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Letters of John Hus.

trust not in princes, &c. And agayne, cursed be þe man which trusteth in man, and maketh fleshe to be his arme. For gods sake bee you circumspect howe you stand & howe you returne. Cary no letters with you. Direct your bookes not all by one, but diuersly by diuers frendes.

MarginaliaThe visions of Iohn Hus by dreames.Knowe this for certayn, that I haue hadde greate conflictes by dreames, in such sort as I had much a do to refrayne from crying out. For I dreamed of the Popes escape before he went. And after the Lord Iohn had told me therof, immediatly in the night it was told me that the pope should returne to you againe. And afterward also I dreamed of the apprehending of maister Hierome, although not in full maner as it was done. All the prisonmentes whether and how I am caried, were opened to me before, although not fully after the same forme and circumstance. Many serpentes oftentymes appered vnto me hauing heades also in their tayle: but none of them could bite me: and many other things more.

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These things I write, not esteeming my selfe as a prophet, or that I extoll my selfe, but onely to signify vnto you what temptations I had in body and also in mind, and what great feare I had, lest I should transgresse the commaundement of the Lorde Iesus Christ. Now I remember with my self the wordes of maister Hierome, whiche sayde, MarginaliaProphesie of maister Hierome of Prage.that if I shoulde come to the councell, he thought I should neuer returne home agayn. In like maner there was a good and godly mā, a taylor, MarginaliaThis taylers name was Andrew, a Polonian.which takyng his leaue of me at Prage, spake to me in these words: God be with you (sayd he) for I thynke verelye, my deare and good mayster Iohn, that you shal not returne agayn to vs with your life. The king, not of Hungary, but of heauen, rewarde you wyth all goodnes, for the faythfull and doctryne whych I at your handes haue receiued. &c.

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¶ And shortly after the writinge hereof, he sendeth also vnto them an other propheticall vision of his to bee expounded, touching the reformation of the churche, written in his 44. epistle: the contentes wherof be these.

¶ An other Letter of Iohn Hus, sent to the Lord Iohn de Chlum.

J Pray you expounde to me the dreame of this night. I saw how that in my church of Bethleem, they came to rase and put out all the Images of Christe, and dyd put thē out. MarginaliaProphetia.The next day after, I arose and saw many painters, which paynted and made more fayrer Images and many more then I had done before: whiche Images I was very glad and ioyfull to beholde. And the paynters with much people about them, said: let the Bishops and priestes come now, and put vs out these pictures. Which being done, much people semed to me in Bethleem to reioyse, and I with them. And I awakyng therwith, felt my selfe to laugh. &c.

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¶ This vision Lord Iohn de Chlum, and Iohn Hus him selfe in his boke of Epistles in the. 45. Epist. semeth to expounde, and applieth these Images of Christ vnto the preachyng of Christ and of his life. The which preachyng and doctrine of Christ, thoughe the Pope and hys Cardinals should extinguishe in hym, yet did hee foresee and declare, that the time should come, wherin the same doctrine should be reuyued agayne by others, so plenteously, that the pope withal his power, should not be able to preuayl against it. Thus much as concerning this vision of Iohn Hus. Wherunto doth wel accord þe Prophesie of Hierom of Prage, printed in the Coyne called Moneta Hussi: of the whiche Coyne I haue my selfe one of the plates hauing this superscription folowyng prynted about it, Centū reuolutis annis Deo respondebitis & mihi. That is, After a hūdreth yeares come and gone, you shall geue a counte to God and to me. Wherof (God willyng) more shalbe sayd hereafter.

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MarginaliaProphetia.Furthermore in 48. Epist. þe sayd Iohn Hus seming to speake with the lyke spirite of Prophecie, hath these wordes folowyng: Sed spero quod quæ dixi sub tecto, prædicabuntur super tecta. That is: but I truste that those thyngs which I haue spoken within the house, hereafter shalbe preached vpon the top of the house.

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And because we are here in hād with the Prophesies of Iohn Hus, it shall serue well in place, here moreouer to recorde his wordes in a certaine treatise by him written, De Sacerdotum & Monachorum carnalium Abhominatione, wherin the sayd Iohn Hus speakyng prophetically of the reformation of the Churche, hath these wordes folowing. Ex istis vlterius aduerte incidentaliter, quod Dei ecclesia nequit ad pristinam suam dignitatem reduci &c. That is in Englishe.

