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K. Henry. 5. John Hus. The councell of Constance.

behold the abhominatiō of the desolation brought vpon the churche of God, the destruction of the fayth, and the confusion of the Christian people, to the ruine of the Lordes flock or fold, and all the whole company of our most holy sauiour and redemer. This losse is more greate or greuous then any whiche coulde happen vnto the martyrs of Christe, and this persecution muche more cruell then the persecution of any tyrants, for they did but onely punish the bodyes, but in this Schisme, and diuision the soules are tormented. There the bloude of men was onely shed, but in this case the true fayth is subuerted & ouerthrown. That persecutiō was saluatiō vnto many: but this schisme is destruction vnto all men. When the tyrauntes raged, then the fayth did increase: but by thys diuisiō it is vtterly decayd. During their cruelty & madnes, the primatiue churche increased, but thorowe thys schisme it is confounded and ouerthrowne. Tyrauntes did ignorantly offend: but in this schisme many do wittingly and willinglye euen of obstinacye offende. There came in heretikes, vsers of Symony and hypocrytes, to the great detriment & deceite of the churche: vnder those tyrauntes the merites of the iust were encreased. But duringe this Schisme, mischief and wickednes are augmented, for in thys moste cursed and execrable diuision, truth was made an enemye vnto all Christians, fayth is not regarded, loue and charity hated, hope is lost, iustice ouerthrown, no kind of courage or valiauntnes, but only vnto mischief: modesty and temperaunce cloked, wisdome tourned into deceyt, humility fayned, equitye and truth falsifyed, pacience vtterlye fled, conscience small, all wickednes intended, deuotiō counted follye, gentlenes abiect & cast away, religion despised, obedience not regarded, and all maner of life reprochfull and abhominable. With how greate and greuous sorowes is the church of God replenished and fylled, whyles that tyrauntes doo oppresse it, heretikes inuade it, vsers of Simonye doo spoyle and rob it, and Schismatikes go about vtterly to subuerte it? MarginaliaThis schisme cōtinued xl. yeres.O moste miserable and wretched Christian people, whom now by the space of . xl. yeares, with such indurate and continuall Schisme, they haue tormented and almost brought to ruine. O the little barcke and ship of Christ, whyche hath so longe time wandred and strayd now in the middest of the whorlepooles, and by & by sticketh fast in the rockes, tossed to & fro with moste greuous and tempesteous stormes. O miserable & wretched bote of Peter, if the moste holy father woulde suffer thee to sincke or drowne, into what daungers & peryls haue the wycked pyrates brought thee? amongest what rockes haue they placed thee? O moste godly and louing Christians, what faithful deuout man is there, whyche beholding and seynge the greate ruine and decaye of the church, would not be prouoked vnto teares? what good conscience is there that can refrayne wepynge? because that contention and strife is poured vpon the ecclesiasticall rulers, whyche haue made vs to erre in the way: because they haue not founde or rather woulde not finde the way of vnity and concord: Whereupon so manye heresyes and so great confusion is sprong vp and growne in the flocke of Peter and the fold of our Lord.

