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K. Henry. 5. The examination of the Lord Cobham.

prelates were in a maner amased and wonderfully disquieted.

MarginaliaAntichrist setteth mē aboue GodAt the last, the Archbishop councelled agayne wyth his other bishops and doctours, and in the ende thereof declared vnto him, what the holy church of Rome (folowing the saying of S. Augustine, S. Hierome, S. Ambrose, and of other holy doctors) had determined in these matters, no manner of mencion once made of Christ. Which determination (saith he) ought all Christen men both to beleue and to folow.MarginaliaThe Lord Cobham referreth vnto christ

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Then said the lord Cobham vnto him, that he would gladly both beleue and obserue whatsoeuer holy church of Christes institution had determined, or yet whatsoeuer God had wylled him either to beleue or to doo. But that the pope of Rome with his cardinals, archbishops, bishops, and other prelats of that church had lawful power to determine suche matter as stoode not wyth hys word throughly: that would he not (he sayd) at that time affirme. MarginaliaWhat could be more resonably sayd if they had reason to receaue it.With this, the archbishop bad him to take good aduisement till the Monday next folowing (which was the. xxv. day of September) and then iustly to aunswer, specially vnto this poynt: whether there remayned materiall breade in the Sacrament of the aulter, after the wordes of consecration, or not? He promised hym also, to send vnto him in writing those matters clerely determined, that he might then be the more perfect in his answer making. MarginaliaA doctrine of deuises to blinde the simple.And all this was nought els, but to blinde the multitude with somwhat. The next daye folowing, according to his promise, the Archbishop sent vnto hym into the tower, thys foolishe and blasphemous writing made by him and by his vnlearned Clergy.

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¶ The determination of the Archbishop and Clergie.

MarginaliaEx magno professu Thomæ Arūdeli.THe faith and determination of the holy church touching the blesful sacramēt of the aultar, is this: MarginaliaThe first Article.that after the sacramental wordes be once spoken by a priest in his Masse, the material bread, that was before bread, is turned into Christes verye bodye. And the materiall wyne, that was before wyne, is turned into Christes very blood. And so there remaineth in the sacrament of the aultar, from thenceforth, no materiall bread, nor materiall wyne, whych were there before the sacramentall wordes were spoken: How beleue ye this article? MarginaliaThe secōd Article.Holy church hath determined, that euery christen man liuing here bodely vpon earth, ought to bee shriuen to a priest ordeined by the Church, if he maye come to hym. Howe feele ye thys article?MarginaliaThe third Article.

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Christ ordayned S. Peter the Apostle to be his vicar here in earth, whose see is the holy church of Rome: And he graunted, that the same power whych he gaue vnto Peter should succede to all Peters successors, which we call now Popes of Rome: MarginaliaThe seede of the Serpent.By whose power in churches particular, be ordained Prelates, as Archbyshops, Byshops, Parsons, Curats, and other degrees more. Vnto whome Christen men ought to obey after the lawes of the church of Rome. This is the determination of holye church. How feele ye this article?MarginaliaThe forth Article.

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Holy church hath determined, that it is meritorious to a Christen man, to go on pilgrimage to holy places: And there specially to woorship holy reliques & images of Saintes, Apostles, and Martyrs, Confessors, and all other saintes besides, approued by the churche of Rome. How feele ye this article?MarginaliaHe seeth their ignorance and malice.

