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K. Henry. 5. Zisca. The Bohemians.

nūber. The castle was deliuered vp vnto them. Whilest these things were in doing, Zisca toke Boslaus a captain which was surnamed Cygneus, by force in a very strōge towne of his, and brought hym vnto his religion. Who a few yeares after, leadyng the protestantes host in Austria, was wounded before Rhetium and died.

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MarginaliaThe Abbeys of Pelsina subuerted.There were in the territory of Pelsina many monasteries, of þe which Zisca subuerted and burned fyue. And for somuch as the monastery of Saint Clare was the strongest, there he pitched hym selfe.

MarginaliaZisca putteth the Emperour to flyght.Thether also came the Emperour with hys army: but when Zisca brought forth his power agaynst hym, he most cowardly fled, and not long after, he departed & left Boheme. Then Zisca went with his army vnto Pelsina: but for somuch as he saw the citie so fensed, that he was in doubt of winnyng the same, he went from thēce to Commitauia a famous Citie, the whiche he tooke by force, burnyng all the priestes therin.

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MarginaliaZisca loseth his other eye in battell.Afterward, when as hee lay before the towne of Rabye, and strōgly besieged the same, he was stricken with a shaft in the eye, hauing but that one before to see with all. MarginaliaZisca, albeit he lost hys eyes, yet would not forsake hys armye.Frō thence he was caried vnto Prage to Phisicians, whereas he beyng cured of his wounde, and his lyfe saued, yet he lost hys sight, and for all that, he would not forsake his army, but still tooke the charge of them.

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MarginaliaZisca taketh diuers townes.After this the garisons of Prage went vnto Varona, where as there was a greate garison of þe Emperours, and tooke it by force, many beyng slayne of either part. They also tooke the towne of Broda in Germanie, and slue the garrison, and afterward tooke Cuthna and many other Cities by composition. MarginaliaThe Saxons retyre.Further, when as they ledde theyr army vnto a towne called Pons, which is inhabited by the Misnians, the Saxons metyng thē by the waye, because they durst not ioyne battaile, they returned backe. After all this the Emperour appoynted the Princes electours a day, that at Bartilmewtide, they should with their armye inuade the Weast part of Boheme, MarginaliaThe Emperour with his power entreth agayne into Boheme.and he with an host of Hungarians would enter on the East part. There came vnto his aide the Archbishop of Mentz, The county Pallatine of Rheine, the Dukes of Saxon, the Marques of Brandenburge, and many other bishops out of Almaine: all þe rest sent their aides. They encamped before the towne of Sozius, a strong and well fensed place, which they coulde by no meanes subdue. The country was spoyled and wasted round about, and the siege continued vntill the feast of S. Galle. Then it was broken vp because the Emperour was not come at his day appoynted, but he hauing gathered together a great army of þe Hungarians, and west Marauians, about Christmas entred into Boheme, and tooke certayne townes by force, & Cuthna was yelded vnto hym. MarginaliaThe Emperour afrayde of Zisca, flyeth.But when Zisca (although he was blinde) came towards him, and set vpon him, he being a fearde, and manye of his nobles slayne, fled. But first he burned Cuthna, which the Thaborites, by meanes of þe siluer mines, MarginaliaThe powch of Antichrist.called the powch of Antichrist. MarginaliaA noble victorye of Zisca.Zisca pursuing themperour a daies iourney, gotte great and rich spoyle, and taking the towne of Broda by force, set it on fire: the which afterward almost by the space of. xiiij. yeares remayned disinhabited. The Emperour passed by a bridge ouer the riuer of Iglaria. And Piso a Florentine, whych hadde brought. xv. thousand horsmen out of Hungary to these warres, passed ouer the Ise, the which by the multitude and the number of his horsemen beyng broke, deuoured and destroyed a great nomber. MarginaliaZisca destroyeth images and idolls in churches.Zisca hauing obtayned this victory, would not suffer any image or idoll to be in the churches, neither thought it to be born with all, þt Priests should minister with copes or vestimentes: for the which cause he was much the more enuied amōgest the states of Boheme. MarginaliaIoannes Premonstratēsis.And the Consuls of Prage being agreued at the insolency of Iohn Premonstratensis, called him and. ix. other of his adherentes, whom theyMarginaliaThe martirdome of certayne godly Bohemians falsely circumuented and killed with sworde.supposed to be þe principalls of this faction, into the coūsell house, as though they would conferre with them as touching the common wealth: and when they wer come in, they slew them, and afterward departed home euery man to hys own house, thinking the city had bene quiet, as though nothing had bene done: MarginaliaPriuie murther at length cōmeth out.But their seruantes being not circumspect inough, washing down the court or yarde, washed out also the bloude of those that were slaine, through þe sinkes or canels: the which being once sene, the people vnderstoode what was done. By and by ther was a great tumult: the coūcel house was straight way ouerthrowne, and a. xi. of the the principall Cityzens, which were thought to be þe authours therof, were slayne, and diuers houses spoyled.

