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K. Edward. 4. Doct. de Wesalia reuoketh. Pope Sixtus. The Rosarye of our Lady.

Christ him selfe were here, he might be cōdemned as an hereticke. After this they sent diuers to him to haue cōmunication with him, and to perswade him, sendyng also to him with his articles, a forme of asking pardon: at length within three or foure dayes after, he was content to condescend vnto them, and to submitte hym selfe, to their holy mother Churche, and the information of the Doctours. In the boke of Orthuinus Gratius, & in Paralipomena, adioyned to Abbas Vrspurgensis, we read these wordes written of this Ioannes de VVesalia:  

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The following quotation is from Ortwin Gratius Fasciculi rerum expetendarum et fugiendarum (Cologne, 1535), fo. 166v. The 'Paralipomena' to which Foxe is referring is Casper Hedio's continuation of Burchard of Ursperg's chronicle. In this case, Hedio is merely repeating passages from Gratius.

MarginaliaEx Orth. Gratio.
Ex Paralip. Abbat. Vrspar.
Dempto solo articulo de processione spiritus sancti, in aliis videtur non ita graui censura. &c. That is: except onely the Article of the procedyng of þe holy Ghost, in other Articles it seemeth þt he was not to be chastened with so sharpe censure, if respite and space had ben geuen him, if good coūcellors had bene about him, if all they whiche dyd accuse and moleste hym, had not bene de via realium, as Thomistes, that is, of the secte of Thomas: MarginaliaDiscorde betwixt Reals and Nominals,whiche Thomistes were set at that time, against the other secte of the seculars, which were called Nominales, and therfore, they so spyted this Doctour because he did not hold with theyr Thomas, agaynst whom otherwise (had it not bene for that cause) they would neuer haue bene so fierce and malicious in procedyng agaynst him. I take God to witnesse  
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This entire quotation, regarding contemporary disapproval of Ruceruth's trial, is taken directly from Matthias Flacius, Catalogus testium veritatis (Strasbourg, 1562), p. 560.

, which knoweth all thinges, þt this processe whiche was made agaynst hym for his reuokyng and burnyng of his bookes, did greatly displease maister Engeline of Brunsvvicke, a greate deuine, and also Maister Iohn Keisersberge, beyng both learned, and famous men, but namely Maister Engeline thought, that to much malice and rashnes was shewed in handling of that same man, and did not feare to say, that many of his Articles, & the greater part therof, might be holden well inoughe, and greatly blamed the mad and phantasticall dissension of the Thomistes, sekyng by all maner of wayes, howe to get the triumphe ouer the seculare diuines. &c. MarginaliaEx Orth. Grat.Hæc ille.

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MarginaliaDoct. Iohn de Wesalia reuoketh hys opinions.Although this aged  

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This paragraph was added in the 1570 edition in response to Nicholas Harpsfield's claim that Ruceforth was not a tue martyr because he did not die violently. (See Nicholas Harpsfield, Diaogi sex contra summi pontificatus, monasticae vitae, sanctorum Sacrarum imaginum oppugnatores et pseudomartyres [Antwerp, 1566}, p. 822). Foxe wanted to emphasize that Ruceruth was a victim of persecution.

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and feble old man, by weakenes was constrained to geue ouer vnto the Romishe clergy, by outward profession of his mouth: yet notwithstandyng, his opinions & doctrine declared his inward hart, of what iudgement he was, if feare of death present had not otherwise enforced him to say, then he did thinke. Agayne, although he had reuoked after their mindes, yet we read no such fourme of recantation to be prescribed to him to read openly vnto the people, as the vse is here in England. The story of this man is more fully to bee found in the bookes of Orth. Gratius. &c.

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As touchyng the reygne of this Fridericke Emperour, seing we haue comprehended hetherto sufficiently the most principall matters in his tyme incurrent, we will now passe forward (the Lord guidyng vs) to Maximilian, after I haue first geuen a brief memorandum of iij. valiaunt princes & captaines florishing in the same tyme of this Fridericke, in Germanie: MarginaliaAlbert duke of Saxonie, called Dextera manus Imperij.Of the which, one was Albert Duke of Saxonie, who for his renowmed and famous actes, was called by publique voyce, Dextera manus Imperii, the right hand of the Empire. MarginaliaAlbert Marques of Brandenburg, called Achilles Germanicus.The other was Albert, Marques of Brandenburg, to whom also the name was attributed, named of Pope Pius to be Achilles Germanicus. The third was Fridericke Earle Palatine, surnamed Victoriosus: who māfully defended þe fredome and maiestie of the Empire, from the fraudulent oppressions of the popes tyrannie.

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The abhomination of pope Sixtur.
In the yeare of our Lord. 1484, in this Emperors tyme dyed Pope Sixtus, the. iiij. a litle before touched a monster rather of nature, then a prelate of the churche  

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The material on Sixtus IV - including the pasquinades - is taken entirely from John Bale's Catalogus, pp. 602-4 and 624-5.

. Of him writteth Platina, that vniustly he vexed all Italy with warre & dissension. Agrippa writyng of him, MarginaliaEx Declaratione Agrippæ ad Louaniensis.sayth that among all the bawdes of these other latter dayes, which were builders of brothelhouses, this Pope Sixtus. 4. surmounted all other: who at Rome erected a stewes of double abhomination, not onely of wemē but also. &c. whereupon no small gayne redounded to hys coffers: For euery such common harlot in Rome payd to him a Iuly peece  
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I.e., the prostitutes paid a tax every July.

