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K. Henry. 4. Ringing curphewe. Ringing at the byshops comming.

thy a virgin, by whom we receyued the beginninges of our redemption, by whom the holye daye first shined to vs, whych gaue vs hope of saluation. And althoughe all the same people were drawen to reuerence her, whyche being a happy virgin, conceyued the sonne of God, the kyng of heauen, the redemer and sauiour of al nations, ministring lyghte to the people that were myserablye drowned in the darkenes of death: We truly as the seruaunts of her own * Marginalia* If this be not blasphemous and derogatory to Christ: let the reader iudge.inheritance, and such as are written of, to be of her peculiar dower, as we are by euerye mans confession acknowledged to be: we I saye ought more watchfully thē any others, to shew the endeuours of our deuotion in praysing her. Who beyng hytherto mercyfull to vs, yea being euen cowardes, woulde that our power being, as it were, spred abroade euery where through all the costes of the world, should with a victorious arme, feare all foreyne nations. That our power being on all sides so defended with the buckler of her protection, did subdue vnto our victorious standerdes, and made subiect vnto vs, nations both neare at hande, and farre of. MarginaliaThese men make a Bellona of our lady.Lykewyse, our happye estate (all the tyme that we haue passed since the begynning of our lyues) maye be well attributed onely to the helpe of her medicine: to whom also we maye woorthely ascribe nowe of late in these our tymes vnder the mightye gouernment of our most Christian kyng, our deliueraunce from the rauenyng wolues, and the mouthes of cruell beastes: MarginaliaFalse help suoght, and set vp of Idolaters.whych had prepared against our bākets, a messe of meate mingled ful of gal, & hated vs vniustly, secretly lying in wait for vs, in recōpence of the good wil þt we shewed to thē. Wherfore, that she being on high sitting before þe throne of the heauenly maiestye, the defendresse and patronesse of vs all, being magnified with all mens prayses: maye more plentifully exhibite to vs, the sonnes of adoption, the teates of her * Marginalia* The papistes would sucke our Ladyes pappes.grace, in al those things that we shall haue to do. At the request of the speciall deuotion of our Lorde the king himselfe, we commaunde your brotherhoode, straightly enioyning you: that you commaunde the subiectes of your city and diocesse, and of all other suffraganes, to worship our Lady Mary the mother of God, and our * Marginalia* Will you stānd to thys doctrine ye catholiques.patronesse and protectresse, euermore in all aduersity: with such like kind of prayer and accustomed maner of ringing, as the deuocion of Christs faithfull people is wont to worship her at þe ringing of courele feu. Marginalia* Popysh blasphemie fightyng against the grace of Christ.
Ryngyng of Curphew.
And when before day in the morninge ye shall cause them to ring, that with like manner of prayer and ringing, she be euery where honoured deuoutlye by the aforesayd our and your suffragans, and theyr subiectes aswell religious as seculer, in your and theyr monasteries and collegiat churches: That we so humbly calling vpon the mercye of the heauenly father, the right hand of the heauenly piety, may mercifully come to the helpe the protection and defence of the same our Lorde the king, who for the happy remedy of quietnes, and for our succour from tempestuous floudes, is readye to applye his hands to worke, and his eyes wyth all hys whole desire to watching. We therfore coueting more earnestlye to stirre vp the mindes of all faythfull people to so deuout and excercise of God. &c: Marginaliaxl. daies pardō, for v. Aues.We graunt by these presents, to all and euery man. &c, that shall say the Lords prayer and the salutation of the Aungell fiuetymes at the mornyng peale, with a deuout minde totiens quotiēs (how oft soeuer) xl. dayes of pardon, by these presentes. Geuen vnder our seale in our maner of Lambeth, the x. day of February. an. nostræ trās 9. Ex Regist. Th. Arūdell.

