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K. Henry. 4. Examination of maister W. Thorpe.

are all fast grounded vpon the sure stone Christ, hearyng his worde and louyng it, exercising them faithfully and continually in all their wittes to do there after.

And the Archbyshop sayd to his clerkes. See ye not how his hart is indurate, and how he is traueled with þe deuill, occupying him thus busely to alledge such sētēces to maintaine his errours and heresies? Certain, thus he would occupie vs here all day, if we would suffer him.

One of the clerkes aūswered. Syr, he sayd right now, that this certification that came to you from Shrewsbery, is vntruely forged agaynst him. MarginaliaWell helpte forwarde M. Clarke.Therfore Syr, appose you him now here in all þe points which are certified agaynst hym, and so wee shall heare of his owne mouth his aunsweres, and witnes them.

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And the Archbishop tooke the certification in his hād, and looked thereon a while, and then he sayd to me.

MarginaliaThe foresayd articles renued against Thorpe.Lo here it is certified agaynst thee, by worthy men & faithfull of Shrewsbery, that thou preachedst there opēly in S. Chaddes churche: that the Sacrament of the altar was materiall bread after þe consecration, what sayst thou? Was this truly preached?

And I said: Sir, I tell you truly, that I touched nothing there of the sacramēt of the altar, but in this wise, as I will with Gods grace tell you here. As I stood ther in the pulpit, busieng me to teach the commaundement of God: there knilled a sacring bell, and therefore mikle people turned away hastely, and with noyse ran fro towardes me. And I seing this, sayd to them thus: Good men, ye were better to stand here still, and to heare gods word. MarginaliaThe vertue of the sacrament standeth in the belief, more then in the outward signe.For certes, the vertue and the meede of the most holy sacrament of the aultar, standeth mikle more in the beliefe thereof, that ye ought to haue in your soule, then it doth in the outward sight thereof. And therefore, ye were better to stand still quietly to heare Gods woord, because that through the hearing thereof, men come to very true belief. And otherwise sir, I am certain I spake not there, of the worthy sacrament of the aultar.

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And the archbishop said to me: I beleue thee not what soeuer thou sayest, since so worshipfull men haue witnessed thus agaynst thee. But since thou deniest that thou saydest thus there, what sayest thou now? MarginaliaMateriall breade.Resteth there after the consecration in the host, material bread or no?

And I said: Sir, I know in no place in holy scripture, where this terme materiall bread is written: and therefore sir, whē I speake of this matter, I vse not to speake of materiall bread.

Than the Archbishop said to me: How teachest thou men to beleue in this sacrament?

And I sayd: Sir, as I beleue my selfe, so I teache other men.

He said, tell out plainly thy beliefe thereof.

And I sayd with my protestation: Sir, I beleue that the night before that Christ Iesu would suffer (wylfully) passion for mankinde: on the morne after, he tooke bread in his holy and most worshipfull handes, lyfting vp hys eyes, and geuing thankes to God his father, blessed this bread, and brake it, and gaue it to his disciples, saying to them: Take and eate of this all you, this is my body. And that this is and ought to bee all mens beliefe, Mathew, Marke, Luke and Paule witnesseth. Other belief sir haue I none, nor wil haue, nor teach: for I beleue, that this sufficeth in this matter. For in this beliefe wt Gods grace I purpose to liue and die, knowledging as I beleue and teach other men to beleue: that the worshipfull sacrament of the altar, is the sacrament of Christs flesh and his blood, in fourme of bread and wine.

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And the Archbishop sayd to me. It is sooth that this sacrament is very Christes bodye in fourme of breade. But thou & thy sect teachest it to be substaunce of bread. Thinke you this true teaching?

