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K. Henry. 4. Examination of Maister W. Thorpe. Actes and Mon. of the church.

derstād not them selues. MarginaliaAgainst proud Sophisters.But the shame that these proud Sophisters haue, to yelde them to men and before men, maketh them oft fooles, and to be concluded shamefully before God.

And the Archbishop said to me: I purpose not to oblige thee to the subtile arguments of Clarkes, MarginaliaTemplum domini, Templū domini.since thou art vnable thereto: but I purpose to make thee obey to the determination of holy church.

And I sayd, sir by open euidence and great wytnes, a thousand yeare after the incarnation of Christ: the determination whych I haue here before you rehearsed, was accept of holy church as sufficient to the saluation of all them that would beleue it faythfully, and woorke therafter charitably. MarginaliaThe church stoode sound till the fiende broke lose.But sir, the determination of this matter which was brought in since the feend was losed by frier Thomas againe, MarginaliaTransubstantiation brought in by Frier Thomas Aquine.specially calling the most worshipfull sacrament of Christes owne bodye an accident wythoute subiect: whych terme, since I knowe not that Gods law approueth it in this mater, I dare not graūt, but vtterly I deny to make this Friers sentence, or any such other, my belief, do with me God what thou wylt.

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And the archbishop said to me: Well, well, thou shalt say otherwise or that I leaue thee. MarginaliaIt is happy he did not flye in his face as Boner did.But what saiest thou to this second point that is recorded against thee by worthy men of Shrewsburye, saying: that thou preachedst there, þt Images ought not to be worshipped in anywyse

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MarginaliaThe 2. points touching images.
Thorpe charged wyth an vntruth.
And I sayd: Sir I preached neuer thus, nor thorow Gods grace I will not anye tyme consent to thinke nor to say thus, neither priuely nor apertly. For lo, the Lord witnesseth by Moses, that the thinges whych hee made were right good, and so thē they were, and yet they are and shall be good, and woorshipfull in their kinde. MarginaliaMan a worshipfull image of God.And therfore, to the end that God made them to, they are all praisable and worshipfull, and speciallye man that was made after the image and lykenes of God, is full worshipfull in his kinde, yea this holye image that is man, God worshippeth. And herefore, euery man should worship other, in kinde, and also for heauenlye vertues that men vse charitably. Also I say, wood, tyn, golde, siluer, or any other matter that images are made of: all these creatures are worshipfull in their kinde, and to the end that God made them for. MarginaliaThoughe man accept the painting or caruing of Images, yet is it not the right way to learne to serue God.But the karuing, castyng, or painting of any imagery, made with mans hand, albeit that this doing be accept of man of highest state & dignitie, and ordained of them to be a kalender to leud men, that neither can nor will be learned to know God in his word, neyther by his creatures, nor by his wonderfull & diuers workinges: Yet this imagerye ought not to bee woorshipped in the fourme, nor in the lykenes of mans craft. Neuertheles that, euery matter þt paynters paint with, since it is Gods creature, ought to be worshipped in the kinde, and to the ende that God made and ordayned it to serue man.

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Then the Archbishop said to me, I graunt wel that no body ought to do worship to anye suche images for them selues. But a crucifixe ought to be worshipped for the passion of Christ that is painted therin, & so brought there through to mans mynde: MarginaliaThe Image of the Trinitie.and thus the images of the blessed Trinitie, and of the virgine Marye Christes mother, and other images of saintes, ought to be woorshipped. MarginaliaA similitude of the kings seale or letters, to proue the worship of images.For lo, earthly kinges and Lordes whych vse to send their letters ensealed with their armes, or wyth their priuy signet to them that are with them, are worshipped of these men. For when these men receiue theyr Lordes letters, in which they see and know the wils and biddings of their Lords, in worship of their Lords they do of their caps to these letters. Why not then, since in images made with mans hand, we may rede and know many diuers thinges of God and of hys Sayntes, shall we not worship their images?

