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K. Henry. 5. The storye of the Bohemians.

or expenses for their purgation, which haue caused thys kingdome falsely and greuously to be infamed in the Apostolicall courte.

Marginalia9.Item, in the meane season for the presence of maister Iohn Hus no Interdicte ought to bee made, as it was made of late, contrarye to the order and determination of our holy mother church. &c.

As this matter was thus in alteration betwene the two parties, the one obiecting, the other aunswering in articles, as is aforesayd: In the meane time it happened by the occasion of Ladislaus king of Naples, who had beseeged the Popes townes and territories, MarginaliaThe pope maketh warre.that Pope Iohn raisng vp warre against the sayd Ladislaus, gaue full remission of synnes to all them which would warre on his side to defend the church. When this Bull of the Popes indulgence was come to Prage, and there published, the kyng Wenselaus, who then fauoured that Pope, gaue commaundement that no man shoulde attempt any thing against the sayd Popes Indulgences. But Hus with his followers, not able to abyde the impietie of those pardons, began manifestlye to speake against them, of the which company were three certayne artificers, who hearing the priest preaching of these indulgences, did openlye speake against them, and called the Pope Antichrist, whiche woulde set vp the crosse to fight agaynst hys euenchristened. Wherfore they were brought before the Senate, and committed to warde. But the people ioyning them selues together in armes, came to the Magistrates, requiring them to be let loose. The magistrates with gentle wordes and fayre promises satisfied the people, so that euerye man returnyng home to his own house, the tumult was asswaged. MarginaliaIohn.
But the captiues being in prison, notwithstanding wer there beheaded, whose names were Iohn, Martine, and Stascon. The death and martirdom of these three being knowen vnto the people, they tooke the bodies of them that were slaine, and with great solemnitie brought them vnto the church of Bethlē. At whose funeral diuers priests fauouring that side, did sing in this wyse: These be the Saintes which for the testament of God gaue their bodies &c. And so their bodies were sumptuously interred in the church of Bethlem, Iohn Hus preaching at þe same funerall, much commending them for their constancy, and blessing God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ, which had hid the waye of his veritie so frō the prudent of this world, and had reuealed it vnto the simple laye people & inferiour priestes, which chose rather to please God, then men.

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Thus the Citie of Prage was deuided. The prelates with the greatest parte of the clergy, and most of the Barons, which had any thing to lose, did hold with þe pope, MarginaliaSteuen Paletz a great enemye to Iohn Hus.especially Steuen Paletz, beyng the chiefest doer on that side. On the contrary part the commōs, with part of the clergy & studentes of þe vniuersitie wēt with Iohn Hus. Wenslaus the king fearing least this would growe to a tumult being moued by the doctours & prelates and coūsell of his barons, MarginaliaIohn Husse banished out of Prage.thought best to remoue Iohn Hus out of the citie, who had bene excommunicated before by the Pope: And further to cease this dissention risen in the church, cōmitted the matter to the disposition of the doctours and the clergye. They consulting together amōg them selues, did set foorth a decree, ratified and confirmed by þe sentence of the kyng, cōtainyng the summe of xviij. Articles, for þe maintenaūce of the Pope and þe see of Rome, against the doctrine of Wickleffe & Iohn Hus. The names of the doctours of Diuinitie were these: Steuen Paletz: Stanislaus de Znoyma: Petrus de Ikoyma: Ioannes Heliæ: Andreas Broda: Ioannes Hildesen: Mattheus Monachus: Hermannus Heremita: Georgeus Bota: Simon VVenda. &c. Iohn Hus thus departyng out of Prage, went to his coūtrey, where he being protected by the Lorde of the Soyle, continewed there preachyng, towhom resorted a great concourse of people, neither yet was he so expelled out of Prage, but that sometymes he resorted to his churche of Bethleem, and there also preached vnto the people.

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Moreouer agaynst the sayd decree of the doctors Iohn Hus, with his company replyed agayne, and aunswered to theyr Articles, with contrary Articles agayne as foloweth.

¶ The obiections of Iohn Hus and of his part, against the Decree of the Doctours.

Marginalia1.FIrst, the foundation of the doctours whereupon they founde all their writynges and counsels, is false. Whiche foundation is this, where as they say that part of the clergy in the kyngdome of Boheme is pestilent & erroneous, and holdeth falsely of the Sacramentes.

Marginalia2.The doctours hereby do defame the kingdome of Boheme, and do rayse vp new discordes.

Marginalia3.Let them shew therefore those persons of the clergy, whom they call pestilent, and so let them verefie their report, bindyng them selues to suffer the lyke paine, if they be not able to proue it.

Marginalia4.False it is that they say, the Pope and the Cardinals to be the true and manifest successours of Peter and of the Apostles, neither that any other successours of Peter or the Apostles, can bee founde vpon earth besides them. When as no man knoweth whether he be worthy of hatred or of fauor. And all Bishops and priestes be successours of Peter and of the Apostles.

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Marginalia5.Not the Pope, but Christ onely is the head: and not the Cardinals, but all Christes faithfull people be the body of the catholicke church, as all holy Scripture and decrees of the holy fathers do testifie and affirme.

Marginalia6.And as touching the Pope, if he be a reprobate, it is playne that he is no head, no nor member also of the holy church of God, but of the deuill, and of his sinagoge.

Marginalia7.The clergye of the Gospellers agreing with the saying of S. Austen which they alledge, and according to the sanctions of the fathers, and determinations of the holy mother church, doe say, and affirme laudably: that the condemnation and prohibition of the xlv. articles is vnlawfull, and vniust, and rashly done: for that because not onely the doctors, but also all Byshops and Archbyshops, in such greate causes namely touching fayth (as these articles do) haue no authoritie at all, as appeareth. De baptismo et eius effectu. Cap. Maiores. Et in Can. 17. dist. cap. Hinc sedi. &c.

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Marginalia8.The second cause of discord which they alleadge, also is most false: seing the fayth of whole Christendome concerning the church of Rome, is deuided in iij. partes by þe reason of iij. popes, which now together do raigne: And the iiij. part is newtrall. Neyther is it true, that we ought to stand in all thynges to the determination of the pope, and of þe Cardinalls, but so farre forth as they do agree with the holy Scripture of the olde and new Testament, from whence the sanctions of the fathers dyd first sprynge as is euident. De accusationibus cap. qualiter. &c.

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Marginalia9.In the iiij. Article they brast out into a certaine dotage, and are contrary to them selues. By reason that they doltishely haue reprehended the Gospellers, who in all their doinges receiue the holy scripture (which is the lawe of God, the way of truth and lyfe) for their iudge & measure: and afterward they them selues do alledge the scripture Deut. 17. where all iudges both Popes and Cardinals are taught to iudge and discerne betwene leaper & leaper, & in euery ecclesiasticall cause, only after þe rule of Gods law. And so are they contrary vnto their secōd article, wherin they say: that in euery catholique matter we must runne to the pope: which is contrary to the foolishe condemnation of the Articles aforesayd.

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Marginalia10.Consequently, lyke idiots they do most falsly alledge