And I sayd: Neither I, nor anye other of the sect that ye damne, teache any other wise then I haue tolde you,nor beleue otherwise to my knowing. Neuertheles sir, I aske of you for charitie, that ye will tell me here plainly, how ye shall vnderstand this text of saint Paul, wher he sayth thus: Thys thyng feele you in your selfe þt is in Christ Iesu, while he was in the fourme of God. Sir, calleth not Paule here the fourme of God, the substance or kinde of God? Also sir, saith not the church in the houres of the most blessed virgin accordingly hereto, wher it is written thus? Thou author of health rememember, that sometyme thou tooke of the vndefiled virgin, the forme of our body. Tell me for charity therefore, whether the fourme of our body, be called here the kinde of our bodye or no?

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And the archbishop said to me: Wouldest thou make me to declare this text after thy purpose, since the church now hath determined: MarginaliaThe papistes haue none other defēce for them, but only the church, the church.that there abideth no substaunce of bread after the consecration, in the sacrament of the aultar? Beleuest thou not this ordināce of þe churche?

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And I sayd: Sir, whatsoeuer Prelates haue ordayned in the church, our belief standeth euer whole. MarginaliaEuery ordināce of churchmen byndeth not our fayth.I haue not heard, that the ordinance of men vnder belief, shuld be put into beliefe.

And the archbishop said to me: If thou hast not learned this before, learne now to knowe that thou art out of beliefe, If in this matter and other, thou beleuest not as the holy church beleueth. What saye Doctours treating of this Sacrament?

MarginaliaThe greatest doctors of the church be Apostles.And I sayd: Sir, saint Paule that was a great doctor of holy church, speaking to the people, and teachyng them the right beliefe of this most holy sacrament: MarginaliaS. Paule calleth it bread.calleth it bread that we breake. And also in the Canon of the Masse after the consecration: MarginaliaThe Canon of the masse calleth it bread.this most worthy Sacrament is called holy breade. And euerye priest in thys land, after that he hath receiued this sacrament, saith in this wise: That thing that we haue takē wt our mouth we pray God that we may take it wyth a pure & cleane mynde. That is as I vnderstand, we pray God that we may receiue thorowe very beliefe, this holy sacrament worthely. And sir, saint Augustin sayth: MarginaliaS Austen calleth it bread.that thing that is sene, is bread: but that mens faith asketh to be informed of, is very Christes body. And also, Fulgence an ententife doctour sayth: As it were an errour to saye that Christ was but a substaunce, that is, very man, and not very God: or to say that Christ was very God, and not verye man: so is it (this doctour saith) an errour to say, that the sacrament of the aulter is but a substance. And also sir, accordingly hereto, in the secreat of the midde Masse on Christmasse day, it is written thus: MarginaliaThe secret of the masse on Christmas day, nameth it a terrene substance.Idem refulsit deus, sic terrena substantia nobis conferat quod diuinum est: which sentence sir, with the secret of the fourth fery, quatuor temporū Septēbris: I pray you sir declare here openly in english.

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And the archbishop said to me, I perceiue wel inough where about thou art, and how the deuill blindeth thee, that thou may not vnderstande the ordinaunce of holye church, nor consent therto. MarginaliaMy Lord can reuile apase, he can declare but a little.But I commaund thee now, aunswer me shortly: Beleuest thou that after the consecration of thys foresayde sacrament: there abideth substaunce of bread, or not?

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And I sayde: Sir, as I vnderstande it is all one to graunt or beleue, that ther dwelleth substance of bread, and to graunt and to beleue, that this most woorthy sacrament of Christes own body is accident without subiect. MarginaliaChoke hym vp my Lord.But sir, for as mikle as your asking passeth myne vnderstanding, I dare neither deny it nor graunt it, for it is schole matter, about which I besied me neuer for to knowe: MarginaliaTo graunt the reall beyng of the body without bread, is as much as to graunt, the accidēt to be without the subiect.and therefore I commit this terme accidens sine subiecto, to those clarkes, which delite them so in curious and subtile sophistry, because they determine oft so difficult and straunge matters, and wade and wander so in them from argument to argument, wyth pro & contra, till that they wot not where they are, and vn-

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