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K. Henry. 5. The storye of the Bohemians.

The third article, that the preaching of the woord of God is free for all men, and in all places.

The fourth article, as touching open crimes and offences which are in no wyse to be suffered for the auoyding of greater euyll.

These were the onelye propositions which they propounded before the Councell in the name of the whole realme. Then an other Ambassadour affirmed þt he had heard of the Bohemians diuers & sundry thinges offensiue to Christian eares, amongest þe which this was one poynt, that they should preach that the inuention of the order of begging friers was diabolicall.

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Then Procopius rising vp, sayd, neither is it vntrue: for if neither Moises, neither before him the Patriarks, neither after him the Prophetes, neither in the new law Christ and hys Apostles dyd institute the order of begging friers, who doth doubt but that it was an inuention of the deuill, and a worke of darkenes?

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This answer of Procopius was derided of them all: And Cardinal Iulianus went about to proue that not onely the decrees of the Patriarkes and Prophetes, & those thinges which Christ and his Apostles had instituted to be onely of God, but also all such decrees as the churche should ordaine, being guided through the holye ghoste, be the workes of God. Albeit as he sayd, the order of begging friers, might seme to be taken out of some part of the Gospell. MarginaliaCertayne appoynted by the Bohemians & the coūcell to dispute.The Bohemians chose out. iiij. Diuines which should declare their articles to be takē out of the scriptures. Likewyse on the contrary part there was. 4 opoynted by the councell. Thys disputation continued fifty dayes, where many thinges were alleadged on ey-ther parte, wherof, as place shall serue, more hereafter (by the grace of Christe) shall be sayde, when we come to the tyme of that councell.

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In the meane season while the Bohemians were thus in long conflictes with Sigismunde the Emperour and the pope, fightyng for their religion, vnto whome notwithstandyng all the fulnes of the popes power was bent agaynst them, God of his goodnes had geuen such noble victories, as is aboue expressed, and euer dyd prosper them so long as they could agree among thēselues: as these thinges (I say) were doing in Boheme: MarginaliaThe death of K. Henry v. called prince of priestes for fauouring the pope.Kyng Henry the v. fighting likewise in Fraunce, albeit for no lyke matters of religion, fel sicke at Bois, and died after he had raigned ix. yeares v. monthes, three weekes and odde dayes from his coronation. This kyng in hys lyfe & in all his doinges was so deuout and seruiceable to the Pope & his chaplens, that he was called of many, the Prince of priestes: who left behynd him a sonne being yet an infant, ix. monthes and xv. dais of age, whom he had by queene Katherin daughter to the French kyng, maried to him about 2. or 3. yeares before.

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The name of which prince succeedyng after his father, was Henry vi. left vnder the gouernment and protection of his vncle named Humfrey Duke of Gloucester.


¶ The names of the Archbishops of Cant. in this fift booke conteyned.

54Simon Islepe.17
56Simon Langham.2
57VVilliam VVitlesey 5
58Simon Sudbery.6
59VVilliam Courtney.15
60Tho. Arundell.18
61Henr. Chichesley.29