, the summe whereof grewe in the yeare, somme while to. 20000. at length to. 40. thousand Duckets. Wherunto accordeth right well the Epitaphe of Iohn Sapidus, whiche in the ende hereof wee will annexe.

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MarginaliaThe warres of pope Sixtus.Ioh Carion also speakyng of this Bishop, witnesseth hym to be a man rather borne to warre, then to Religion: For he warred against Vitelius Tiphernates, against the Florentines, the Venicians, whom he excōmunicated and did not absolue till he died: also agaynst Columnenses, agaynst Ferdinandus kyng of Apulia, and Duke of Calabria: also agaynst other nations and princes moe. MarginaliaEx Ioan. Laziardo. lib. Historiæ Vniuersalis cap. 284.Ex Ioan. Laziardo.

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MarginaliaA large gift of the pope to the begging friers.Of the sayd Pope it is recorded that he was a speciall patrone and tutor to all beggyng Friers, graunting them to haue and enioye reuenewes in this world, and in the world to come euerlastyng lyfe. Among the which Friers  

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In the 1563 edition, Foxe printed an account of Alan de Rupe's founding of a rosary and a confraternity in honour of the Virgin Mary and of the vision which inspired it. Foxe drew this account from Bale, but (interestingly) was openly sceptical about it. By 1570, Foxe had checked Bale's source and found that Bale's report was accurate. (See Thomas S. Freeman, 'Offending God: John Foxe and English Protestant Reactions to the Cult of the Virgin Mary' in The Church and Mary, ed. R. N. Swanson, Studies in Church History 39 [Woodbridge, 2004], pp. 232-5).

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there was one named MarginaliaAlanus, author of our Ladyes psalter.Alanus de rupe, a Blacke Frier, whiche made the Rosarye of our Ladyes Psalter (so they terme it) and erected a certeine new fraternitie vpon the same, called Fraternitas Coronariorum, perteynyng to the order of the Dominickes, of the whiche order Iacobus Sprenger, one of the condemners of Ioannes de VVesalia aboue mentioned, was a great aduauncer, and especially this Pope Sixtus. 4. who gaue to the sayd fraternitie large graces and priuilegies. Concernyng the institution of this Rosarye, there was a booke  
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The book was Jodocus Beissel, Rosacea augustissime christiferae Maria corona (Antwerp, 1495). The passage quoted (accurately) below, is on sig. b5v .

set forth about the yeare of our Lorde. 1480. in the begynnyng wherof is declared, that the blessed virgine entred into the celle of this Alanus, and was so familiar with hym, that not onely she did espouse him to her husbād, MarginaliaThen had the blessed virgine Mary two husbandes.but also kissed him with her heauenly mouth, & also for more familiaritie, opened to hym her pappes, & poured great plentie of her own milke into his mouth. MarginaliaAn olde knaue to sucke hys wiues brest.For þe cōfirmatiō wherof þe said Alanus, this holy babe (saith þe story) did sweare depely, cursing him self, if it were not thus, as he had made relation. This fabulous figment, when I read in þe centuries of Iohn Bale  
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I.e. Bale's Catalogus, which was divided into 'centuries'.

, I began with me selfe to mistrust the credite therof, and had thought not to trouble the reader with such incredible forgeries. But as the prouidence of God worketh in all thynges, so also it appeared in this, that the very same boke came to my hādes at the writyng herof, wherin this self same narration is conteyned, wherin I found not onely this to bee true, whiche in Iohn Bale is expressed, but also found in like maner, an other wonder as prodigious as this: where in an other place not far of, is storied in the same booke  
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Foxe is quoting the story accurately; it is taken from Jodocus Beissel, Rosacea augustissime christiferae Maria corona (Antwerp, 1495), sigs. a4v-a5r.

, how that about the tyme of S. Dominicke there was a certaine matrone in Spayne named Lucia, whiche beyng taken captiue by the Saracenes, hauyng her husband kylled, was caryed greate with child, into the Turkishe land. When the tyme of her labour came, she beyng left desolate alone amōg beastes and hogges, and remembring this twise holy Rosarye, (first instituted, saith the boke, by S. Dominicke, and afterward renewed by Alanus) eftsones the holy Virgine was ready and stood by her, and receaued the child at her trauaile, supplying all þe partes of a diligent midwife: MarginaliaThe detestable impietie and blasphemie of the popishe lying religion.and more ouer causing a priest sodenly to appeare, gaue þe childe to bee Christened, calling it aftyer her owne name, Marianus: and so was she wife to Alanus, midwife to Lucia, and Godmother to Marianus. Which story if it be true, then is the popes Canon, by this example, to be controlled, whiche permitteth midwiffes in time of necessitie, to Baptise, MarginaliaMendacē memorem eße oportet.seyng the blessed Virgine playing the parte her selfe of a mydwife, durst not Baptise this childe without a priest. It foloweth more in the storye, that by the helpe of the sayd blessed Virgine, this Lucia, our Ladyes gosshyp, after her purification, was restored with

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