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K. Henry. 5. The storye of the Bohemians.

because they are sufficientlye discoursed in Fabian, Halle and other Chronographers, referryng therefore the reader vnto them, I will returne my story to other matters of the churche more effectuall.

I declared a litle before Marginalia
Vid. supra pag. 659.
The Bohemians receauing the Gospel.
how by the occasion of quene Anne, whiche was a Bohemian and maried to kyng Richard 2. the Bohemians commyng therby to the knowledge of Wicleffes bookes here in England, began first to tast and sauoure of Christes Gospell, till at length by the preachyng of Iohn Hus, they increased more & more in knowledge. MarginaliaThe pope agaynst the Bohemiās. In so much that pope Alexāder the v. hearyng thereof, began at last to styrre coales, and directeth his Bull to the Archbishop of Suinco, requiring him to looke to the matter, and to prouide that no person in churches, scholes, or other places should mainteyne that doctrine, MarginaliaIohn Husse cited of the pope.cityng also Iohn Husse to appeare before hym. To whom the sayd Iohn aunsweryng agayne, declared that mandate or Bull of the Pope vtterly to repugne agaynst the manifest exāples and doynges both of Christ and of his Apostles, and to be preiudiciall to the libertie of the Gospell, in bindyng the worde of God not to haue free course. MarginaliaIohn Husse appealeth from the pope, to the pope.And therfore from this mandate of the pope, he appealed to the same pope better aduised. But whyle he was prosecuting his appeale, pope Alexander died, as is aforesayd, pag. 659. Ex Cochleo, in hist. Hussitarū. MarginaliaPope Iohn xxiii.After whō succeded Pope Iohn the xxiij. who also playing his part here in this matter lyke a Pope, sought by all meanes possible how to represse and kepe vnder the Bohemians, first begynnyng to worke his malice vpon the foresayd Iohn Husse their preacher. Who at the same tyme preachyng at Prage in the Temple of Bethleem, because he semed rather willyng to teach the Gospell of Christ, then the traditions of Byshops, MarginaliaIohn Hus accused to Pope Iohn.was therfore accused of certaine to the forenamed Pope Iohn the xxiij. for an hereticque. The Bishop cōmitted the whole matter vnto Cardinall de Collumna, who when he had heard the accusation, he appointed a day to Iohn Hus, that he should appeare in the court of Rome: whiche thing once done, Wenceslaus king of the Romaines and of Boheme, at the request specially of his wife Sophia, and of the whole Nobilitie of Boheme, as also at the earnest sute and desire of the towne and vniuersitie of Prage: He sent his Ambassadours to Rome, to desire the bishop to quite and clerely deliuer Iohn Husse from that sentence and iudgement, and that if the byshop did suspecte the kingdome of Boheme to be infected with any hereticall or false doctrine, that he shoulde send his Ambassadours, the which might correcte and amend the same, if there be any errour or faute in them. And that all this should be done at the onely costes & charges of the kyng of Boheme, & to promise in his name that he would ayde and assiste þe bishops Legates with all his whole power and authoritie, to punishe all such as should bee taken or founde in any erronious doctrine. In the meane season also Iohn Hus before his daye appointed, sent his lawfull & meete procuratours vnto the court of Rome, and with most firme and strong reasons, did proue his innocēcie, whereupon he trusted so, that he thought he should haue easely obtained that he should not haue bene compelled, by reason of the great daunger, to appeare at the day appointed. But whē as the Cardinall de Collumna, (vnto whose will and iudgement the whole matter was commited) would not admitte no defēce or excuse: Iohn Hus his procurators, appealed vnto the hyghe Byshop: MarginaliaIohn Hus excommunicate by Cardinall de Colūna.yet notwithstandyng, this last refuge did not so much preuaile with Cardinall de Collumna, but that he would openly excommunicate Iohn Hus as an obstinate hereticke, because he came not at his day appoynted vnto Rome. Notwithstandyng for so much as his procuratours had appealed vnto the hyghe Byshop, they had other iudges appointed vnto them, as Cardinall Aquileianus, and Cardinall Venetus, with certein others. Thewhich iudges after they had prolonged and differred the matter by the space of one yeare and a halfe, at the last they retourned to the sentence and iudgement of Cardinall de Collumna, and confirmyng the same, commaunded Iohn Hus his Procurators, that they should leaue of to defende him any more, for they would suffer it no lenger. Whereupon when his Procurators would not cease theyr instaunt sute, certaine of them were cast into prison, and greuously punished, the other leauyng theyr busines vndone, retourned into Boheme.

