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K. Edward. 4. Fridericus. 2. Troubles in Hungarye, Boheme, and Austria.

MarginaliaThe noble actes of Iohn and Mathias Huniades, agaynst the Turkes.The noble Actes of Iohn Huniades, and of this Mathias his sonne, were not only great stayes to Hungary, but almost to all Christendome, in repellyng backe the Turke. For beside þe other victories of Iohn Huniades the father, afore mētioned, this Mathias also his sonne succedyng no lesse in the valiauntnes, then in the name of his father, MarginaliaSyrmium and the borders of Illyrica recouered from the Turkes.did so recouer Sirmium, & the confines of Illyrica, from the handes of the Turkes, and so vanquished their power, that both Mahometes, and also Baiazetes hys sonne, were enforced to seke for truce.

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MarginaliaIaitza recouered.Ouer and besides, the same Mathias, conducting his armye into Bosna (whiche lyeth South from Hungary) recouered again Iaitza, þe principall towne of that kyngdome, frō the Turkes possession. Who, if other Christen princes had ioyned their helpes withall, would haue proceded farther into Thracia. MarginaliaThe subtile practyse of Sathan to stoppe good procedinges.But beholde here the malitious subtiltie of Satan, workyng by þe Pope. For while Mathias was thus occupied in his expedition agaynst þe Turkes, wherin he should haue ben set forward & ayded by Christen princes, and Bishops: MarginaliaPope Innocent styrreth warre betwene christen princes.the Bishop of Rome, wickedly and sinfully ministreth matter of ciuil discord betwene hym & Pogiebracius aforesayd, in remouyng him from the right of his kyngdome, and transferryng the same to Mathias. Wherupon, not onely the course of victorie agaynst þe Turkes was stopped, but also great warre and bloudshed folowed in Christen realmes, as well betwene this Mathias, & Pogiebracius, with his. ij. sonnes Victorinus and Henricus, as also betwene Casimirus, Vladislaus, and Mathias warryng about Vratislauia, till at length the matter was taken vp by the princes of Germanie.

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MarginaliaThe popes excōmunication not obeyed of diuers in Bohemia.Albeit, for all the execrable excommunication of the Pope agaynst Pogiebracius, a great parte of Boheme would not be remoued from the obediēce of their kyng, whom the Pope had cursed, and deposed: MarginaliaMathias adioyned Morauia and part of Slesia vnto Hungarie.
yet Mathias tooke from him Morauia, and a great portion of Slesia, & adioyned it to his kyngdome of Hungarie. an. 1474. ¶ MarginaliaThe religion of the Bohemians, defended by God, against the 4. greatest princes in Europe.Where this by the way is to be noted, þt the Religion in Bohemia, planted by Iohn Hus, could not be extinct or suppressed withall the power of 4. mighty princes, Venceslaus, Sigismundus, Albertus, and Ladislaus, notwithstāding they with the popes, did therin what they possiblye could: but still þe Lord maynteined the same, as ye see by this Poggiebracius kyng of Boheme, whō the pope could not vtterly remoue out of the kyngdome of Bohemia.

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MarginaliaMathias a great louer of learning and of learned men.This foremēcioned Mathias, beside his other memorable actes of Chiualry, is no lesse also cōmended for his singular knowledge and loue of learnyng & of learned mē, whom he with great stipends, procured into Pannonia: where by the meanes of good letters, and furniture of learned men, he reduced in short space the barbarous rudenesse of that countrey, into a florishyng common wealth. Moreouer, such a Library he did there erect, and replenishe with all kynde of authors, sciences, and histories, whiche he caused to be translated out of Greke into Latine, as the like is thought not to be found, next to Italie, in all Europe beside. Out of whiche Library we haue receaued diuers fragmentes of writers, as of Polybius, and Diodorus Siculus, whiche were not extant before. MarginaliaEx 5. lib. Peuc.Ex Peucer.

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MarginaliaCommendatiō of George Pogiebracius.The constant fortitude also of Georgius Pogiebracius K. of Boheme, is not vnworthy of commendatiō: of whom also Pope Pius him self, in Descriptione Europæ, doth honestly report (as a Pope may speake of a protestant) in these wordes, writyng: Magnus vir alioqui, & rebus bellicis clarus. &c.MarginaliaEx Pij pont. Descriptione Europæ. Whom although Pope Innocent did execrate, with his children, yet he left not of the profession of the veritie and knowledge, whiche he had receaued. MarginaliaGods fauour to the sonnes of Pogiebracius.Moreouer the Lord so prospered his sonnes, Victorinus, & Henricus, that they subdued their enemies, & kept their estate: In somuch, that when Friderike the Emperor at Vienna was in custodie enclosed by the Ci-tizens, Victorinus did restore & deliuer him out of their handes: Wherfore the Emperour afterward aduaunced them to be Dukes. Also God gaue them some times prosperous victorie agaynst Mathias, as at the Citie of Glogouia. &c.

