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K. Henry. 5. Defence of Lord Cobham agaynst Alanus Copus.

videlicet, (H) Thomam ducē Clarenciæ Iohannē de Lancastre, et Humfridū de Lancastre, necnon prelatos et magnates predictos interficere, necnō ipsum dominum nostrū regem et heredes suos de regno suo predicto exheredare et premissa omnia et singula, necnon quam plura alia mala et intollerabilia facere et perimplere falso et proditorie pro posuerunt et imaginauerunt (I) et ibidem versus campum predictum modo guerrino arriati. proditorie modo insurrectionis contra ligeancias suas equitauerunt ad debellandum dictum dominum nostrum regem, nisi per ipsum manu forti grōse impediti fuissent. Quod quidem inditamentum dominus Rex nunc, certis de causis coram eo venire fecit terminandum. Per quod preceptum fuit vic. quod nō omitt. &c. quin caperet prefatum Iohannē Oldcastel, si. &c Et saluo. &c. Ita quod haberet corpus eius, corā dnūo Rege apud VVestm. ad hūc diem, scilicet die Mercurii proximo post octauas sancti Hillarii isto eodem termino ad respōdendum domino Regi de premissis. &c. Ad quos diē et locū, coram domino Rege vic. return. quod predictus Iohānes Oldcastel nō fuit inuentus in balliua sua. &c. per quod preceptū fuit vic. quod exigi faceret eum de com. in com. quousq; vtlagetur si non. &c. Et si. &c. tunc eum caperet et saluo. &c. Ita quod haberent corpus eius coram domino Rege in Octauas sancti Iohannis Baptiste ex tunc proximū sequen. vbicunque. &c. ad respondendum domino regi de proditionibus, et feloniis superius sibi impositis. Ad quas octauas sancti Iohannis Baptiste, anno regni R. Henrici quanti post conquestū secundo, Iohannes Sutton, & Iohannes Michel vic. Midd. coram domino rege returnauerunt quod ad com. Midd. centum apud Braynford die Iouis proximo ante festum sancti Barnabe Apostoli, anno regni R. Henrici quinti post conquestū secundo. Et ad quatuor com. ex tunc proximo precedentes predictus Iohannes Oldcastell exactus fuit, et non comparuit. Et quia ad nullum eorundem com. comparuit. Ideo presentibus coronatoribus com. predicti vtlagatus fuit, per quod inquiratur de terra et catallis suis.

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¶ Notes or considerations vpon the Inditement and Commission aboue prefixed.

The fyrst note cōcerning the date & day both of the Cōmiss. & of the verdicte of the Iurers concurryng on one day.
(A) Die Mercurij proximo post festum Epiphaniæ &c ¶ First here is to be noted and considered (good reader) the day and date of geuyng out the Cōmission, and then of the verdicte presented by the Iurers, whiche was both in one day, that is, on the Wenesday next after the Epiphanie, in the first yeare of the reigne of king Henry v. Which was the x. day of the moneth of Ianuary (as the date of the Commission sayeth) an. 1413. after the vse of England, or after þe Romaine vse, an. 1414. So that after what vse so euer we counte, whether it be an. 1413. or els an. 1414. the Dominicall letter beginning at the first day of Ianuarye to chaunge, must needes be G. for that yeare: and so necessarily make Wenesday next after the Epiphanie, to be the x. day of the sayd moneth of Ianuary. Thus then this present Wenesday, whiche was the tenth day of that moneth, being well noted and borne in mynde, on the whiche day both the Commission was directed, and also the verdict presented, let vs now procede further in the foresayd Inditement. It foloweth.

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The second note of the names of the Iurers left out.
(B) Per Sacramentum xij. iuratorum extitit præsentatum &c. ¶ If there had been true dealing in this, the Iurers should haue been named. But it is not lyke, that there was euer any such Inditement founde by any Iurers, and therfore they did best, not to name þe Iurours, least they would haue denied this Inditement to be their Acte: it foloweth more in proces of the Inditement.