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MarginaliaProphetia.Moreouer, herupon note and marke by the way, that the church of God, can not be reduced to his former dig-nitie, or bee reformed, before all thynges first bee made new. The truth wherof is playne by the Temple of Salomon: Like as the clergy, and priests, so also the people and laity: Or els vnles all such as now be addicte to auarice, from the least to the most, be first conuerted and reclaymed, as well the people, as the clergie and priestes. Albeit as my minde now geueth me, I beleue rather the first, that is, that then shall rise a new people, formed after the newe man, whiche is created after God. Of the whiche people new clerkes and priestes shall come, and betaken: whiche all shall hate couetousnesse, and glorye of this lyfe, hastyng to an heauenly conuersation. Notwithstandyng all these thynges shall come to passe and be wrought by litle and litle in order of times, dispensed of God for the same purpose. And this God doth, & will do for his owne goodnes and mercy, and for the riches of his greate longanimitie and patience, geuyng time and space of repentance to them that haue long layne in their sinnes, to amende, & flye frō the face of the Lordes fury, while that in lyke maner the carnall people, & carnal priestes successiuely and in tyme, shal fall away, and be consumed as with the mooth. &c.

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¶ An other letter of Ihon Hus.

MAyster Martine, my deare brother in Christ, I exhorte you in the Lorde, that you feare God, keepe his commaundementes, and fly the company of womē, MarginaliaNote that then priestes were not maried, & therfore he willeth him to aauoyde all company of womē& beware of hearing their confessōis, lest by the hipocrisie of women, Sathan deceiue you: trust not their deuotions. You know how I haue detested þe auarice and the inordinate lyfe of the Clergye: wherefore throughe the grace of God, I suffer now persetution, which shortelye shalbe consummate in me, neyther do I fear to haue my hart powered out for the name of Christe Iesus. I desyre you hartely, be not gredy in seking after benefices. And yet if you shalbe called to any cure in the coūtry, let the honour of God, the saluation of soules, and the trauaile therof, moue you therunto, & not hauing of the liuing or the commodityes therof. And if you shall be placed in any suche benefice, beware you haue no yonge woman for your cooke or seruaunt, least you edifye and encrease more your house, then your soule. See that you bee a buylder of your spirituall house, being gentle to the poore, and humble of mynde: and waste not your goodes in great fare. I feare also if you do not amende your lyfe, ceasyng from your costly and superfluous apparell, lest you shallbe greuouslye chasticed, as I also wretched man shallbe punished, whiche haue vsed the lyke, MarginaliaHe repenteth his gay garmentes.being seduced by custome of euill men and wordely glorye, whereby I haue bene woūded against God with the spirite of pryde. And because you haue notablye knowen both my preaching, and outward conuersation euen from my youth, I haue no neede to wryte manye thinges vnto you, but to desyre you for the mercy of Iesus Christ, that you do not follow me in any such leuitie and lyghtnes, which you haue seene in me. You knowe how before my priesthod, which greueth me now, I haue delyghted to play oftētimes at chesse, and haue neclected my time, and thereby haue vnhappely prouoked bothe my selfe and other to anger many tymes, by that playe. MarginaliaHe repenteth his playing at the chesse.Wherefore, besydes other my innumerable faultes, for this also I desyre you to inuocate the mercy of the Lord, that he will pardone me, and so to directe my lyfe, that hauing ouercome the wickednes of this present lyfe, the flesh the world, and the deuill, I maye fynde place in the heauenlye countrey, at the lest in the daye of iudgement. Fare you well in Chrst Iesus, with all them which kepe his lawe. My gray coate if you wil, keepe to youre selfe for my remembraunce: but I thinke you are ashamed to weare that graye colour: therefore you maye geue it to whom you shall thinke good. MarginaliaIohn Hus from his gay gaarments comth to his white coate.My whyte coate you shall geue the minister. N. my scholer. To George or els to Zuzikon. 60. grotes or els my gray coat: for he hath faythfully serued me. ¶ The superscription.

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¶ I pray you that you do not open this letter, before you be sure and certaine of my death.

¶ The consolation of M. Hierom to M. Hus.

MY master, in those things which you haue both writen hetherto and also preached, after þe law of God agaynst the pride, auarice, and other inordinate vices of