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MarginaliaThe death of Pogiebracius.After the decease of Georgius Pogiebracius kyng of Boheme, Fridericke the Emperour assigned that kingdome, not to Mathias, vpon whō the pope had bestowed it before, but vpon Vladislaus sonne of Casimirus, king of Polonie, and of Elizabeth, daughter of the Emperour Albert, and sister to Ladislaus. For the which, Mathias beyng discontented, and for that the Emperour had denied him his daughter Kunegunda, wente about to exclude Vladislaus out of Boheme, and also proclaimed warre agaynst Fridericke. But before he accomplished his purposed preparation, death preuented hym, who without issue departed. an. 1490.

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MarginaliaVladislaus Casimirus sonne, made kyng of Hungarie.After the death of Mathias, departing without issue, Vladislaus sonne of Casimirus, kyng of Polonie, and of Elizabeth daughter to Albert Emperour, and sister to king Ladislaus, maried his wife Beatrix, whom Mathias left a widow, and with her was elected kyng of Hungary, with this condition made betwene him and Fridericke the Emperour, that if he dyed without lawfull issue, then the kingdomes of Hungary and of Boheme, should returne to Maximilian sonne to Fridericus. MarginaliaVladislaus forsaketh hys fyrst wyfe.But Vladislaus not long after, did repudiate hys wife Beatrix, and depriuing her of her kyngdome, caused þe sayd Beatrix to sweare and to consent to the mariyng of an other woman, whiche was the daughter of the Frenche king, named Anne, MarginaliaDispensatiō from pope Alexander, to forsake hys fyrst wyfe, and to mary an other.procuryng from Pope Alexander, a dispensation for the same, as is before signified. By this Anne, Vladislaus had Lewes, and Anne, whiche Anne afterward was maried to Ferdinandus.

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MarginaliaLeudouicus Vladislaus sonne, K of Hungarie and Boheme.Lewes succeding after his father, had both þe said kingdomes of Boheme and Hungary. an. 1492. & maryed Mary sister to Charles the. 5. Emperour. Anne, as is sayd, was coupled to Ferdinandus. &c.

Of Charles Duke of Burgoine, somewhat was before touched, who had maryed kynge Edwardes sister: and what troubles by him were stirred vp in Fraunce, partly was before notified. MarginaliaWarre betwene Charles duke of Burgoyne, and Fridericke the Emperour.This Charles, after he had besieged the Citie Nussia, or Nouasiū, þe space of a whole yeare, went about to alienate the territorie of Colen, frō the Empire, to his owne dominion: wherfore warre began to be moued betwene him and Fridericke the Emperour. Marginalia1475.At length, through communciation had, peace was concluded & a mariage appointed, betwene Mary the only daughter of Charles, and Maximiliā the Emperours sonne. an. 1475. Then from Nouasium Charles leadeth his armye toward Heluetia, against Renatus or Reinhardus Duke of Lotharing: thē agaynst the Heluetians. Where he beyng thrise ouercome, first at Granson, then at Moratum or Murta, in the hyer part of Heluetia, MarginaliaCharles duke of Burgoyne slaine in warre.
at last at the towne Nanse, was ouerthrowen and slayne. an. 1477. The procurer of whiche warres, was chiefly Lewes the. xi. the Frenche kyng, to the entent he myght compasse the dominion of Burgundie vnder his subiection: whiche afterwarde by open wrong and priuey fraude, he brought aboute, defraudyng Mary the daughter of Charles, of her rightfull inheritaunce: MarginaliaMary daughter of Charles of Burgoyn maried to Maximiliā.For the whiche cause the Burgundians were the more willyng to ioyne her in mariage with Maximilian sonne of Fridericke the Emperour: by reason whereof, the title of Burgundie, was first ioyned to the house of Austria.

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MarginaliaWarres and dissension emong Cristen princes.And thus haue you the miserable vexations and cōtentions among our Christian princes here in Europe, described, vnder the reigne of thys Friderike the 3. Emperour, so that almost no angle nor portion of all Christendome (whether we consider the state of the church, or ciuill gouernment) was free from discord, tumultes, and dissensions. Thys cankered worme of ambition so

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