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K. Henry. 5. Defence of Lord Cobham agaynst Alanus Copus.

rus, Lucianus, Seuerinus. &c. MarginaliaAunswere.Aunswere: If maister Cope cā not abide the L. Cobhā, Syr Roger Acton, Browne, & Beuerlay, whiche were hanged (as he sayth for treason) to haue the name of Martyrs, thē let them beare þe name of witnes bearers, or testes of the truth, because they were also burned for the testimonie of their faith. Seing there is no difference in the sayd names, all is one to me by whiche they are called.

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And where he chargeth me for thrustyng and shouldryng out the old and auncient holy sanctes aforenamed out of this Calendare, & placing other new come sanctes in their rowmes: MarginaliaVntruth noted in Ala. Copus.this is not the first vntruth that maister Cope hath made in his Dialogues, nor yet the least, vnto whom I might therefore fitlye aunswere agayne with his owne familiar phrase, or rather the phrase of Cicero, which he so much affectate: quod nimirum hic ipse Alanus Copus Anglus, vnde me mendacij coarguit, inde sibi ipsi sempiternam ac ineluibilē turpissimi mendacii, ac singularis impudentiæ notā inurat. MarginaliaCopus. pag. 830. lin. 18.For why haue not I as iust cause to say this to him, as he to me? For somuch as in the first beginnyng and preface of the sayd booke of Actes and Monumentes, I so diligently and expresly do warne all mē before, first that I make here no Calendare purposly of any sanctes, but a Table of good and godly men that suffered for the truth, to shewe the day and moneth of their sufferyng. My wordes be extāt and euident, whiche are these: Neq; vero ideo inter diuos a me referuntur isti, quod inseruntur in Calendarium. &c. MarginaliaIn præfatione ad Doct. lectorem. lib. Actes and Monumentes.And declaring afterward how the sayd Calendare doth stand but in stede of a table, my wordes do folow thus: Haud aliter Calendarium hoc institutum est, nisi vt pro Indice duntaxat suū cuiusq; Martyris mensem et annum designante, Lectori ad vsum atq; ad manum seruiat. &c.

