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K. Henry. 5. Zisca. The Bohemians.

ther vniust, that temporal men, vpō any occasion, whatsoeuer it be, should take away temporall lands & possesons from the churche either vniuersall, or particular, to whom they are geuen, the consideration of the abuse of mortall prelates, priestes, or other ministers in þe church conuersaunt (whiche are mixt together good with bad) abusing the same, to the contrary notwithstandyng.

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Marke well this catholique doctrine of the popes church, concerning remission of sinnes.
Item, I confesse, that peregrinations to the reliques of sanctes, and to holy places, are not prohibite, nor to be contemned of any catholicke, but are auayable to remission of sinnes, and approued of holy fathers, and worthy to be commended.

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Marke how this doctryne ioyneth with Gods cōmaundement, and with hys worde.
Itē, I confesse that to worship the images of Christ or of any other saintes beyng set vp in the churche, or in any other place, is not forbidden: neither is any cause inductiue of Idolatry, beyng so vsed as the holy fathers do will thē to be worshipped: But rather such Images do profit much to the health of Christians, because they do put vs in remēbraunce of the merites of those saints, whom they represent: and the sight of them doth moue and stirre vp the people to prayers and deuotion.

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Ergo, by thys doctryne the iuste man liueth not by hys fayth, but by hys confession auricular.
Item, I cōfesse that auricular confession vsed in the churche is necessarye for a sinner to the saluation of hys soule, and necessarye to be done of suche a priest, as is ordeyned by the Churche, to heare the confession of the sinner, and to enioyne him penaunce for the same: without which confession (if it may be had) there is no remission of sinnes, to him that is in sinne mortall.

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How can these priestes be seruauntes of Christ, which be makers of Christ.
Item, I confesse & firmely do holde, that although the priest be in mortall sinne, yet may hee make the body of Christ, and minister other Sacraments and Sacramētalls: which neuer the lesse are profitable to all the faithfull, who soeuer receaueth them in fayth and in deuotion of the churche.

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Marginalia7.Item, I confesse that Byshops in their owne diocesse may forbid, decree, and ordayne, vpō reasonable causes, that priestes should not preach without their speciall licence, the worde of God, and þt those that do agaynst the same, should suffer the ecclesiasticall censures.

Priuate religions profitable, if ye could tell wherfore.
Itē, I confesse þt priuate religions aswel of monkes, chanōs and other, as also of the beggyng Friers, being allowed by the Churche of Rome, are profitable to the vniuersall Church, and in no meanes contrary to Gods law, but rather founded and authorised theron.

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Marginalia9.Itē, I promise & swere vpon these holy Euangelies, which I hold here in my hands, þt I will hēceforth neuer hold, affirm, nor by any meanes teach any thing contrary vnto the premisses either openly or priuatly.

MarginaliaStraite inquisition in England.After the settyng out of the constitution aforesayde in the dayes of the aboue named Henry Chichesley Archbishop of Caunterbury, great inquisition herevpon folowed in England, and many good men, whose hartes begā to be wonne to the Gospell, were brought to much vexation, and caused outwardly to abiure. MarginaliaChrist had the hartes of men: they had their bodyes.Thus, while Christ had the inward hartes of men: yet the catholicke Antichrist would nedes possesse their outward bodyes, & make them sing after his songe. MarginaliaA briefe sūme of such as abiured, vnder Hen. Chichesley.
Ioh. Taylour.
In the number of whō, beyng compelled to abiure, besides the other aforesayd, was also Ioh. Taylour of þe parish of S. M. at Querne, MarginaliaW. Iames.William Iames maister of Arte and Phisicion, who had long remained in prison, & at length after abiuration, was licensed, with his keper, to practise his Phisicke.

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MarginaliaI. Dwerffe.Also Iohn Dwerf, so named for his low stature, which was sent by þe duke of Bedford to the foresayd Chichesly and other Bishops to be examined before them in the conuocation: there he at lengthe reuolting frō his doctrine recanted, and did penaunce.