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And I sayd, with my foresayde protestation I saye, that these worldlye vsages of temporall Lordes that yespeake now of, may be done in case, wythout sinne: MarginaliaNo similitude to bee made betwene erthly thinges and spirituall, namely when gods word doth expresse to the cōtraryBut this is no similitude to worship images made by mans hand, since that Moises, Dauid, Salomon, Baruch, and other saintes in the Bible, forbid so plainly the worshipping of all such images.

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Then the Archbishop sayd to me: Leud losell, in the old law before that Christ tooke mankinde, was no likenes of any person of the Trinity, neither shewed to man nor known of man: But now since Christ became man, it is lefull to haue images to shewe his manhoode. Yea, though many men which are right great Clarkes and other also, held it an errour to paint the Trinity: I say, it is well done to make and to paint the Trinity in images. For it is great mouing of deuotion to men, to haue and to behold the Trinitye and other images of saints, carued, cast, and painted. MarginaliaSo you say my lord, but God saith contrary in his commaundementes.For beyond þe sea, are the best painters that euer I saw. And sirs I tel you, this is their maner, and it is a good manner. MarginaliaPainters deuotion and the popes diuinity do wel agree.
Preparatiō of the paynters to make a fair & a deuout Image.
When that an image maker shall carue, cast in moolde, or paynt any images, he shall go to a priest, and shriue him as cleane, as if hee should then die: and take penaunce, and make some certaine vow of fasting or of praying, or pilgrimages doing, praying the priest specially to pray for him, that he may haue grace to make a faire and a deuout image.

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And I sayd: Sir, I doubt not, if these painters that ye speake of, or any other painters vnderstood truly the text of Moises, of Dauid, of the wise man, of Baruch, & of other saintes and doctours: These painters shoulde be moued to shriue them to God with ful inward sorow of hart, taking vpon them to do right sharpe penaunce for the sinfull and vaine craft of painting, caruyng, or casting that they had vsed: Promising God faithfully, neuer to do so after, knowledging openlye before all men their reprouable learning. And also sir, these priests that shriue (as you do say) painters, and inioyne thē to do penaunce, and pray for their speede, promising to thē help of their prayers, for to be curious in their sinful crafts: sinne herein more greuously, then the painters. For these priestes do comfort and geue them counsell to doo that thing, whiche of greate paine, yea vnder the paine of Gods curse, they should vtterly forbid them. MarginaliaThe true bookes and Kalenders to know God.For certes sir, if the wonderfull working of God, and the holye lyuing and teaching of Christ, and of his Apostles and prophets, were made knowen to the people by holye liuing and true, and busie teaching of priestes: these things (sir) were sufficient bookes and kalenders to know God by, and his saintes, without any images made wyth mans hand. But certes, the vicious liuing of priests and their couetousnes, are chiefe cause of this error, and all other viciousnes that raygneth among the people.

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Then the Archbishop said vnto me, I hold thee a vicious priest and a curst, and all them that are of thy sect: for all priestes of holy church, and all images that moue men to deuotion, thou and suche other go about to destroy. Losell, were it a faire thing to come into a church and see therein none Image?

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MarginaliaA better sight my Lord, than to see blind stocks therto to be worshipped.And I sayd: Sir, they that come to the churche for to pray deuoutly to the Lorde God, maye in their inwarde wittes bee the more feruent, that all their outwarde wits be closed fro all outward seing and hearyng, and fro all distroublance and lettinges. And since Christ blessed them that sawe him not bodelye, and haue beleued faithfully in him: MarginaliaThe righte seruice of a suffiseth then to all men (thorow hearing and knowing of Gods word, and to do thereafter) for to beleue in God, though they se neuer images made with mans hand after any person of the Trinitye, or of any other saint.

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And the Archbishop said to me, with a feruent spirit: I say to thee losell, that it is right wel done to make and to haue an image of the Trinity. Yea, MarginaliaMy Lorde, your yea, will not answer Gods nay.what saiest thou? is it not a stirring thing to behold such an image?

And I said: Sir, ye sayd right nowe that in the olde