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The iii. argurment, by making a Regent, the king being not yet gone ouer.
(C) Et dictum Ioan. Oldcastell Regentem eiusdem regni constituere &c. ¶ If there were no other argument, this were sufficient to disproue the manifest vntruth of this surmised Inditement. When as the kyng was not yet gone to Fraunce, nor determined to go, howe could they conspire then to make a Regent? For the kyng wēt in Iuly folowing, vidz, the second yeare of his reigne, leauyng behynde hym the Queene his mother in lawe, for Regent, whereby it may be gathered, that this matter was vntruly entred and stolen into the recordes with an antedate, or els at the least, ther appeareth manifest vntruth, that they should conspire to make a Regent, when a Regent was not thought vpon, vnles it were all ready runne into the heades of the clergy, who shortly after fearyng their temporalties (as Caxton sayth) persuaded the kyng to make warres in Fraunce. This worde Regent therfore procedeth of the secrete spirite of the clergy, and maketh the whole matter very suspitious, to be grounded altogether vpon the malice of the clergy, and theyr vntrue surmises. It foloweth moreouer.

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The v. argument, by contrarietie.
(D) Quasi gēs sine capite in finalem destructionem. &c. ¶ How doth this stand with that goeth before, that they conspired to make a Regent, excepte you will say that to make a Regent is to bee a people without an head? It foloweth.

The vi. argument, by trhe persons vnknowen.
(E) Cum quam pluribus rebellibus dicti regis ignotis ad numerum viginti millium hominum. &c. ¶ A straunge matter, that they should knowe of the conspiracy of xx. thousand, and yet know of no mo names of the rebelles, but the Lord Cobham onely, or one or two mo. And all the rest were ignoti.

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The vii argument, by the vnskilfull penning.
(F) Priuatim insurgentes. &c. ¶ This smelleth of the clergyes owne pennyng, without any greate aduise of learned counsaile: for otherwise such as had been herein skilfull, would neuer haue put in priuatim insurgētes.

The viii. argument, by the date and tyme.
(G) Die Mercurij proximo post festum Epiphaniæ D. anno R. R. prædicto &c. ¶ This Wenesday next after the Epiphanie, was the x. day of the moneth of Ianuary, and the same day when both the conspiracie was put in execution, and the same daye, when the Commission was geuen out to enquire, also when the fact was by enquirie presented. Wherby it may seme a straunge thing that so great a conspiracie knowen beforehand, was not suppressed nor enquired of by any Commission, but onely by a Commission bearyng date of the same day, vpon whiche day by the purporte of the Inditement, the conspiracie should haue been put in execution by open rebellion, as it is aforesaid.

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The ix. argument, by error and wrong naming the Dukes.
(H) Prædictum D. nostrum Regem fratres suos videl. Thomam Ducem Clarentiæ. Ioannem de Lancastre, et Humfredum de Lancastre et cet. ¶ If the kynges learned counsaile had dealt in this Inditement, as in case of treason they should haue done, if it had been a matter of trouth, they would neuer haue hādled it so slenderly, and wrongly, as to name the dukes of Bedford, and of Glocester: Iohn of Lancaster, and Humfrey of Lancaster, who were made Dukes in the. 13. yeare, of the reigne of kyng Henry the iiij. their father, as appeareth by Caxtons Chronicle.

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The x. note or argument by the absence of the partie.
(I) Et ibidem versus campum prædictum, modo guerrino arriati proditorie modo insurrectionis, contra ligeantias suas equitauerunt ad rebellādum dictum D. nostrum regem. et cet. ¶ This is falsified by playne euidence of histories. And Cope him selfe confesseth no lesse. For he so sayth and confesseth pag. 833. lyne. 12. That Syr Iohn Oldcastle was not there in person, but onely, that his cōsent and good will was there.

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MarginaliaThe xi. note or argument.Agayne seyng this equitation or rydyng toward S. Gyles fielde was vpon the Wenesday next after þe feast of Epiphanie (as in this Inditement, and proces of outlawry is aboue testified) whiche was the x. day of Ianuary, and Commissiō also the same day was charged, and the Iewry moreouer impaneld the same day, and yet no Iewrer named: Item the verdict the same day presēted, how all these can concurre together, and all in one day, let þe reader after he haue well considered the matter, vse his iudgement therin, not onely whether it be lyke, but also whether it be possible.

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MarginaliaThe xii. note or argument.Ouer and beside all this, it is to be noted, that if this