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Agayn, neither did I receaue these men into that Calendare, that holy Anatholius, Sother, Dorothæa, with other aūcient holy sanctes should be remoued out, as you do falsly & vntruly affirme, but because þe course of that storye reachyng but v. hundreth yeares, did not comprehend those former tymes of the such auncient Martyrs, but onely of such as suffered in these latter dayes: therfore requisite it was that in the table such should be placed chiefly, of whom the whole booke did then principally & onely entreat, to demonstrate thereby the tyme & day of their Martyrdome. Neither yet were the other excluded out of this new Calendare, whiche were neuer inserted in the same before, but only because both together could not there haue standyng, necessitie so required these in no case to be omitted, & yet no iniurie ment to þe other to be excluded out of their own Calendars, wherto properly they did perteine. As for this Calendar or this table, because they were not pertinēt vnto it, they could not therin, neither was it necessary, thei should be included. And yet neither did I (M. C.) without due & solemne protestatiō omitte the same in my foresayd Catalogue, to preuent and stoppe all cauillyng mouthes: As by speciall words in the said proeme of my boke vnto þe reader doth appeare, folowyng in this wise: Interim nullius ego boni sanctiq; viti (modo qui vere sanctus sit) causam lædo, nec memoriā extinguo, nec gloriā minuo. Et si cui hoc displiceat Calēdariū, meminerit, non in tēplis à me collocari, sed domesticæ tātum lectioni præparari. &c. And where is now (maister Cope) this your reiectyng, expellyng, remouyng, expulsyng, exemptyng deturbatyng and thrustyng out of Anatholius, Sanct Dorothæ and other holy sanctes out of Catologues, fastes, and Calenders? or what mā is that, or where dwelleth he, Qui veros Christi Martyres, è Cœlo ad Tartara deturbat? MarginaliaCopus pag. 861. lin. penultima.That is. Which tūbleth down true Martyrs frō heauē, into hell? Which if ye meane by me. In one word I answere, ye falsly belie me maister Copus MarginaliaCopus almoste called Capus.I had almost called you maister Capus, so lyke a Capon ye speake. Neither haue you nor any other euer heard me so saye. Neither haue I euerheard of any so madde to play so the gyantes with their mountaines to clime the heauens, MarginaliaThe papistes would thrust down gods true sanctes out of heauen to tomble down gods true and holy Martyrs out of heauen, downe into hell, vnlesse it were your selfe (as yet ye are, ye may be better) and such other of your gylde and Popishe fraternitie, whiche make of Gods true sanctes, stynkyng dunghils, (for so ye term thē in your bookes) and not onely thrust into heauen your Pseudosanctos, sanctes of your owne makyng, whom God by his woorde doth not alowe: but also depulse downe from heauen, and make dunghils of Gods welbeloued seruauntes, hys faithfull people, and blessed Martyrs, whiche haue dyed for the word of God. And what maruell then, if in your blasphemous bookes, ye cast downe from heauen to hell, the poore sanctes of Christ, MarginaliaBeckets bloud set vp, to the iniurye of Christes bloud.when in effect you deiect also the bloud and crosse of the sonne of God Christ Iesus him selfe, settyng vp in his office and place, tu per Thomæ sanguinem, quē pro te impendit, fac nos Christe scandere, quo Thomas ascendit. Say, maister Cope, your conscience indifferently, set all popish parcialitie a part, where as þe Scripture teacheth vs simplely Quod citra sanguinē nulla fit remissio. 1. Without bloud there is no remissiō: whether ye thinke, by this bloud of þe new Testamēt is ment the bloud of Christ alone, or þe bloud of other mo besides? If the bloud of one must stand alone, why do ye thē wt the gyantes build vp your mountaines, and make a ladder of Beckets popish bloud, for mē to scale the heauens? Or in so doyng, how cā you, but either with the protestāts wype out of your Calendar, Thomæ sanguinem, or els demolish from heauen Sanguinem Christi with the Papistes? MarginaliaPapistes deuout to set vp Christes crosse in earth: but enemies to Christes crosse in heauen.And here by the way, I can not but muse, why you are so deuout in setting vp the crosse of Christ in your churche, whiche are such enemies to the true crosse of Christ, to stand in heauen. Looke vpon this (maister Cope) and tell me, vtra pars verius veros Christi Martyres è cœlo in tartara detrudat? MarginaliaA double vntruth in Copus.And therfore as you falsly belye me in this, for detrudyng and tomblyng out of heauen Anatholius, Iulianus, Clarus, Lucianus, Agatha, Dorothea and other, agaynst whom I neuer yet spake any reprochyng worde, but rather in this my volume haue set forth their commendation: so is it vntrue lykewise, where you affirme that in this my Calendare I make an xxx, or Canonisatiō of false Martyrs. I told you before, whē ye were in England, I tell you agayne, being now in your transmigration, in woordes as plaine as I coulde, Hanc ego Apotheosin mihi nunquam sumpsi, quam sibi tam confidenter sumpsit Gregorius nonus. Were not these woordes of my protestation manifest enough? MarginaliaCopus Momus.were they not sufficient to satisfie a reasonable Momus? And to make þe matter more playne, did I not adde moreouer, as foloweth: Porro neq̀; eo spectat hoc Callendariū, vt nouā aliquā festorū dierū legem præscribā ecclesiæ. &c. And yet not contented with this, forseing before such wrāglyng spirites to come, as nowe I see in you: I shewed also the cause why I needed not so to do, my wordes were these: Festorum dierum iam plus satis erat in mundo. &c. And yet further, because no cauiller should take hold here of any iniurie done to þe holy saints, either old or new in þe church, therefore in expresse words I remoued away all suspiciō of any iniury, preuenting þe obiection of the aduersarie in these wordes. Habeat et ecclesia suos sāctos, tū recentes, tum veteranos, modo probatos, modo interim iidem ne adorētur, modo quam sint vetusti, tam etiā vere sancti sint, &c. These places of my booke, if ye did see: why do you dissemble them? If ye had not so much leysure to read them: how had you so much laysure to write agaynst any mans booke, not knowing what is in the boke contayned? And how standes it then with truth, that so like a Mome ye cry out so in your booke, against these new made Martyrs, qui non possunt nisi per aliorum iniuriam crescere. &c. MarginaliaCopus pag 820 lin. 20And agayn, where you exclaime against me, and say that I thrust out the auncient Martyrs out

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