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K. Henry. 5. John Hus. The councell of Constance.

MarginaliaIohn Hus falsely charged to preach comming to the councell.bold to saye & affirme þt maister Iohn Hus had preached (as is premised) or that which lesse is, since the time of his comming vnto the city, euen vnto the veri day and time of his captiuity and imprisonment, that he went but one steppe out of the house of his lodging, that the sayd Lord Iohn de Clum, will and is content to binde hymselfe with any such, as shall affirme the same, vnder what penaltye so euer it be, of monye or otherwise, that þt whiche he hath falsly reported vnto your reuerences, he shal neuer be able iustly and truely to affirme and proue.

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Thirdly, wheras your reuerences do saye, that you do not vnderstand or know, what the Lordes do meane, by the heretickes condemned, at the councell holden at Pisa, whether the mocking or deriding the Pope, whose ambassadours came thither for vnitye or concorde, the which were suffered & gently entreated, as their Lordes wer most enclined vnto vnity and peace, or els that they did vnderstand or meane the perticuler heretikes, which were ther condemned adioyning therunto: that the heretikes also comming vnto the councel, vnder the pretence of that vnity, should be gently hādled and entreated. &c. Reuerend fathers and Lordes whether they be counted the first, or that they be thoughte the seconde or laste, the Lordes aforesayde require none other thing, but that the sayd maister Iohn Hus may vse such liberty as they vsed: forsomuch as he came willingly vnto this moste sacred councell, not for any other purpose, but onelye publikely to recognise his fayth. And in what poynte so euer he shall seeme to vary from the worde of God, and the vnion of the holy mother the church, that in that poynt he will willingly be vnited and reconciled agayn therunto, and not onely him selfe, MarginaliaIohn Hus had manye welwillers in Bohemia.but also his fauouers and adherentes, he would moue & prouoke therunto: of whome the greater number are in the kingdome of Boheme. Also he is come hether that he might purge and clear the noble kingome of Boheme, from the sinister and euell slaunder which was raysed vpon it.

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Last of all most reuernd fathers and Lordes, for somuch as your reuerences haue most fauorablye answered vnto the principall request made by the Lords afore sayd, that the proces of maister Iohn Hus thorow gods helpe, should be determined and ended with all expeditiō and gentlenes: The Lordes aforesayde doo render most harty thankes vnto your reuerences, and when so euer their desire by Gods helpe shall come to the end or effect long wished or looked for, they will not onelye here, but also before the whole kingdome of Boheme, and in all other places where soeuer they come, render moste immortall thankes vnto your reuerences for euer.

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¶ This declaration of the nobles of Boheme aboue prefixed, may serue not onelye to the confutation of the bishop Luthonius this Bohemian, but also agaynst the cauillations of Alanus Copus Anglus. Dial. 6 pag. 929. touching the safe conduct of Iohn Hus, whereof sufficiently before hath bene sayd, vide supra pag 710.

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Whē as þe noble men of Boheme by long time could receiue no answer of those supplicatiōs, which they had already put vp, they determined the last day of May following by an other supplication being put vp vnto the principals of þe Councell, to entreate þt Iohn Hus might be deliuered out of prison, and defend his own cause openly: they also put vp the testimoniall of the bishop of Nazareth, as touching Iohn Hus. The copy whereof is expressed in the beginning of this history, word by word.MarginaliaVid. supra pag. 717.

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¶ Another supplication of the nobles of Boheme.