MarginaliaI. Iourdelay.In like manner Iohn Iourdelay of Lincolneshire, well commended in the registers for his learnyng, accused by the priestes of Lincolne for a certaine boke, which he contrary to the former decree of the bishoppes did conceale and did not exhibite vnto them, was there-MarginaliaIohn Iourdelay abiureth.fore enforced to abiure. After whom was brought likewise before the bishops, one Katherine Dertford a Spinster, who being accused and examined vpon these iij. areticles, concerning the sacrament of the popes Altar, adoration of Images, and of pilgremage, answered that she was not able, being vnlearned, to aunswere to such high matters, neither had she any further skil, but only her Creede and x. Commaundementes: and so was she committed to the vicar generall of the B. of Wint. (for that she was of the same dioces) to be kept, and further to be examine of the same. Ex Regist. Henr. Chichley.

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MarginaliaRobert person of Heggeley examined.At the same sitting was also brought before the said Archb. and his fellow bishops, by rhe lieuetenant of the Tower, the person of Heggeley in Lincolneshire, named M. Robert, who beyng long kepte in the tower, at length by the kings writte was brought and examined the same tyme vpon the like articles: to witte, touchyng the sacrament of their aultar, peregrination, adoration of Images, and whether it was lawfull for spirituall men to enioy temporal Lordships, &c. To the which articles he aunswered (saith the register) doublely & mockingly, saue onely in the sacrament he semed somthing more conformable, albeit not yet fully to their contentation. Wherefore, beyng committed to the custodie and examination of Rich. Bishop of Lincolne, where in the ende he was also induced to submit himselfe.

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MarginaliaW. Henry of Tenterden examined.The same likewise did W. Henry of Tenterden beyng suspected and arested for company keping with them, whome the bishops called Lollardes, and for hauyng suspected bookes.

MarginaliaA booke of the new lawe.
I. Galle.
R. Monke.
Bart. Cornmonger.
N. Hoper.
Tho Granter troubled for theyr doctrine.
Besides these, diuers other there were also whiche in the same conuocation were conuented and reuoked their opinions, as Iohn Galle a prieste of London, for hauyng a booke in English intituled: A booke of þe new law. Item, Richard Monke, vicar of Chesham in Lincolneshire, who submitted himself likewise. In this rase & number followed moreouer, Bartilmew Cornmonger, Nic. Hoper seruant to the L. Cobham, Tho. Granter with other moe, mentioned in the foresaid register.

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Among the rest which were at this tyme troubled for their faith, was one Radulphe Muugin priest, who for the same doctrine was arested and sent vp by the L. Chauncelor of England, to the foresaide Archb. and by him cōmitted to Dauid Price, vicar generall to the B. of London: Where after he had endured iiij. monethes in prison, he was by þe said Dauid presented to þe conuocation, against whom diuers articles were obiected.

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MarginaliaA subsidie gathered by the pope to fight agaynst the faithfull of Bohemia.But for the better explaning of the matter, firste here is to be noted, that during the time of this conuocation prouinciall, Pope Martine had sent downe to the Clergy of England, for a subsidie to be gathered of the church, to mayntaine the Popes warre agaynst the Lolardes (so the Papistes did terme them) of Bohemia. Also an other subsidie was demaunded to persecute one Peter Clerke maister of art of Oxford, who flieng out of England, was at the councell of Basill, disputing on the Bohemians side. And thirdly, an other subsidye was also required to persecute W. Russell, Warden of the gray Friers in London, who the same time was fledde from England to Rome, to mayntayne hys opinion before the Pope, and ther escaped out of prison. &c. of whō more largely hereafter (Christ willing) we shal entreate. MarginaliaRomyshe sleyghtes to get the Englyshe money.In the meane time marke here the pretye shiftes of the Pope to hooke in the English money by all maner pretences possible.

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MarginaliaArticles obiected agaynst Rafe Mungyn.Thus Rafe Mungyn, the foresayde examinate appearing before the bishops in the conuocation, it was articulate agaynst him, first that he should affirme & hold, not to be lawfull for anye Christian to fight and make warre agaynst the heretikes of Bohemia.

Item, it was to him obiected, that he dyd holde and say, not to be lawfull for any man to haue proprietye of