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MarginaliaHeaping vp ceremonyes in the church.By this friuolous and barbarous constitution with many other of lyke sorte, heaped into the churche by the Papistes: appeareth the proper nature and condition of this catholike generation. Who beyng them selues not greatly exercised nor experienced in any serious cogitation of spirituall matter (as semeth) take vpon thē to gouerne the spirituall church of Christ, whereof in dede theyhaue no skill or very litle. And therefore accordyng to their vnskilfull handlyng, they lede and rule the churche after such outward sightes and ceremonies, semely perhaps to their owne grosse affectiō: but not agreyng (nay rather cleane contrary) to the ryght nature and condition, of the spirituall house and kyngdome of the Lord. And lyke as in their inuentiōs they swarue vtterly from the right handlyng of all spirituall gouernement: so in their maners & forme of lyfe lykewise, they do resēble litle or no part almost, of such as are & ought to be, true pastours & ministers of the misticall body of Christ. Exāples hereof are plentie and playne, in these Romane prelates to be noted: who so well consideryng the humble state and lowly spirite whiche ought to be in pastorall leaders of the churche, will compare the same with the vsual pomp of these glorious potestates. As for example, what can be more cōuenient for a true pastor ecclesiasticall, then humilitie of hart & spirite, accordyng to the exāple of þe head Byshop hymself? MarginaliaThe pompe of the popes Church noted.So, what greater shewe of arrogance & pryde could there be, then in this: whō I haue oft named before, Tho. Arundell, Archb. of Cant. who passing by þe high streat of Londō, did not only loke & waite for þe ringing of þe belles, for a triumph of his cōming, but toke great snoffe & did suspend, all such churches in Londō (not only wt the steple & bells, but also with the organes) so many as dyd not receaue hys comminge with the noyse of belles: accordyng as out of his own registers may appeare, the wordes wherof written to hys own Somner, I haue hereto annexed, in hys own forme as foloweth.

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¶ A Commission directed to the Somner, to suspend certaine Churches of London, because they ronge not their Belles, at the presence of my Lord the Archbishop of Caunterbury.

THomas by the permission of God. &c. To our welbeloued Thomas Wilton, our Somner sworne, helth grace, and blessing. The comelynes of our holy Churche of Caunterbury, ouer whiche we beare rule: MarginaliaChurches of London suspended for not ringing at the cōming of the Archb.deserueth & requireth, that while we passe thoroughe the prouince, of the same our Churche (hauyng our Crosse caried before vs) euery parishe churche in their turnes, ought and are boūden in tokē of speciall reuerēce þt they beare to vs, to ringe their bels. Which notwithstādyng, ye on Tuesday last past, whē we betwixt viij. & ix. of þe clock before diner, passed openly on foote as it were, through the middest of the Citie of London, with our Crosse caried before vs: Diuers churches whose names are here beneath noted, shewed towardes vs willyngly (though they certainely knew of our cōming) vnreuerēce rather then reuerence, and the dutie that they owe to our Churche of Canterbury, ringyng not at all at our comming. Wherfore, we beyng willyng to reuenge this iniurie, * Marginalia* Oh iniurious enemies to Christ his humilitie.for þe honour of our spouse as we are bounden: commaunde you, that by our authoritie, you put all those Churches vnder our interditement, suspending Gods holy organes and instrumentes in the same. Whiche we also suspend by the tenour of these presentes, till the ministers of the aforesayd Churches be able hereafter to attayne of vs the benefite of more plentifull grace. Geuen. &c.

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What great reason was in this, why this Archbishop either should thus looke for the ringyng of the belles, or why hee should be so displeased with not ryngyng, I do not see. Belike his minde in the meane tyme was greatly occupyed with some great muse, as feelyng of Gods feare, with repentaunce & remembraunce of his sinnes, with zelous care and sollicitude for his flocke, with the earnest meditation of the passiō and lyfe of our sauiour, who in this world was so despised: or els was set vpon some graue study, while he so waited for the ryngyng of the belles, whiche are wont to be so noysome to all studentes. And why were not the trumpeters also shent as well, because they did not sound before his person? But

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