MarginaliaAn other supplicatiō of the Bohemians for Iohn Hus.MOst reuerend fathers and Lordes in Christ, of late there was a supplication put vp vnto your reuerēces on the behalfe of the Lordes and nobles of Boheme, and the nation of Pole, wherein they most humbly desired your reuerences to consider howe the informations whiche were put vp vnto your reuerences, by the ennemies of maister Iohn Hus, were insufficient. And with be it spoken, in many points vntrue, as in thesafeconduict graunted by the kinges maiesty, and also in other articles, as more plainly appeareth in the scedule, whiche was then offered vnto you: MarginaliaThe Lordes could haue no aunswere of theyr supplication.vpon the which sayd scedule, and other thyngs at that present beyng put vp, they could as yet receyue no aunswere. Wherefore the Lordes aforesayd, most humbly require your fatherly reuerences, that it would please you to consider the sayde supplication, and to geue some aunswere to the Lordes aforesayd thereupon, and specially hauyng respect vnto the great iniuries and griefes, whiche are done vnto the sayd maister Iohn Hus, the whiche may bee vnderstand and known by the scedule aforesayd, that you will merfully cōsider and foresee, that all those griefes and euils, so far different from all brotherly loue & charity are done vnto him by his enemies euen for very malice & hatred.

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To the intēt therfore that the rancor and malice may be confounded and ouerthrowne, and the plaine and euident truth appeare, it may please your fatherly reuerences to vnderstande that it is notified and knowen vnto the Barons, Nobles, Citizens, clergye and laitye of the kyngdom of Boheme, that maister Iohn Hus in all his Actes and doings as well scholasticall as Ecclesiasticall, & specially in all hys publicke & open Sermons, he hath made and hath accustomed to make these maner of protestations, the whiche without any thing to the contrary, he hath alwayes endeuoured to haue thē strong & firme, as by this hys protestation here folowyng, whiche hee made aboute the determination of a certaine question, it may most euidently and playnly appeare vnto euery mā which would behold and looke vpō the same: the forme and tenour, wherof here foloweth, and is such.

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The protestation of Iohn Hus.

MarginaliaThe protestation of Iohn Hus.FOrsomuch as aboue all thinges, I do desire the honor of God, the profit of the holy church, and that I my selfe may be a faithfull member of our Lord Iesu Christ, which is the heade and husband of the holy church which he hath redemed: Therefore as heretofore oftentimes I haue done, euen so now again I make this protestation, that I neuer obstinately said, or hereafter will say any thing that shalbe cōtrary vnto the truth and verety: and moreouer that I haue alwayes holden, do hold, and firmely desire for to hold the very true and infallible truth and veritye, so that before that I would defend and mayntayne any errour contrarye thereunto, I would rather chuse by the hope and helpe of the Lord to suffer extreme punishment, euen vnto death: yea, and thorowe the helpe of God I am redy, euen to offer this my miserable life vnto death for the law of Christ, the which I do beleue euery part and percel therof to be geuen and promulgate for the saluation of mankind, by the councell and determination of the most holy Trinity, & the saintes of God. &c.MarginaliaVid. in priore edit. pag. 207.

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By the which his protestation, and also other protestations by the sayd Maister Iohn Hus, being well obserued and noted, it may be easely gathered, and knowen that hys whole intent and purpose was and is, that he neither would nor will haue spokē or written any thing in his bookes, treatises, doctrines, or publike sermons, or ells to haue affirmed any articles, the which willingly & wittingly he did vnderstād or know to be either erronious, offensiue, sedicious, hereticall, or offending þe godly eare. Albeit that these and suche lyke thinges are falslye imputed vnto him by his enemies. But it hath alwayes bene his chiefe entent and purpose, and so is that euery poynt, conclusion or article contayned in hys bookes or articles, to haue put and affirmed them to this end, according to the truth of the Gospel, the holy doctours and writers vpon the holy scriptures, and to that ende & purpose, as is before expressed in his protestacions: and if in any point, he should be founde to varye or go astraye, or that he were not well vnderstand of others, by like information to be informed, vnderstand, corrected and amended, and that hee will by no meanes sustayne or defende any manner of article against the holy church of Rome, or the Catholike fayth.

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MarginaliaArticles foysted out of Husses bookes by enemies.Wherfore most reuerend fathers, the premisses notwithstanding, his enemies, throughe the extreme hatred whyche they beare vnto hym, hath pycked and taken out by peece meale certayn articles out of the booke of maister Iohn Hus, reiecting and not looking vpon the allegations and reasons, neither hauing any relation vnto the distinctiō of their equiuocations, haue compounded and made thereof certayne false and fayned articles against him, to this end, þt all charity and loue being set

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