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K. Henry. 5. The hloudy inquisition of Pope Martin.

MarginaliaHeresie to pray for Iohn Wicklieffe or I. Hus. &c.3. Itē, whether that after their deathes, he euer prayed for them or any of them, openly or priuely, doyng any woorke of mercy for them, affirmyng them to be either Saintes or els to be saued.

Marginalia4.Item, whether he thought them or any of them to be Saintes, or whether that euer hee spake such woordes, and whether euer he did exhibite any worship vnto thē as vnto Saintes.

Marginalia5.Item, whether he beleue, hold, and affirme, that euery generall Councell, as also the Councell of Constāce, doth represent the vniuersall churche.

Marginalia6.Itē, whether he doth beleue that that, which the holy coūcell of Constance, representyng þe vniuersall church, hath and doth allowe in the fauour of the fayth and saluatiō of soules, is to be approued and allowed of all the faythfull Christians: and þt what soeuer þe same Councell hath condemned and doth condemne to be contrary both to the fayth and to all good men,

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MarginaliaHeresie not to beleue the coūcell of to be beleued, holden, and affirmed, for condemned or not.

Marginalia7.Item, whether he beleueth, that the condemnations of Iohn Hus, Iohn VVickleffe, and Hierome of Prage, made as well vpon theyr persons, as theyr bookes and doctrine by the holy generall Councell of Constance: be rightly and iustly made, and of euery good catholicke men, are so to be holden and affirmed, or not.

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Marginalia8.Item, whether he beleue, holde, & affirme, that Iohn VVickleffe of England, Iohn Hus of Bohemia, and Hierome of Prage, were heretickes or not, & for heretickes to be nominated and preached, yea or not, and whether their bookes and doctrines were and be peruerse or not, for the whiche together with their pertinacie they were condempned by the holye sacred Councell of Constance, for heretickes.

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Marginalia9.Item, whether he haue in his custody any treatises, small workes, Epistles, or other writinges in what language or toung so euer, set forth or translated by any of these heretickes, Iohn VVickleffe, Iohn Hus, & Hierome or anye other of their false Disciples and followers, that he may deliuer them to the ordinaries of that place, or his commissary, or to the inquisitours, vpon his othe. And if he say that he hath no such writyng about hym, but that they are in some other place: that then you sweare hym to bryng þe same before hys ordinarie or other afore named, within a certein time to him prefixed.

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Marginalia10.Item, whether he knoweth any that hath the treatises, workes, Epistles, or any other writynges of the fore said Iohn VVickleffe, Iohn Hus, and Hierome, in what so euer toung they are made or translated, & that he detect and manifest the same, for the purgation of theyr fayth and execution of Iustice.

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Marginalia11.Item, especially let the learned bee examined, whether he beleueth that the sentence of the holy Councel of Constance, vpō the. 45. articles of Iohn VViclkeffe, and the 30. articles of Iohn Hus be not catholicke: whiche saith, þt some of thē are notorious hereticall, some erronious, other some blasphemous, some sclaūderous, som rashe and seditious, and some offensiue to godly eares.

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Marginalia12.Item, whether he beleueth and affirmeth, that in no case it is lawfull for a man to sweare.

Marginalia13.Item, whether he beleueth, that at the commaundement of a Iudge or any other, it is lawfull to take an othe to tell the truth in any conueniēt cause, although it be but for the purgyng of an infamie, or not.

Marginalia14.Item, whether hee beleueth that periurye wittingly committed, vpon what cause so euer, whether it be for the safegarde of his own lyfe, or of any other mās lyfe, (yea, although it be in þe cause and defence of the fayth) be a sinne or not.

Marginalia15.Item, whether a man contemnyng purposedly the rites of the churche, and the ceremonies of exorsisme, of Cathechisme, and the consecratiō of the water of Baptisme, be deadly sinne or not.

Marginalia16.Item, whether he beleue, that after the consecratiō of the priest in the Sacrament of the aultar vnder the figure of bread and wyne, be no materiall bread & wyne: but in all pointes, the same very Christ whiche was crucified vpon the crosse, and sitteth vpon the right hand of the father.

Marginalia17.Item, whether he beleue, that after the consecration made by the priest vnder the onely forme of bread and besides the forme of wine, be the very flesh of Christ and his bloud, his soule and his deitie, and so whole Christe as he is: and in lyke wise, vnder the forme of wine without the forme of bread, be þe very flesh of Christ & his very bloud, his soule, & deitie, & so whole Christ, & the same body absolutely vnder euery of those kindes singularly.

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Heresie to minister in both kindes.
Item, whether hee doth beleue, that the custome of houselyng of the lay people vnder the forme of bread only, obserued of the vniuersall church, and allowed by the holy Councell of Constance, be to be vsed, and not without the authoritie of the church, at mens pleasures to be altered, and that they obstinatly affirme the contrary to this, are to be punished as heretickes, or not.

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Marginalia19.Item, whether he beleue that those which contemne the receuyng of the Sacramentes of confirmation, or extreme vnction, or els the solemnisatiō of matrimonie, commit deadly sinne or not.

Marginalia20.Item, whether he beleue, that a Christian man, ouer and besides the contrition of hart, being licenced of a cōuenient priest, is bounde to confesse hym selfe onely to a priest and not to any lay man, be he neuer so deuoute or good, vpon the necessitie of saluation.

Marginalia21.Item, whether he beleue, that in the cases before put, a priest may absolue a sinner confessyng hym selfe and beyng contrite, from all sinnes, and enioye hym penaunce for the same.

Marginalia22.Item, whether he beleueth, that an euill priest, with due maner and forme, and with the intention of doyng, doth verely consecrate, doth veryly absolue, doth veryly baptise, and doth veryly dispose all other Sacramentes, euen as the church doth.

Marginalia23.Item, whether he beleue that Saint Peter was the vicar of Christ, hauing power to bynde and to loose vpon the earth.

Marginalia24.Item, whether he beleue that the pope beyng canonically elect, which for the tyme shalbe, by that name expresly, be the successour of Peter or not, hauing supreme authoritie in the churche of God.

Marginalia25.Item, whether he beleue, that the authoritie of iurisdiction of the Pope, and Archbishop, or a Byshop in byndyng and loosing, be more thē the authoritie of a simple priest or not, although he haue charge of soule.

Heresie to denie the popes indulgences.
Item, whether he beleue, that the Pope may vpon a iust and good cause, giue indulgences and remission of sinnes to all Christian men, beyng veryly contrite and confessed, especially to those that go on pilgrimage to holy places and do good dedes.

Marginalia27.Item, whether he beleue, that by such graunt, the pilgrimes that visite those Churches, and giue them any thyng, may obtaine remission of sinnes or not.

Marginalia28.Itē, whether he beleue, that all Byshops may graūt vnto their subiectes accordyng as the holy Canons doo limite, such Indulgences or not.

MarginaliaHeresie not to worship images.29. Item, whether he beleue & affirme, that it is lawfull for faythfull Christians, to worship images and the reliques of saintes or not.

Marginalia30.Item, whether he beleue, that those religions which the Churche hath allowed, were lawfully and reasonably brought in of the holy fathers, or not.

Marginalia31.Item, whether hee beleueth, that the Pope or any other Prelate for the tyme beyng, or theyr vicars may excommunicate theyr subiecte Ecclesiasticall or secular for disobedience or contumacie, so that such a one is to be holden and taken for excōmunicate or not.
