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K. Edward. 4. Fridericus. 3. Emper. K. Ladislaus. Pogiebracius. Huniades.

and kyng Edward the 4. as ye haue already heard: Wherby it had bene easie for the Turke, with litle maystry, to haue ouerrunne al þe Christē realmes in Europe, had not the prouidence of our mercifull Lord otherwise prouided to kepe Amurates the Turke occupied in other ciuill warres at home in the meane while. Vnto this Fridericke came Elizabeth (as is afore sayd) with Ladislaus her sonne: by whom he was nurished and enterteyned a certaine space, till at length, MarginaliaVladislaus K. of Vngarye slayne in battaile by the Turkes.after þe death of Vladislaus aforesayd, kyng of Vngarie (whiche was slayne in battaile by the Turkes) the mē of Austria, through the instigation of Vlricus Eizingerus, and of Vlricus Earle of Cilicia rising vp in armour, required of Fridericke the Emperour, either to geue them their yong kyng, or els to stand to his owne defence. When Fridericke heard this, neyther would he render to them a sodayne aunsweare, neyther woulde they abyde anye longer delay: and so the matter growyng to warre, the new Citie was besieged, where many were slayne, & much harme done. At length the Emperours part beyng the weaker, the Emperour throughe the interuention of certaine nobles of Germanie, restored Ladislaus vnto their hands: Who being yet vnder age, cōmitted his iij. kyngdomes to. iij. gouernours. MarginaliaIoh. Huniades, gouernour of Hungarye vnder the kyng.Whereof Iohn Huniades the worthy Captaine, aboue mencioned, had the ruling of Vngarie: MarginaliaGeorge Pogiebracius gouernour of Boheme.George Pogiebracius had Boheme: and MarginaliaVlricus gouernour of Austria.Vlricus þe Earle of Cilicia had Austria. Which Vlrice hauyng the chief custodie of the kyng, bare the greatest authoritie aboue þe rest, a mā as much full of ambition and tyranny, as he was hated almost of all the Austrians, and shortly after by the meanes of Eizingerus was excluded also from þe kyng and the court, but afterward restored agayn, and Eizingerus thrust out. Such is the vnstable condition of thē which be next in place about princes. But this contention betwene them, I ouerpasse.

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MarginaliaLadislaus a yong popish king.Not long after, Ladislaus the yong king went to Boheme, there to be crowned, where George Pogiebracius, (as is sayd) had the goueruaunce. MarginaliaLadislaus could not abyde the doctrine of Hus.But Ladislaus during all the tyme of his beyng there, though beyng much requested, yet would neither enter into the Churches, nor heare the seruice of them, which did draw after the doctrine of Hus. In so much that when a certeine priest in the hygh tower of Prage, was appointed and addressed, after the maner of priestes, to say seruice before þe king, beyng knowen to hold with Iohn Hus and Rochezana, þe kyng disdayning at him, cōmaunded hym to geue place and departe, or els he would send him downe hedlonge from the rocke of the tower: and so the good minister repulsed by the kyng, departed. Also an other tyme the sayd Ladislaus, seyng the Sacrament caryed by a minister of that side, whom they called then Hussites, would do therunto no reuerence. Ex Æne. Syluio. At length the long abode of the kyng, although it was not very long, yet semed to the godly disposed to bee longer then they wished: and þt was not to the kyng vnknowen, which made him to make the more haste awaye. But before hee departed, hee thought firste to visite the noble Citie Vratislauia in Schlesia. In the which Citie, the foresayd kyng Ladislaus beyng there in the highe Churche, at seruice many great princes were about him: Among whō was also George Pogiebracius, who then stoode nereste to the kyng, MarginaliaChilianus a parasite about king Ladislaus.vnto whom one Chilianus, playing the Parasite about the kyng (as the fashion is of such as fayne them selues fooles to make other men as very fooles as they) spake in this wise as foloweth: MarginaliaThe wordes of a popishe parasie to Pogiebracius.With what coūtenaunce you do behold this our seruice, I see right well, but your hart I do not see. Say then, doth not the order of this our religion seeme vnto you decent and comely? Do you not see how many and how great princes, yea þe kyng him selfe, doo folow one order & vniformitie? And why do you thē folow rather your preacher Rochezana thē these? Do you thinke a fewe Bohemians to be more wise then all þe church of Christ besides? why thē do younot forsake that rude and rusticall people, and ioyne to these nobles, as you are a noble mā your selfe.