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MarginaliaThe Bohemians against the pope and hys doinges.The Bohemians notwithstanding litle cared for all this, but continuing still as they grewe more in knowledge, so the lesse they regarded the Pope, complayning dayly against him and the Archbishop for stopping the word of God, and the Gospell of Christ to be preached, MarginaliaEx Cochlæo in Histor. Hußit. lib. 1.sayng that by their indulgences and other practises of the court of Rome, and of the bishops Consistorye, they sought their owne profit, and not of Iesus Christ: that they pluckt from the shepe of Christ the wool and milk, and did not feede them, neyther with the woord of God, nor with good examples. Teaching moreouer and affirming, that the commaundementes of the Pope and prelates are not to be obeyed, but so far as they follow the doctrine and life of Christ and of his Apostles, and that lay men ought to iudge the woorkes of the prelates, as Paule iudged the woorkes of Peter in correcting hym. Gala. 2. Furthermore, they had amongest them certain notes and obseruations, whereby they might discerne how farre and wherein they might obey their prelates: they derided also and scorned the Popes iurisdiction, because of the schisme that was then in the churche, when there were three Popes together one striuing agaynst an other for the papacye.

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MarginaliaThree doubtes of Iohn Husse propounded.Ouer and besides this, at the same time Iohn Hus did propound publiklye, and by the Notaries caused to be written, iij. doubtfull questions, the tenor wherof followeth here word for word and is this: For as much sayth he, it is good for men being in doubt to aske counsaile, whereby all dubitation remoued, they may be able the more firmlye to adhere to the truth, three doubtes here aryse to be solued. The first doubt is whether wee ought to beleue in the Pope. The seconde, whether it bee possible for anye man to be saued, which confesseth not with his mouth vnto a mortall priest. The third doubt is whether any of the doctors do hold or say that some of Pharoes host being drowned in the read sea, and of the Sodomites being subuerted, be saued.

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As concerning the first, he did hold negatiuely, aledging the saying of Bede vpon this place of the Apostle: To him that beleueth vpon him which iustifieth the wicked, his fayth is imputed to righteousnes. Rom. 4. Vpon this place sayth Bede: MarginaliaCredere in deum.
Credere deo.
Credere deum.
Aliud est credere in deum, aliud credere deo, aliud credere deum. &c. To the second doubt sayth he, the maister of the sentence doth aunswer. lib 4. dist. 17. cap. 11. in these wordes: MarginaliaPet. Lomb. lib. 4. dist. 17. cop. 11.What is then to be holden or sayd herein? MarginaliaAgaynst Auarice confessiō.Certes that without the confession of the mouth, and assoyling of the outwarde payne, sinnes bee forgeuen through contrition & humilitie of the hart. &c. For the third doubt he brought in the woordes of Saint Ierome vpon the prophet Naum, speaking of the Egiptians destroyed in the sea, and of the Sodomites destroied with fire, and of the Israelites destroyed in the desert. Know you (sayth Hierome) that God therfore punished them for their sinnes here temporally, because they should not be punished hereafter perpetually, & therfore because they were here punished, they shall not be punished hereafter, for els þe scripture should lie, which is not to be graūted. These iij questions belike Iohn Hus dyd bring in to declare how the doctours do not agree in all thinges, neither with the church of Rome, neither are to be followed in all poyntes of all men.

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It followeth moreouer after the death of the Archb.