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And as the Lorde Cobham had redde ouer this most wretched writing, he marmailed greatlye of theyr mad ignoraunce. But that he cōsidered again, that God had geuen them ouer for their vnbeliefes sake, into moste deepe errours and blyndnes of soule. Againe, he perceyued hereby, that their vttermost malice was purposed against him, howsoeuer he should answer. MarginaliaHe putteth his life in gods hand.And therefore he put his lyfe into the handes of God, desiring his onely spirite to assist him in his next answer. Whē the saydxxv. daye of September was come (which was also the Monday before Michaelmas) in the sayde yeare of our Lord. 1413. MarginaliaEx vtroque exemplari.Thomas Arundell the Archbishop of Canterbury, cōmaunded his iudiciall seat to be remoued frō þe chapter house of Paules, to þe Dominike friers within Ludgate at Lōdon. MarginaliaThe counsell of Cayphas.And as he was there set with Richard bishop of Lond: Henry the bishop of Winchester, and Benet the bishop of Bangor: He called in vnto hym hys councell and his officers, with diuers other doctours and friers, of whom these are the names here folowing. MarginaliaThe Phariseis and Scribes.Maister Henry Ware, the Officiall of Cāterbury: Philip Morgan, doctour of both lawes: Howell Kiffin, doctour of the Canon law. Iohn Kempe, doctor of the Canō law. William Carleton, doctor of the Canon law. Iohn Witnam, of the new College in Oxford. Iohn Whighthed doctor Oxford also. MarginaliaA rable of Antichristes.Robert Wombewell, vicar of s. Laurence in the Iewry. Thomas Palmer, the warden of Minors. Robert Chamberlayne, Prior of the Dominickes. Richard Dodington, Prior of the Augustines. Thomas Walden, Prior of the Carmelites, all doctors of Diuinitie. Iohn Steuens also, and Iames Cole, both Notaries, appoynted there purposelye to write all that should be either sayd or done. MarginaliaConsilium malignantiū.All these with a great sort more of Priestes, Moonkes, Chanons, Friers, paryshe Clarkes, Belringers, Pardoners, disdained hym, wyth innumerable mockes and scornes, reconing hym to bee an horrible hereticke, and a man accursed afore God.

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Anone the Archb. called for a massebooke, and caused all those prelates and doctors to sweare there vpon, that euery man should faythfully do hys office and duty that day. And that neither for fauour nor feare, loue nor hate, of the one partie nor the other: any thing should there be witnessed, spoken, or done, but according to the truth, as they would answere before God and all the world at the day of dome. MarginaliaFor a false colour swere they.Thē were the ij. foresaid Notaries sworne also, to write & to witnes þe proces þt there should be vttered on both parties, and to saye there mindes (if they otherwyse knew it) before they should regester it. MarginaliaAll done to deceiue the ignoraunt.And all thys dissimulation was but to colour their mischieues, before the ignoraunt multitude.

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Consider herein (gentle reader) what thys wicked generation is, and how farre wyde from the iuste feare of God: for as thy were then, so are they yet to thys day.MarginaliaL. Cobham cometh againe before them.

After that, came forth before them sir Robert Morley knight and Liefetenaunt of the Tower, and he brought with hym the good Lord Cobham, there leauing hym among them as a Lambe among wolues, to hys examination and answere.

¶ An other examination of the Lord Cobham.
MarginaliaEx vetusto exemplari Londinensiū.

THan sayd the Archbishop vnto hym: Lord Cobham, ye be aduised (I am sure) of the wordes and processe which we had vnto you vpon Saturday last paste in the chapterhouse of Paules: which processe were nowe to long to be rehearsed agayne? MarginaliaThe curse of Antichrist.I sayd vnto you then, that ye were accursed for your contumacie and disobedience to holy church, thinking that ye shoulde with meekenes haue desired your absolution.

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Then spake the Lord Cobham with a most cherefull countenaunce, and sayd: God saith by his holy Prophet, Maledicam benedictionibus vestris, MarginaliaMallachi. 2.whiche is as much to say, as I shall curse where as you blesse.

The Archbyshop made then as though he had continued forth his tale and not heard him, saying: Sir, at þe tyme I gently proferd to haue assoyled you if ye would haue asked it. MarginaliaA woluishe offer of gentlenesse.And yet I do the same if ye will humbly desire it in due forme and manner, as holy Church hath ordeyned.

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Then sayd the Lord Cobham. Nay forsothe will I not, for I neuer yet trespassed agaynst you, and therfore I will not doo it. MarginaliaL. Cobham cōfesseth him self vnto God.And with that he kneled downe on the pauement, holdyng vp his handes towardes heauē, and