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Vnto whom, thus Pogiebracius sagely agayne doth aunswere. MarginaliaAn answere proceding of a heauenly wisedome.If you speake these woordes of your selfe, sayth hee, you are not the man whom you fayne your selfe to bee: and so to you I aunswere, as not to a foole. But if you speake this by the suggestion of others, then must I satisfie them. Heare therefore. As touchyng the ceremonies of the Churche, euery man hath a consciēce of his owne to folow. As for vs, we vse such ceremonies as we trust do please God: Neither is it in our arbitrement to beleue what we will our selues. The mynde of man being perswaded with great reasons, is captiued, will he, nill hee: and as nature is instructed and taught, so is she drawne, in some one way and in some an other. As for me selfe, I am fully perswaded in the religion of my preachers. If I should folowe thy religion, I might perchaunce deceiue men, goyng contrary to mine owne conscience, but I can not deceiue God, who seeth the hartes of all: Neither shall it become me to frame my selfe like to thy disposition. That whiche is meete for a Iester, is not likewise conueniente for a noble mā. And these wordes, eyther take to thy self, as spoken to thee if thou be a wise man, or els I referre them to those which set thee a worke. Ex Æn. Sylu. in. Hist. Bohem.

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After the kyng was returned from the Bohemians agayne to Austria, the Vngarians likewise made their petitions to þe kyng that he would also come vnto thē. The gouernour of Vngarie (as ye before haue heard) was Ioannes Huniades, whose victorious Actes agaynste the Turkes, are famous. MarginaliaVlricus seeketh the death of Huniades.Agaynst this Huniades, wicked Vlricus Earle of Cilicia, did all hee could with the kyng, to bryng hym to destruction, and therfore caused the kyng to sent for him vp to Vienna, and there priuely to worke his death. But Huniades hauing therof intelligence, offereth hym selfe within Hungary to serue his prince, to all affayres: Out of the land where hee was, it was neither best (sayd he) for the kyng, nor safest for hym self, to come. The Earle beyng so disapoynted, came downe with certeine nobles of the court, to the borders of Vngary, thinking either to apprehend him and to bring him to Vienna, or there to dispatch him. Huniades, without in the fieldes sayd he would common with him, within the towne hee would not bee brought. After that, an other trayne also was layd for him, that vnder pretence of the kinges safe conduict, he should meete þe king in the broad fieldes of Viēna. MarginaliaHuniades spareth his enemie.But Huniades suspectyng deceite, came in dede to the place appointed, where he neither seyng þe kyng to come, nor the Earle to haue any safe conduite for him, was moued (and not without cause) against the Earle, declaryng how it was in his power there to slay him, whiche went about to seke his bloud, but for the reuerence of the kyng, he would spare him & let him goe.

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MarginaliaAlba besieged of the Turke.Not long after this, the Turke with a great power of fightyng men, to the number of an hundreth and fiften thousand, ariued in Vngarie, where he layd siege to the Citie Alba. MarginaliaThe power of God by the meanes of Huniades and Capistranus, agaynst the Turke.But through þe mercifull hand of God, Iohn Huniades, and Capistranus a certeine minorite, with a small garrison of Christiā souldiours, gaue him the repulse and put him to flight, with all his mighty hoste: Wherof more (Christ willyng) here after. Ex hist. Bohemic. Æn. Siluij. Huiandes, shortly after this victory, deceased. MarginaliaKing Ladislaus commeth into Hungary.Of whose death when the kyng and the Earle did vnderstand, they came the more boldly into Hungarie, where he beyng receaued by Ladislaus Huniades sonne, into the town of Alba, there vewed the places where the Turkes before had pitched their tentes. When this Ladislaus heard that the kyng was comming first toward the towne, obediently he opened to him þe gates. Foure thousand onely of armed souldiours he debarred from entryng the Citie. In the meane tyme while the kyng was there resident in the citie, the Earle with other no-

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