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MarginaliaHe sturreth vp the Emperour Sigismund. Many princes, kinges and Prelates haue greatly laboured and traueled for the rootinge out hereof, but yet could they neuer bring to passe or finish that most holesome and necessarye worke. Wherefore moste Christian kyng, this most glorious and triumphant victorye hath taried onely for thee, the crowne and glory therof shalbe thine for euer, and this most happy victory shalbe continuallye celebrate to thy great honour and prayse, that thou haste restored agayne the churche whyche was so spoyled, thou hast remoued and put away all inueterate and ouergrowne Schismes and diuisions, thou hast troden downe vsers of Symony, and rooted out all heretikes. Doost thou not behold & see how great, perpetuall, and famous renown and glory it will be vnto thee? For what can be more iuste, what more holly, what more better, what more to be desyred, or finally what can be more acceptable then to roote out this wicked and abhominable Schisme, to restore the church agayne vnto her auncient liberty, to extinguish and put away all Simonye, and to condemne and destroy all errors and heresyes frō amongst the flocke of the faythful? Nothing truly can be better, nothing more holy, nothinge more profitable for the whole world, and fynallye nothinge more acceptable vnto God. For the performaunce of whych moste holy & godly woorke thou waste elect and chosen of God, thou waste first deputed & chosen in heauen before thou wasteelect and chosen vpon earth. Thou waste firste appoynted by the celestiall and heauenly prince, before the electours of the Empire dyd electe or chuse thee, and specially that by thy Imperiall force and power, thou shouldest condemne and destroy those errours and heresies, which we haue presently in hand to be condemned and subuerted. To the perfourmaunce of this most holy worke, God hath geuen vnto thee the knowledge & vnderstandyng of hys diuine truth and veritye, power of princely maiesty, and the iust iudgement of equitye and righteousnes, as the most hyghest hymselfe doth saye: I haue geuē thee vnderstanding and wisdom, to speake & vtter my wordes, and haue sette thee to rule ouer nations and kingdomes, MarginaliaLoripes rectū deridet, æthiopus album.that thou shouldest helpe the people, plucke downe & destroy iniquitye, & by exercising of iustice thou shouldest, I say, destroy all errours and heresies, and specially this obstinate heretike here present, thorow whose wickednes and mischiefe, many places of the world are infected with moste pestilente and hereticall poyson, and by his meanes and occasion, almost vtterly subuerted & destroyed. This most holy & godly labour, O most noble prince, was reserued onely for thee, vpon thee it doth only lye, vnto whome the whole rule & ministration of iustice is geuē. MarginaliaNote the vyle flattery of these papistes when they would haue any thing of the Emperour for their purpose.Wherfore thou hast established thy prayse and renouwm, euen by the mouthes of infantes and suckyng babes, for thy prayses shalbe celebrate for euermore that thou hast destroyed & ouerthrowen suche & so great enemies of the fayth. The whyche that thou mayste prosperously and happely perfourme & bring to passe, our Lorde Iesu Christ maye vouchsafe to graunt thee his grace and helpe, who is blessed for euer and euer. Amen.

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MarginaliaThe proctor of the councell calleth for the sentence.When this Sermon was thus ended, the Procurer of the Councell rising vp, named Henricus de Piro, required that the processe of the cause againste Iohn Hus might be continued, and procede vnto the difinitiue sentence. Then a certaine bishop which was appointed one of the Iudges, declared the processe of the cause, whyche was pleaded longe since in the courte of Rome, and els where, betwene Iohn Hus, and the prelates of Prage.

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At the last he repeated those articles which wee haue before remembred, amongest the which he rehearsed also one article that Iohn Hus should teache the two natures of the Godhead & manhead to be one Christ. Iohn Hus went about briefly with a word or two to answer vnto euery one of them, but as often as hee was about to speake, MarginaliaThe Cardinall of Cambray commaunded Iohn Hus to kepe scilence.the Cardinal of Cambray commaunded him to holde his peace, saying: hereafter you shall aunswer to all together, if you will. Then sayde Iohn Hus, how can I at once answer vnto all those thinges which are alledged against me, when as I cannot remember them all? Then said the Cardinall of Florence, we haue heard thee sufficientlye. But when as Iohn Hus for all that, would not holde hys peace, they sent the officers which should force hym thereunto. MarginaliaIoh. Hus could not be heard in the councell.Then began he to intreate, pray, and beseche them, that they would heare hym, that such as were present myght not credit or beleue those thinges to be true which wer reported of him. MarginaliaIohn Hus committeth hys cause to the Lord Christ.But when all thys would nothing preuayle, he kneeling downe vpon hys knees, committed the whole matter vnto God and the Lord Iesus Christ, for at their hands he beleued easely to obtayne that which he desired.

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When the articles aboue sayd were ended, last of al there was added a notable blasphemy, MarginaliaMarke the vnshamefastnes of thē to fayne what they lyst.which they al imputed vnto Iohn Hus. That is, that he sayd ther should be a fourth person in diuinitie, and that a certaine doctor dyd heare hym speake the same. When Iohn Hus desired that the doctor might be named, þe bishop whych had alledged the article, sayd that it was not nedefull to name hym. MarginaliaIohn Hus agayne slaundered.Then sayd Iohn Hus, O miserable & wretched man that I am, which am forced and compelled to beare such blasphemy and slaunder.

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MarginaliaThe councell doth call it hereticall to appeale to Christ.Afterward the article was repeated howe he appealed vnto Christ, and that by name, was called hereticall. Whereunto Iohn Hus answered: O Lord Iesu Christ whose word is openly condemned here in this councell,
