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K. Henry. 4. The Coronation of K. Henry. 5. Feastes in the popes church.

sayd Bill, that the temporalties, being in the possession of spirituall men, MarginaliaA computation of churche good, to how much they do amount.amounted to iij.c. and. xxij.M. marke by yeare. Wherof they affirmed to be in the see of Canterbury, with the Abbayes of Christes Churche, of S. Augustines, Shrowisbury, Coggeshale, and S. Ossis. xx.M marke by yeare. In the see of Durham and other Abbeys there. xx.M. marke. In the see of Yorke & Abbayes there. xx.M. marke. In the see of Winchester, & Abbayes there. xx.M. marke. In the see of London, with Abbayes and other houses there, xx.M. marke. In the see of Lyncolne, with the Abbayes of Peterbourth, Ramsay, and other, xx.M. marke. In the see of Norwiche, with the Abbays of Bury and other, xx.M. marke. In the see of Ely, Spaldyng and other. xx.M. marke. In the see of Bathe, with the Abbaye of Okinborne and other. xx.M. marke. In the see of Worceter, with the Abbayes of Euisham, Abingdon and other. xx.M. marke. In the see of Chester with þe precinct of the same, with þe sees of S. Dauide, of Salisbury, and Exceter, wt their precinctes. xx.M. marke. The Abbayes of Rauens or Reuans of Fountaines, of Gernons, and diuerse other to the nūber of v. mo. xx.M. marke. The Abbayes of Leiceter, Walthan, Gosborne, Merton, Ticetir, Osney, and other, vnto the number of. vi. mo. xx.M. marke. The Abbayes of Douers, Batill, Lewes, Cowentry, Dauentre, & Tourney, xx.M. marke The Abbayes of Northamptō, Thortone, Bristow, Kelyngworth, Winchecombe, Hailes, Parchissor, Frediswide, Notley, and Grimmisby. xx.M. marke.

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The whiche foresayd sommes, amounte to the full of thre. c.M. marke. And for the odde of. xxij.M. marke, they appointed Hardforde, Rochester, Huntingdone, Swineshede, Crowlande, Malmesbury, Burton, Tewkisbury, Dunstable, Shirborne, Taunton and Bilande.

And ouer this they alledged by the sayd Bill, that ouer and aboue the sayd somme of three hundred &. xxij.M. marke, diuers houses of religion in England, possessed as many temporalties, as might suffice to finde yerely. xv.M. priestes and clerkes, euery priest to be allowed for his stipend. vij. marke by the yeare.

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To the whiche Bill none aunswere was made, but that the kyng of this matter would take deliberation & aduisement, and with that aunswere ended, so that no farther labour was made.

Marginalia1413.These thinges thus hetherto discoursed, touchyng such actes and matters as haue bene incident in the lyfe tyme of this kyng,  

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Death of Henry IV

Foxe's accounts of the death of Henry IV and the accession of Henry V were both added in the 1570 edition and remained unchanged in subsequent editions. Foxe cited a chronicle that it has been impossible to trace - Foxe only notes that the chronicle began with the words 'That all men called' - for the story of Henry IV's death and the prophecy that he would die in Jerusalem. Undoubtedly Foxe related this story, and went to the trouble of repeating it from a minor chronicle, because it offered an example of the dangers of false prophecy - a topic which Foxe discussed at some length elsewhere (see 1570, pp. 848-52; 1576, pp. 692-4; 1583, pp. 717-19). Foxe drew his account of the accession of Henry V and the 1413 convocation from Thomas of Walsingham's chronicle (see Thomas of Walsingham, Historia Anglicana, ed. H. T. Riley, 2 vols., Rolls Series 28 [London, 1864-5], II, p. 290). But the most remarkable thing about Foxe's account is his declaration that he would not discuss Henry exploits or conquests in France. To almost all Tudor writers Henry V was a great hero, but, because of his persecution of the Lollards, to Foxe he was fundamentally a bad king, not worthy of praise.

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Thomas S. Freeman
University of Sheffield

followeth next the. xiij. yeare of hys raygne. In the which yeare, the said king Henry the. iiij. after that he had sent a litle before a certayne company of captaynes and soldiours to ayde the Duke of Burgundie in Fraunce (among whom was the Lord Cobham) keping hys Christenmas at Eltham, fell greuously sicke. Frō thence, he was conueyed to London, where he began to call a parlament, but taryed not the ende. In the meane tyme, the infirmitye of the king more and more increasing, hee was taken and brought into a bed in a fayre chamber at Westminster. MarginaliaThe kinge had a prophecy, that he shoulde dye in IerusalemAnd as he laye in hys bed, hee asked howe they called the same chamber: and they answered & sayd, Ierusalem. And then he sayd it was hys prophecie, that he should make his end in Ierusalem. MarginaliaProphecies deceiuable.And so disposing him selfe toward his ende, in the foresayd chamber he dyed: vpon what sicknes, whether of leprosy, or some other sharpe disease, I haue not to affirm. MarginaliaEx vetust. Chron. Anglico. cui mitiū est.
That all mē called.
Ex vetust. Chron. Anglico. cuius initium, That all men called. The like prophecy we read, þt Pope Syluester. 2. pag. 218. MarginaliaThe prophecy of Pope Siluester the.2to whom beyng inquisitiue for the tyme and place where he should dye, it was aunswered, that he shoulde dye in Ierusalem. Who then saying Masse in a Chappell (called likewise Ierusalem) perceaued his ende there to be nere, and dyed. And thus kyng Henry iiij. successour to the lawfull kyng Richard 2. finished his life at Westminster, and was buried at Cant. by the tombe of Thomas Becket. &c. an. 1413.

