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K. Henry. 5. The councell of Constance. John Hus.

thers appoynted to peruse and looke ouer his sayde writinges of the church. MarginaliaOf the administratiō of Sacramentes.Moreouer he sayth that other men besides priestes may minister the Sacramentes, this article is euident, for so much as his disciples do the same at Prage, the which of them selues do violently take the sacrament out of the tresury, and communicate among themselues, when the holye communion is denied vnto them: by this & other things, also it is sufficiētly euident that he hath taught that euery man being without mortall sinne, hath the power of orders or priesthoode, for so much as such onely as hath taken orders, ought to minister the sacraments vnto themselues. And because he procedeth from small matters vnto great and waightier, it doth consequently appeare and follow, that those which be in state of grace, canne bynd and loose.

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Of the Church.
Thirdly he doth erre as touchinge the churche, and specially for that he doth not alowe and admit that the church signifieth the Pope, Cardinals, Archbishops and the clergye vnderneath them, but sayth þt this signification was drawn out frō the schole mē. And in no case to be holden or allowed, this article is manifest by his sayd treatise vpon the churche.

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MarginaliaEcclesiasticall reuenues.Moreouer he doth erre cōcernyng the churche in that he sayth, that the churche ought not to haue any temporall possessions. And that the temporall Lords may take them away from the churche and the clergy without any offence: this errour is euident, for somuch as thorow his doctrine and intisementes, many churches in þe kingdome of Boheme, and in the citie of Prage are all ready spoiled and robbed of a great part of their temporalties & goodes. He sayth also that Constantinus and other secular princes erred by enrichyng & endowyng churches & monasteries. This Article is manifest by that whiche goeth next before.

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The Bishops power.
Fourthly he erreth as touchyng the churche, in that he sayth, that all priestes are of lyke power, and therfore affirmeth that the reseruations of the popes casualities, the orderyng of Byshops, and the consecration of the priestes were inuented onely for couetousnesse. This Article doth somewhat appeare by those afore goyng, but by his examination shall be more euident.

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The power of the keyes of the church.
Fiftly, he erreth concernyng the churche, in that he sayth that the churche beyng in sinne, hath no power of the keyes, when as the Pope, Cardinals and all other of the priestes and clergy are in deadly sinne, the whiche he sayth is possible inoughe, this also doth appeare in hys treatise vpon the church, in his first errour as touchyng the ministers of the churche.

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Sixtly, he erreth touchyng the Churche, for asmuch as through contempt, he doth not feare excommunication. This doth notoriously appeare by his own doings, in that he did contemne and despise the Apostolicke and ordinary censure, and in all the Apostolicke excommunications and iniunctions he hath borne him selfe vpon the deuine commaundementes, and in contempt of þe keyes to the setting out of his hypocrisie he hath said Masse all the wayes betwene this and the citie of Prage, and ther by hath prophanate þe proces & authority of the churche.

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In Vestitures.
Seuenthly he erreth agayne, as touchyng þe church, because hee kepeth not the institutions and inuestitures therof, but holdeth opinion that euery man hath authoritie to inuest and appoint any mā to the cure of soules. This is euident by his owne doynges. For somuch as many in the kyngdome of Boheme, by their defenders & fauourers, or rather by him selfe were appointed, and put into parishe churches, the whiche they haue long ruled and kept, not beyng appointed by the Apostolicke sea, neither yet by the ordinary of the citie of Prage.

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The office of preaching.
Eightly, he erreth as touchyng the Churche, in that he holdeth opinion, that a man beyng once ordayned a priest or a deacon can not be forbiddē or kept backe frō the office of preachyng, this is likewise manifest by hysowne doynges, for somuch as he him selfe could neuer be letted from preaching, neither by the Apostolicke sea, neither yet by the Archbishop of Prage.

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And to the entent that the sayde Iohn Hus, who is clothed in sheepes clothyng, MarginaliaLupus agnum accusat quod turbarit fontem.and inwardly a rauenyng Wolfe, may be the better knowen by his frutes, for the better informatiō of you most reuerend fathers, I say, MarginaliaA heapinge together of many greuous crimes.þt from the first time that he toke in hand or went about to sow his errours & heresies, the which afterwarde he did in dede, he vnderstandyng and perceiuyng himself to be withstanded and gaynesayd by the Germaines, whiche were in the vniuersitie of Prage, for somuch as he could conclude nothing, because they had iij. voyces, and he on his part, had but one onely voyce: he went about and brought to passe, and that by the secular power, that the Germaines should haue but one voyce, and he and his partes iij. voyces, the which thyng, when the Germaines once perceiued, rather then they would lose or forsake any part of their right, whiche they had in voyces, or bee in daunger in their personnes, the whiche would then haue ensued vpon it, to saue thē selues: MarginaliaThe departure of the Germaines from the vniuersitye of Prage.they wholly with one consent agreed together to depart out of Prage, and by this meanes this solempne & famous vniuersitie of Prage was made desolate þt had brought foorth so many notable men in diuers sciences. Behold this his first frutes, whiche deuided that so famous vniuersity, for somuch as grapes are not gathered of thornes, neither figges of brambles.

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MarginaliaThe xlv. articles of Wickliffe.Moreouer, whē there wer questions moued amōgest the deuines of the Vniuersitie of Prage vpon the. xlv. articles of Iohn Wickleffe, & that they had called a conuocation, & all the deuines of Boheme, for þe Germayns were all ready departed, they concluded that euery one of those Articles were either hereticall, sedicious, or els erroneous. He alone held the cōtrary opinion, that none of those articles were either hereticall, seditious, or erronious, as afterward he did dispute, holde, and teache in the common scholes of Prage, where by it is euidentlye inough foreseene, that hee doth affirme those articles of Wickleffe, the whych are not onely condemned in England, but also by the whole Churche, because they were first inuented & set forth by the members of Antichrist.

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MarginaliaThe office of preaching forbidden by the Archbishop.Moreouer, he beyng complayned of to the Archbyshop of Prage, that he preached and set forth certain articles which were hereticall, false, and sedicious, he was forbidden by the sayd Archbishop to preache anye more, and proceded against him, according to the canonicall sanctions, the which proces is confirmed by the Apostolike sea, and published as well in the court of Rome, as without: the which Iohn Hus and his adherentes haue diuers and manifold wayes violate & prophanate. And who soeuer did speake against him, they were depriued of their benefices, and others placed in, which haue ruled, and yet do rule the sayd churches, and the flocks pertayning to the same, not hauing anye cure or charge of the soules committed vnto them, neither by the Apostolike sea, neyther yet by the ordinary of the place.

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Also as many, as well priestes as laye men in the citye of Prage and kingdome of Boheme whiche haue spoken against the doctrin of Hus, and the prophanaciō of the proces aforsaide, or at the leaste not allowing the same, haue suffred moste mortall hatred & persecutions, and yet to this day do suffer. But that at thys present it is dissimuled vntill the end of the processe againste Iohn Hus. MarginaliaInsurrections feared in Boheme agaynst the clergye.Wherfore if he bee now let go agayne, wythout doubte they shall suffer great persecution both in bodye and goods, and thorow out all the realme of Boheme, house shall be agaynst house, & this mischiefe wil creepe, yea sodeinly spring vp, thorow out all Germany, and innumerable soules shalbe infected, so that there shalbe such persecution of the clergy and faythfull, as hath not ben since the time of the Emperour Constantine to this

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