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K. Henry. 6. The Popes Legate not admitted, comming without the kinges leaue.

MarginaliaThe vaine glory of mans hart forgetting him self in honour.the assent of the commons, to be recorded, and substantially to be registred in the rolles of the parliament, for a perpetuall renowme to him, and all hys posteritye for euer: yet notwithstanding the hand of Gods iudgemēt still hanging ouer him, he enioyed not long this his triumphant victory. MarginaliaThe commons vnconstant.For within. iij. yeares after the death and ruine of the Cardinall, the voyces of the whole commons of England were vtterly turned against him, MarginaliaThe Duke of Suffolke accused by the commons.accusing him in the parlament at the blacke friers, for deliuery of þe Duchie of Angeow, & Earldome of Maine: also for the death of the noble prince Humfrey Duke of Glocester. They imputed moreouer to hym þe losse of all Normandy, laying vnto him, þt he was a swalower vp and consumer of the kinges treasure, the expeller of all good and vertuous counsailours from the king, and aduaūcer of vicious persons, apparant aduersaries to the publike wealth: so that he was called in euerye mans mouth a traytour, a murderer, and robber of the kings treasure.

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The Quene, albeit she tenderly loued the Duke, yet to appease the exclamation of the Commons, was forced to commit him to the tower, wher he, with as much pleasure and libertie as coulde bee, remayned for a moneth, which being expired, he was deliuered & restored again into hys old place & former fauour with the king: where at the people were more grudged then before. It happened by the occasion of a commotion then begynning amongest þe rude people, by one whom they called Blewbeard, that þe parlament, was for that time, adiourned to Leycester, thinking to the Quene, by force and rigour of lawe to represse there the malice and euill wyll conceiued agaynst the Duke. But at that place fewe of the Nobility would appeare. Wherefore it was againe reiourned vnto London, & kept at VVestminster, where was a whole company, and a full appearance, wyth the King and Quene, and with them the Duke of Suffolke, as chiefe Counsailour. MarginaliaThe Duke of Suffolke again accused.The Commons not forgetting their old grudge, renewed agayne their former articles and accusations agaynst the sayd duke, agaynst the B. of Salisb. and syr Iames Fynies, L. Say, and other. When the king perceaued that no glosyng nor dissimulation would serue to appease the continuall clamor of the importunate commons, to make some quiet pacification, fyrst he sequestred frō him the Lorde Say, Treasurer of England, and other the Dukes adherents from their offices. Then he put in exile the Duke of Suffolke, for the terme of. v. yeares, supposing by that space the furious rage of the people would asswage.

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MarginaliaExample of Gods iudgement and of bloud reuenged.But þe hand of God would not suffer þe giltles bloud of Humfrey duke of Glocester, to be vnreuēged, nor that flagitious person farther to continue. For when he shipped in Suffolke, entending to be trāsported into Fraunce, he was encountered with a ship of warre belonging to the Tower, MarginaliaThe Duke of Suffolke beheaded.whereby he was taken, and brought into Douer Rode, and there on the syde of a shyp boate, one strake of hys heade: whych was about the yeare of our Lord. 1450.

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And thus haue ye heard þe full story and discourse of Duke Humfrey, and of all his aduersaries: also of Gods condigne punishment vpon them for their bloudy crueltie. But before I remoue from the sayd story of the foresaid Duke, and of the proud Cardinal his enemy, I wil here by the way, annexe a certayne instrument by the kyng and aduise of his Counsaile, made agaynst þe sayd Cardinall, taking vpō him to enter into this realme, as Legate from the pope, contrary to the old lawes and customes of this realme, as by the woordes of the sayd instrument here in Latine may well appeare.

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MarginaliaPublicum instrumētū nomine Regis.IN Dei nomine Amen, Per præsens publicum instrumentum cunctis appareat euidenter quod an. D. 1428. Indictione septima pontificatus Sanct. in Christo pat. & D. nostri D. Martini. &c.