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About the same time the Castell of Purgell, wherin the Emperour had left a small garrison (whether as also many Papistes with their wyues and children were fled) was throughe negligence burned, and those which escaped out of the fire, went vnto Pelsina. After this, diuers of the Bohemian captains & the Senate of Prage sent Ambassadours to Vytolde Duke of Lituania, and made him their king. This did Zisca and his adherentes gayne say. This Vitold sent Sigismund Coributus wyth two thousand horsmen into Boheme, who was honourably receiued of the inhabitantes of Prage. At his comming they determined to lay siege vnto a castell situate vpon a hyll, which was called Charles stone.

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Here Sigismundus had left for a garryson. iiij. Centurions of soldiours. The tentes were pitched in. iij. places. The siege cōtinued. vi. monethes, and the assault neuer ceased day and night. Fiue great slinges threw continually great stones ouer the walles, and about twoo thousand vessels, tubs, or baskets, filled with dead carcases and other excrementes, were cast in amongest those which were besieged: MarginaliaStench very hurtfull for the teeth.which thing did so infect thē with stenche, that their teeth did eyther fall out, or were all lose. Notwithstāding they bare it out with stout courage, and cōtinued their fight vntill the winter, hauing priuilye receiued medicine out of Prage, to fasten their teeth agayne.

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In þe meane tyme Friderike þe elder, prince of Brandenburge entring into Boheme wt a great power, caused thē of Prage to raise the siege. And Vitoldus at the request of Vladislaus kyng of Pole, whiche had talked wyth the Emperour in the borders of Hungary, called Coributus his vncle wyth hys whole army out of Boheme. Wherupon the Emperour supposed that the protestantes beyng destitute of forrein ayde, woulde, the sooner do hys commaundement: but he was farre deceiued therin, for they leadyng their armies out of Boheme, subdued the borderers therupon adioyning. It is also reported that Zisca went into Austrich, and when as the husbandmē of the countrey had caried away a great nūber of their cattel by water into an Ile of the ryuer called Danubius, and by chaunce had left certayne calues and swyne in their villages behynde them: MarginaliaAn other warlike policie of Zisca.Zisca draue them vnto þe riuer side, and kepte them there so long, beatyng them, and causyng thē to rore out and cry, vntill þt the cattell feedyng in the Iland, hearyng the lowyng & grunting of the cattell on the other syde the water, for the desyre of their lyke, dyd swimme ouer the riuer: the meanes wherof he got and draue away a great booty.

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About the same tyme the Emperour Sigismundus gaue vnto hys sonne in law Albert duke of Austrich, þe countrey of Morauia because it shoulde not want a ruler. At the same tyme also Ericius kyng of Denmarke, & Peter Infant, brother to the kyng of Portingall and father of Iames, Cardinall of S. Eustachius, came vnto the Emperour, being both very expert men in the affayres of warre: which dyd augment the emperours host with theyr ayde and power. Wheruppon, they straight way pitched their campe before Lutemperge, a towne of Mo-

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