe closter of her wombe, & wtout filth of her virginitie. And I beleue, that Christ our sauiour was circumcised in the eight day after his birth, in fulfilling of the lawe, & his name was called Iesus, which was so called of the Aungell, before that he was conceiued in the wombe of Mary his mother. And I beleue that Christ, as hee was about thirty yeare old, was baptised in the flood of Iordane of Iohn Baptist: and in the likenes of a Doue the holy ghost descended there vppon him, and a voice was hearde from heauen saying: Thou art my welbeloued sonne, in thee I am ful pleased. And I beleue, that Christ was moued then by þe holy ghost, for to go into desart, & there he fasted forty daies and forty nightes without bodely meate and drinke. And I beleue, that by and by after his fasting, when the manhoode of Christ hungered, the feende came to him, and tempted him in glottonye, in vayne glory, and in couetise: but in all those temptations, Christ concluded the feend, and withstod him. And then without tarying, Iesu began to preach and to saye vnto the people: do ye penaunce, for the realme of heauē is now at hand. I beleue that Christ in all his tyme here liued most holily, and taught the will of his father most truly: and I beleue that he suffered therfore, most wrōgfully, greatest repriefes and despisinges. And after this, when Christ would make an end here of his temporall life, I beleue that in the day next before þt he wold suffer passiō on the morne: In forme of bread and of wyne, he ordained the sacrament of his fleshe and his bloode, MarginaliaThat is vnder the creatures of bread and wyne.that is, his owne precious bodye, and gaue it to his Apostles for to eate: commaunding them, and by them all theyr after commers, that they should do it in this forme that he shewed to them, vse them selues, and teache & comon forth to other men and women this most worshipfull holyest sacrament, in mindfulnes of his holiest liuing, and of hys most true teaching, and of his wylfull and patiēt suffryng of the most paynful passion. And I beleue, that thys Christ our sauiour, after that he had ordayned this most worthy sacramēt of his own precious body: he wēt forth wilfully against his enemies, and he suffered them most paciently to laye their handes most violently vponhim, and to binde him, and to lead him forth as a thiefe, and to scorne him, and buffet him, and all to blow or file hym with their spyttinges. Ouer this, I beeleue that Christ suffred most meekely and paciently his enemies, for to ding oute with sharpe scourges the bloude that was betwene hys skin and hys flesh: yea, wythout grudging Christ suffred the cruel Iewes to crowne him with most sharpe thornes, & to strike him with a reede. And after, Christ suffred wicked Iewes to draw hym out vpon the crosse, and for to naile him thereupō hand and foote. And so thorow his pityfull naylyng, Christ shed out wilfully for mās lyfe, the bloud that was in his vaines. And then Christe gaue wilfully his spirite into the handes or power of his father, and so, as he wold, & when he would, Christ dyed wilfully for mans sake vpon the crosse. And notwithstandyng that Christ was wilfully, paynefully, and most shamefully put to death, as to the worlde: there was left bloud and water in his heart as before ordened, that he would shed out this bloud & this water for mans saluation. And therfore he suffered the Iewes to make a blind knight to thrust him into the heart with a speare, & this the bloud and water that was in hys heart, Christ would shed out for mans loue. And after this, I beleue that Christ was taken down from the crosse and buried. And I beleue that on the third day by power of his Godhead, Christ rose agayne from death to lyfe. And the xl. day thereafter, I beleue that Christ ascēded vp into heauen, and that he there sitteth on the right hand of the father almighty. And the fifteth day after this vp goyng, he sent to his Apostles the holy Ghost, that he had promised them before. And I beleue that Christ shall come & iudge all mākyng, some to euerlasting peace, and some to euerlastyng paynes. And as I beleue in the father and in the sonne, that they are one God almighty, so I beleue in the holy Ghost that he is also with thē the same God almighty. And I beleue an holy churche, MarginaliaWhat is the holy church.that is, all they þt haue ben, and that now are, & alwayes to the end of the world shalbe, a people the which shall endeuour them to know and to kepe the commaundemētes of God, dredyng ouer all thyng to offende God, and louing and sekyng most to please hym. And I beleue, that all they that haue had and yet haue, and all they that yet shall haue the foresaid vertues, surely standyng in the belief of God, hopyng stedfastly in his mercyfull doynges, continuyng to their end in perfect charitie, wilfully, paciently and gladly sufferyng persecutions, by the example of Christ chiefly and his Apostles, all these haue their names written in the booke of lyfe. MarginaliaThe true notes of the true church.Therefore I beleue, that the gatheryng together of this people, lyuing now here in this lyfe, is the holye churche of God, fighting here on earth against the feende, the prosperitie of the worlde, and their fleshly lustes. Wherfore, seyng that all the gatheryng together of this church before sayd, and euery part therof, neither coueteth, nor willeth, nor loueth, nor seeketh, any thyng but to eschew the offence of God and to do his pleasyng will: mekely, gladly, and wilfully wt all myne heart, I submit my selfe vnto this holy Churche of Christ, to be euer buxsome and obedient to the ordinaunce of it, and of euery member thereof, after my knowledge & power by the helpe of God. Therfore I knowledge now and euermore shall, if God wil, that wt all my heart and wt all my might, I will submit me onely to the rule and gouernaunce of them, whom after my knowledge, I may perceiue by the hauing and vsing of the before said vertues, to be members of the holy churche. Wherfore, these articles of belief and all other (both of the olde lawe and of þe new, whiche after the cōmaundement of God any mā ought to beleue) I beleue verely in my soule, as a sinfull deadly wretche of my cunnyng and power, ought to beleue: praying the Lord God for his holy name, for to encrease my belief and helpe my vnbelief.

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And for because to the praysing of Gods name, I de