Ego Richardus Candray, procurator & nomine procuratorio Christianissimi principis Domini Henrici, Dei gratia Regis Angliæ & Franciæ, & domini Hiberniæ, domini mei supremi, de assensu pariter & aduisamento Illustris & potētis principis Humfridi Ducis Gloucestriæ, comitis pēbrochiæ, protectoris & defensoris regni Angliæ, & ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, ac cæterorum dominorū meorum de consilio suæ Regiæ celsitudinis, ac consilium eiusdem facientiū & hac vice representātiū, dico, allego, et in his scriptis propono, quod dictus Christianissimus princeps, domin9 me9 supremus, suiq; inclytissimi progenitores dicti regni Angliæ Reges, fuerunt & sunt, tam speciali priuilegio, quam consuetudine laudabili legitimeq; præscripta, nec non a tēpore & per tempus (cuius contrarij memoria hominū non existat) pacifice & incōcusse obseruata, sufficienter dotati legitimeq; muniti, quod nuli9 Apostolicæ sedis Legatus venire debeat in regnū suum Angliæ, aut alias suas terras & dominia, nisi ad Regis Angliæ pro tempore existentis vocationem, petitionem, requisitionē, inuitationem, seu rogatum: Fueruntq; et sunt dicti Christianissimus princeps, domin9 meus supremus ac sui inclyti progēitores huiusmodi Reges Angliæ, in possessione quasi iuris & facti priuilegii, & consuetudinis prædictorum, absq; interruptione qua cumq; toto & omni tēpore supradicto, pacifice & quiete: Romanis pontificibus per totum tempus supradictum, præmissa omnia & singula, scientibus, tolerantibus, & iisdē consentientibns tam tacite quam expresse, ac extra omnem & omnimodam possessionem, quasi iuris & facti, Legatum huiusmodi (vt præfertur) in regnū Angliæ aut alias suas terras & dominia mittendi, nisi ad vocationem, peticionem, requisitionem, & rogatum Regis Angliæ pro tempore existentis Et quia reuerendis in Chri. pat. & D. D. Henricus Dei gratia. &c sancti Eusebii præsbyter, Cardinalis sanctæ sedis Romanæ, Legatum se affirmans, more Legati, insigniis Apostolicæ dignitatis vtens, absq; vocatione, petitione, requisitione, inuitatione, aut rogatu Christianissimi domini nostri Regis predicti, inclytum regnum Angliæ de facto est ingressus: protestor igitur palam, & publico in his scriptis nomine & vice quibus supra, ac omniū ipsius domini nostri Regis subditorū, quod non fuit, aut est intētionis præfati Christianiis principis, domini mei supremi, ac dictorum dominorum meorum de consilio, in derogationem legum, iurium, consuedinum, libertatum & priuilegiorum dicti D. nostri Regis ac regni, ingressum huiusmodi dicti reuerendiss. patris, vt Legati in Angliam, authoritate ratificare, vel approbare, seu ipsum vt legatum sedis Apostolicæ in Angliam, contra leges, iura, consuedines, libertates & priuilegia prædicta quouismodo admittere seu recognoscere: aut exercitio legationis suæ huiusmodi, aliquibusue per ipsum, vt Legatum sedis Apost. actis, seu agendis, attentatis, seu attentandis, aduersus præmissa, leges, iura, consuetudinis libertates, & priuilegia, in aliquo consentire: sed dissentire: sicq; dissentit dictus dominus noster Rex, atq; dissentiunt dicti Domini mei de cōsilio, per presentes. &c.

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MarginaliaAn instrumēt by the the king agaynst the admittyng the popes legate.The summe and effect wherof in English is this: that in the yeare of our lord. 1428. as the king with the duke Humfrey L. Protector, & the rest of the Counsail, were in the Dukes house in þe parish of S. Benets by Paules warfe, one Richard Candray procuratour, in the kings name and behalfe, did protest and denounce by this publike instrument, that where as the king and all hys progenitours, kinges before him of this realme of Englād, haue bene heretofore possessed tyme out of minde, with speciall priuilege and custome vsed & obserued in this realme from tyme to tyme, that no legate from the apostolike sea should enter in this land or any of the kynges dominions, without the calling, petition, request, inuitement or desyre of the king: and forsomuch as Henry bishop of Wint. and Cardinal of S. Eusebius, hath presumed so to enter as Legate from the Pope, being neither called, sent for, required, or desired by the king: there-

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