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K. Henry. 5. The storye of the Bohemians.

Swinco aboue mētioned, þt one named Conradus was placed by þe pope there to be chiefe generall, which Conradus conferring with the deuines & doctors of the vniuersitie of Prage, required their aduises and counsells, what way they might best take to asswage the dissentions and discordes betwene the clergye and the people. MarginaliaCouncell of the prelates of Prage agaynst the Gospellers.Wherupon a certayne councell was deuised to be holden after thys sort and manner as followeth. Marginalia1.First that all doctors & maisters of the vniuersitie of Prage should be assembled in the courte of the Archb. and in hys presence, that euery doctour and maister should sweare, not to holde or maintayne any of the xlv. articles of Iohn Wicklieffe before condemned.

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Marginalia2.Item, concerning the vij. sacraments of the church, the keyes and censures of the church, the maners, rites, ceremonies, customes, and liberties of the church, concerning also the worshipping of reliques, & indulgences, the orders and religions of the church, that euery one shall sweare that he doth holde, beleue and maintayne, and will maintayne as doth the church of Rome and no otherwise, of the which church of Rome the Pope is the head, and the College of Cardinalls is þe body: who are the true and manifest successours of blessed saint Peter prince of the Apostles, and of the Colledge of the other Apostles of Christ.

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Marginalia3.Item, that euery one shall sweare, that in euery catholique matter belonging to the church þt he will stand to the determination of the Apostolicall see, and that he will obey the prelates in all maner of things where soeuer, MarginaliaPurum bonū.the thyng which is pure good is not forbidden: MarginaliaPurum malū.or þt which is mere ill, is not cōmaunded: MarginaliaMedium.but is meane or indifferent betwene both. Which meane or indifferent thing, yet notwithstanding by circumstaunces of time, place, or person, may be eyther good or euill.

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Marginalia4.Item, that euery one shall sweare and confesse by his othe, that the opinions of Wicklieffe & others, touching the vij. sacramentes of the church, and other thinges aboue notefied, being contrary to þe said church of Rome, be false.

Marginalia5.Item, that an othe be required of them all, that none of them shall holde, defend or maintaine any of the 45. Articles of Iohn Wickleffe aforesayd, or in any other matter catholicke, and especially of the 7. Sacramentes and other Articles aboue specified, but onely as doth the churche of Rome, and no otherwise.

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Marginalia6.Item, that euery ordinary in his dioces shall cause þe sayd premisses cōtained in the. 1. 2. 3. 4. Articles aforesaid, to be published in his Sinodes, & by his preachers to be declared to the people in the kyngdom of Boheme.

Marginalia7.Item, that if any clerke, student, or lay mā shall withstand any of the premises, that þe ordinarye haue authoritie if he be conuicted therof to correct him, according to the olde lawes and Canons, & that no man shall defende such one by any meanes, for none but the ordinarye hath power to correct such a man, because the Archbyshop is Chauncellour both of the kyngdome and vniuersitie of Prage.

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Marginalia8.Item, that the songes lately forbidden, beyng odious, slaūderous and offensiue to others fame, be not song neither in streetes, tauernes, nor any other place.

Marginalia9.Item, that maister Iohn Hus shall not preach so long as hee shall haue no absolution of the court, neither shall hinder the preachyng in Prage by his presence, that by this, his obediēce to the Apostolicall sea may be knowen.

Marginalia10.Item, that this Counsell doth appeare to be good and reasonable for the putting away of yll report and dissention that is in the kyngdome of Boheme.

Marginalia11.Item, if maister Iohn Hus, with his complices will performe this, whiche is contained in the iiij. former Articles, then we will be readye to saye as they woulde wishe vs and haue vs, when soeuer neede shall require, that we doo agree with them in matter of faith, otherwise if they will not so doe, we in geuyng this testimo-nye shoulde lye greatly vnto our Lorde the king and to the whole world. And moreouer, we will be content to write for them to the court of Rome, and doe the best we can for them, our honours saued. This counsell and deuise, beyng considered amongst the head of þe vniuersitie of Prage, the foresayd administrator named Cōradus, presented to the kyng and to the barons of the realme, and also to the Senate of Prage. Wherof as soone as woorde came to Iohn Hus and his adherentes, they likewise drew out other Articles in maner and forme of a Counsell as foloweth.

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For the honor of God and the true preachyng of hys Gospell, for the health of the people, and to auoyde the sinister & false infamy of the kyngdome of Boheme & of the Marquisship of Morauia, & of the citie & vniuersitie of Prage, and for the reformyng of peace and vnitie betwene the clergye, and þe schollers of the sayd vniuersitie.

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Marginalia1.First, let the right & iust decremēt of the princes & of þe kings counsel, be holdē & stand in force, which betwene the lord Archb. Suinco, on the one partie, & betwene the rector and maister Iohn Husse on the other partie, was made, proclaimed, sealed, and solemnly on both partes receaued and allowed in the courte of our soueraigne Lord the kyng.

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Marginalia2.Item, that the kyngdome of Boheme remaine in his former rites, liberties and common customes, so as other kingdomes and landes do enioye, that is, in all approbations, cōdemnations, and other Actes concernyng the holy mother vniuersall church.

Marginalia3.Item, that maister Iohn Hus, agaynst whom the fore sayd Lord Suinco, could obiect no crime afore the counsell, that the sayd Iohn Hus maye be present in the congregatiō of the clergy, and there who soeuer will obiect to him either heresie or errour, let him obiect, byndyng him self to suffer the lyke paine, if he do not proue it.

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Marginalia4.Itē, if no man will set him selfe on the contrary part against him, thē let the commaundemēt be made by our soueraigne Lord the king through all his cities, and like wise let it be ordeyned and proclaimed through all vilages and townes, that maister Iohn Hus, is ready to render accoumpt of his faith, and therfore if any will obiect vnto him any heresie or errour, let hym write his name in the chauncery of the Lord Archbyshop, and to bryng forth his probations openly before both the parties.

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Marginalia5.Item, if no such shalbe founde to obiect, or which will write his name, then let them be called for, which caused to be noised and rumored in the Popes court, that in the kyngdome of Boheme, in the Citie of Prage, and in in the Marquesdome of Morauia, many there be whose hartes be infected with heresie and errour, that they may proue who they be: and if they be not able to proue it, let them be punished.

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Marginalia6.Item, that commaundement be directed to doctours of diuinitie and of the cannon law, and to the chapter of Cathedrall churches, and that it be required of them all and of euery one particularly, that they will bryng forth his name, if they know any such to be an hereticke or erroneous. And if they deny to know any such, then let thē make recognition therof, before the publike notary, confirmyng the same with their seales.

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Marginalia7.Item, these things thus done and premised, then that our soueraigne Lord the king, and also that the Archbishop will geue commaundement vnder payne that no mā shall call one an other heretike or erroneous, vnlesse he will stand to the probation of that heresie or errour, as it becommeth hym.

Marginalia8.Item, after these things obtayned þt our soueraigne lord the king, with the consent of hys Barrons, will thē leuie a subsedye, or collect of the clergy, & directe an honest ambassye to the pope & court, wt the which Ambassadours, let them also go, vpon their owne proper charges
