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K. Henry. 5. The Councell of Constance. Jhon Hus.

Item, prayers and processions were determined to bee made by the Councell, euery Sonday for the same cause, with an hundred dayes of pardon geuen to them that would be present therat, & that all Prelates should be present at euery of these sayd Masses and processions in their Pontificalibus. MarginaliaPardons were here dogge cheapeGrauntyng besides to euery priest that sayd one Masse, for the same a C. dayes of pardon. And to all other that once a day should say one Pater noster, and one Aue, for the safety of the Emperor xl. dayes of pardon.

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Marginalia18.In the 18. Session, certaine iudges were assigned for the hearyng of matters, which the Councell had no leasure to heare.

It was there also decreed that such letters and Buls as were writtē in the name of that Councell, should be receyued with no lesse credite and authoritie, then the Bulles proceedyng from the Sea Apostolicall, and that the falsifyers of the same should incurre no lesse penalty then the falsifiers of the other. Legates also and Ambassadours were sent into Italy.

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Marginalia19.In the 19. Sessiō which was þe same yeare in the moneth of Septēber, Ierome of Prage who was cited as is before sayd, was accused of heresie & cast in prison by þe sayd Councell, & constrained to abiure. The which his abiuration hereafter foloweth to be sene in his history.

Item, it was decreed: Quod non obstantibus saluis cōductibus Imperatoris Regum. &c. possit per iudicem competentem de hæretica prauitate inquiri. &c. MarginaliaConcilium Foedifragum.

That is, notwithstanding the safe conducte geuen by the Emperour and kynges. &c. Inquirie may be made agaynst a man for heresie by a sufficient iudge and processe, to be made accordyng to the law.

The causes of heresies were committed to certayne iudges and deputies.

Item, the Chart called Carolina, and diuers other Chartes and constitutions concernyng the liberties of the churche of Rome, beyng brought forth were approued and confirmed.MarginaliaAnd howe chaunceth it that the charte of Constantines donation is not here mentioned.

Prouide that the churchmen loose nothyng in no case.
In the 20. Session, letters & instruments were made and set vpon Churche doores to require and admonishe duke Fredericke to restore againe vnto George Bishop of Austriche, such landes, rentes, and reuenues as he deteyned and withhelde, vnder payne of interditement, suspendyng and excommunication.

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During the time of this Session the Ambassadours retourned out of Arragon from the Pope Benedict and were heard with a great audience, whereas certaine Articles and conditions betwen the pope and the Counsell were brought forth and agreed vpon to the nōber of xij.

An. 1416
In the yeare of our Lord. 1416. was the 21. Session begynnyng after their maner with a Masse of the holy Ghost with processions and such other rites, in the time of whiche Masse, Iames Byshop of Londy made a sermon, takyng for his Theame these wordes. Exprobrauit Deus incredulitatem eorum & duritiam: That is, þe Lord rebuked their misbelief and hardnes. &c. This sermon beyng ended, Ierome of Prage whiche had abiured, as is sayd the yeare before, beyng present therat, stode vp vpon a certaine bench or forme. MarginaliaIerome of Prage replyed agaynst the sermon of the byshop of Londy.Repleying agaynst the foresayd Iames and his sermon, alledgyng & preaching diuers and sondry thynges, wherupon the Patriarch of Constātinople, one of the cōmissioners proceded against hym, pronouncyng the sentēce definitiue, whiche he had in writyng agaynst the sayd Ierome, whiche sentence being red and approued by the councell (the tenor wherof insueth in his history) the say Ierome was deliuered vnto the secular power, and burned.

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Marginalia22. 23.The. 22. and. 23. sessions contayne no worthy matter, but only the placing of the Ambassadours of Alphonsus kyng of Arragon, and grauntyng them voyces in the Councell.Marginalia24.

In the. 24. session, citation was geuen out agaynstBenedict, keeping with Alphonsus, king of Aragon.

Marginalia25.The. 25. session contayneth nothyng but a certayne Comendam geuen to the church of Olemucensis.

Marginalia26.The. 26. session, there was nothing els handled, but the vniting and incorporating of the Ambassadours of the king of Nauarre into the Councell, and also concerning the derogation of the priority of voyces.

Marginalia27. 28.
After this followed the. 27. and 28. sessions, whyche were in the yeare. 1417. Wherein was intreated the relation and declaration, concerning the cause betwyxt Duke Frderick, & the bishop of Trident, & processe geuē out against þe said Duke, accusing him of sacriledge, & also excōmunicating hym, for not obeying þe admonition of the councell concerning the vsurpation and deteyning of the citie of Trident and other possessions from bishop George, as is afore specified.

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Marginalia29. 30.In the. 29. and. 30. sessions, Proctors and Notaries were geuē out in the cause agaynst Pope Benedict, and order decreed vpon his obstinacy, wherin also the withdrawyng of the kyng of Arragon from the same Pope, was recited and approued by the Counsell.

Marginalia31.In the 31. Session, certaine instrumentes, and speciall letters monitory were directed from the Coū to a certaine Earle of Italye named Comes virtutum. for laying violent handes vpon Albert, Bishop of Asce, and for bringing him to prison, requiring the said Earle vnder payne of interdiction, and excommunication to set þe sayd bishop at libertie. Also another decree was set forth for þe restoring again þe liberties of the church of Baron.

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Marginalia32. 33.
Pope Benedict accused.
In the 32. and 33. Sessions, the accusation of Pope Benedict was renued, and his obstinacie accused, & witnes brought in, at whiche thyng doyng the Emperour Sigismund was present.

Marginalia34.In the 34. Session, the cause of the foresayd Pope was heard, and processe geuen out against him.

Marginalia35.In the 35. Session, the Ambassadours of the king of Castle were brought in, and vnited to the Councell, and instrumentes therof made and read. Also that notwithstanding the othes made to the foresayd pope, mē might lawfully forsake his obedience.

The pope curseth the councell.
In the 36. Session, a certaine citation was made and read agaynst the Pope, conteyning his depriuation and the sentence against him, and instrumentes made vpon the same. And whereas this Pope had thundred out hys curses, depriuations and excommunications agaynst them: The sayd Sinode did adnihilate all his doynges.

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Marginalia37.The 37. Session did renue agayne the accusation of the foresayd Pope, and the sentence definitiue agaynst hym was published.

Marginalia38.In the 38. Session certaine decrees were made touchyng the adnihilating of the penalties of the Ambassadours of kyng Henry sonne of Alphonsus kyng of Arragon. Also another decree was made touchyng the reuocation of the voices graunted to the Ambassadours of the king of Arragon.

Marginalia39.Thus Pope Benedict beyng deposed and excommunicated as is aforesayd, in the next Sessions folowyng, they addresse them selues to the election of a new Pope, begynnyng first in the 39. Session to geue out decrees concernyng generall Counsels, and prouision, for the auoydyng of such lyke scismes hereafter.

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MarginaliaDecrees for generall councels.Decreing euery x. yeare to haue a generall Counsell, after the two Counsels that should folowe immediatly after this, of the whiche the one should be kept wtin v. yeres, then next folowing, and the second within vij. yeares after that.

Item, in the same Session was drawen out a forme touchyng such thynges as the Pope should professe and binde him selfe to obserue at tyme of hys election, of the whiche forme the order and tenour is thys.

MarginaliaThe profession which the pope is bound to.I N. elected for Pope, professe wyth hart and mouth vnto almighty God, whose church I take vpō me to gouerne, by his helpe, & to blessed S. Peter the prince of the