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¶ king Henry fift.

MarginaliaKyng Henry. 5.AFter this Henry iiij. reigned Henry the v. his sonne, which was borne at Munmorth in Wales, of whose other vertues, & great victories gotten in Fraunce, I haue not greatly to intermedle: Especially, seing þe memorie of his worthy prowes, being sufficiently described in other writers in this our tyme, may bothe content þe reader, and vnburden my labour herein. Especially, seyng these later troubles and perturbations of the churche offer me so much, that vnneth any vacant laysure shalbe left, to intermedle with matters prophane.

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MarginaliaGreat tempeste at the coronation of the new King.After the coronation then of this new kyng, whiche was the 9. day of Aprill, called thē passiō Sonday, which was an excedyng stormy day, and so tempestuous, that many did wonder at the portent therof: not longe after the same, a Parliament began to be called & to be holdē after the feast of Easter, at Westminster an. 1413. MarginaliaA synode called at London.At which tyme, Thomas Arundell the Archbishop of Canterbury, collected in Paules churche at London, an vniuersall Synode of all the Byshops and clergye of England. In þe Synode amōg other weyghty matters & ponderous, was determined: MarginaliaS. George and S. Dunstanes day made double feast.þt the day of S. George, & also of S. Dūstane should be double feast, called Duplex festū in holy Kitchyng, in holy church I would say. And because the order and maner of these Pope holy feastes, either yet is not sufficiently knowen to some rude & grosse capacities, or may peraduenture growe out of vse, and to be straunge and vnknowen to our posteritie hereafter: Therfore to geue a litle memorandum thereof (by the waye for erudition, of tymes hereafter to come) touchyng this misticall science of the popes deape and secrete diuinitie: MarginaliaThe feast of the Popes church, described & deuidedhere is to be noted, that the feastes of the popes holy mother catholique church, be diuided in sondry members: Lyke as a plentifull roote in a frutefull fielde riseth vp and burgeneth into manifold armes, and the armes agayne do multiply into diuers and sondry branches, out of the whiche moreouer although no frute do come, yet both leaues and flowers do bud & blossome in most copious wise, right beutifull to beholde. MarginaliaFestum duplex.
Principale duplex.
Maius dupl.
Minus dupl.
Inferius dupl.
Euen so this Festum, cōteinyng a lardge matter of great varietie of dayes and feastes, groweth in it selfe and multiplieth, beyng thus diuided: first into Festū duplex: & into Festū simplex, that is into feast double, and to feast simple. Againe, this Festum duplex brauncheth foure fold wise, to witte into Festum principale duplex: into maius duplex: into minus duplex, & inferius duplex, that is, in principall double, in greater double, in lesser double, and inferiour or lower double. Vnto these seuerall sortes of feastes, what dayes were peculiarly assigned, it were to long to recite. For this present purpose it shall suffice to vnderstand: MarginaliaConstitution against coūcel.
Ex tab. festerum.
that as vnto þe principall double feast only belōged viij. daies in the yere: so the Maius duplex festum, had geuen vnto him by this conuocation, the day of S. George, and of S. Dunstane, as is afore remembred: albeit by cōstitution it was so decreed, yet by custome it was not so vsed. Item, to be noted, that these ij. feasts, to wit, Principale duplex, & Maius duplex, did differ and were known frō all other by iiij. notes, by seruice in the kitching, & by seruice in þe church, which was both double: by ringyng in þe steple, which was with double peale: by copes in the quier, and by thurifyeng or censing the aultars. For in these ij. principall & greater double feastes, the vij. viij. & ix. lesson must be read with silken copes. Also at the sayd feastes in the time of þe lessons, the aultars in the church must be thurified, that is, smoked with incense, &c. And likewise the Minus duplex, and Inferius duplex had also their peculiar seruice to them belongyng.

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MarginaliaSimplex festū in the Popes church.Secondly the Simplex festum, whiche is the seconde arme springing of this diuision, is thus diuided: Either hauing a triple inuitorie, or a double, or els a single inuitorie. Of the whiche moreouer, some haue three lessons,
