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K. Henry. 7. The historye and tyrannye of the Turkes.

MarginaliaThe crueltye of Zelymus against hys brother.of this, suborneth preuie tormenters, who byndyng his handes behind him, with their feete cast him downe vpon the gournd, and so twixing his necke with a coarde, did strãgle him. MarginaliaThe two sonnes of Acomates flye away from the tyrannie of Zelymus the Turke.This Acomates had. ij. sonnes, who hearyng of þe death of their father, did flie for succour, þe one to Sophus in Persia, & the other to the Sultane in Ægypt. By the meanes wherof, new occasion of warre grewe vnto Zelymus, wherby he was kept in Asia at home, to fight agaynst þe Persians and Ægyptians: MarginaliaThe prouidence of God in styrring vp occasions for hys that through the Lordes prouidence, Christendome by that meanes was deliuered from great daunger and perill of the Turkes tyranny: For otherwise the Turke was wholy minded, with all his force and puisaunce, to inuade the Christians, beyng in doubt whether first to begyn with Rhodes, or whether to assault Pannonia, or els to set vpõ Italie, beyng then at great discorde within it selfe: but this cause occupied the Turkes mynde otherwise & kept him at home. Such was then the prouidence of the Lord for the safegarde of his people.

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Wherefore for somuch as the affaires & doynges of this Turke were spent for the most part in the Turkishe and heathenishe countreis: it shall not be greatly necessary to trouble our Christian stories therwith, but onelye shall suffice to contract them in a briefe summe, declaryng superficially what vnquietnes was amongest them there, whiche could neuer be quiet but euer workyng some mischief either abroad or at home. MarginaliaWarre betwene Zelymus and Sophus the Persian kyng.Amurathes the Turkes nephew aforesayd, after he had obteyned aide of Sophus the king of the Persians, first inuaded Cappadocia: not long after whom, folowed Ismael Sophus the Persian kyng. By reason wherof a great battaile was fought betwixt the Persians and Zelimus in the fieldes of Armenia maior. In the whiche battaile, Ismael Sophus the Persian kyng was hurt on þe shoulder with a pellet, and so being caryed out of the fielde, left the victorie to Zelymus: who albeit had an armye of 150. thousand men, yet hee in the same field lost about 30000. of his Turkes. Whiche field was fought in the yeare of our Lord. 1514. Zelymus after this victorye went to Tauricia the Imperiall Citie of the Persians, whiche he by yeldyng subdued.

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MarginaliaWarre betwene Zelymus, and Aladulus an other Turke.In this meane time it happened that one Aladulus a kyng in Armenia the greater, was also a helper to Ismael agaynst the Turke, whereupon Zelymus the Turke takyng great indignation, the next yeare folowyng, leauyng the Persians, fought against the sayd Aladulus, and in the end ouercame him, and afterward beyng founde in a caue in a woode, was taken out and brought to Zelymus and so beheaded: whose head first beyng caried about Asia for a triumphe, was afterward sent to the Senate of Venice for a terrour vnto thē. The eldest sonne of Aladulus scapyng the handes of his pursuers, fled into Ægypte. This battaile thus fought and ended, Zelymus, after he had diuided the kyngdome of Aladulus into iij prouinces, went to Lycaonia, MarginaliaPreparatiõ of warre betwene Zelymus and the Christians.and frõ thence to Europe, there to defende the Citie of Samandria, agaynst the Christians in Hungary. But the Hungarians beyng sone repressed by Iuno Bassa the Turkes captaine, great preparation began to bee made by the Turkes agaynst the confines of Seruia bordering vpõ Hungary: The terrour wherof stirred vp Maximilian þe Emperour and Ladislaus kyng of Hūgary, and Sigismundus kyng of Polonie, to consulte together, and conioyne their power for defense of Christendome. MarginaliaThe Turke called away from the Christians.But through new incumbrãces incident, the Turke leauyng Europe, made hast agayne into Asia, to renue agayne his warres against the Persians, who had made a vowe not to geue ouer that warre before Ismael was ouerthrowne. But before he entred that warre, first he sent his messengers to the Sultane of Ægypt, requiring him not to entermedle in that warre: MarginaliaA Turkysh vowe.for thys Sultane before had promised to assiste the Persians agaynst the Turke. The name of the Sultane whicheMarginaliaCampson the Sultane or ruler of the Ægyptians.reigned then in Ægypt, was Campson, set vp by the Mamaluci. MarginaliaMamaluci.These Mamaluci were a certein order amongest the Ægyptiãs much like to the Ianizarites about þe Turke, beyng the children of Christen men, and after renyeng Christ, were the chiefest doers in the Sultanes court, and beyng growne into a great multitude, did degenerate into a Turkish barbaritie or rather became worse then Turkes. This Campson vnto þe messengers of the Turke gaue this aunswere againe, that vnlesse he would leaue of his warre agaynst Ismael, and restore the sonne of Aladulus, otherwise he would not lay downe his armour.

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Zelymus being incensed not a litle with this insolēte aunswere of the Sultane, leauing all other warres aside, with great celeritie aduaunced his power agaynst the Sultane. MarginaliaCaierbeius false to hys maister.Which Sultane partly through the falsehode of his captaine Caierbeius, partly by the suddeinnes of the Turkes comming, not farre from the Citie of Damascus encountred with the Turke MarginaliaCampson slaine.& there ouerthrowne from his horse being a fatte and grosse body, & fallyng vnder his horse, & his horse also falling vpon him, was quashed in peeces & so dyed: which was the yeare of Lord. 1516.

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Mamaluci, of whom more thē a thousand in this battaile were slayne, flyeng from thēce to Memphis, MarginaliaTomoumbeius made Sultane of Ægypt.set vp Tomoumbeius in stede of Cãpson: whose captayne Gazelles was ouercome at the Citie of Gaza, and he afterward him selfe driuen out of Memphis, where a great part of the Mamaluci were destroyed. Then Tomoumbeius flyeng ouer the floud Nilus, renued his armye agayne: but in the ende was discomfited and chased into a marishe, where he was founde standyng in the water vp to the chynne, and so being brought to Zelymus, was put to the racke and great tormentes, to make him confesse where Campsons treasures were. MarginaliaTomoumbeius executed.But when hee would not declare, he was caried about the towne with a halter about his necke & hanged vp vpon a high gibbet for a spectacle to all Ægypt: whiche was the yeare of our Lord. 1517. And thus were the. ij. Sultanes in Ægypt destroyed with the Mamaluci, whiche there had borne the rule in Ægypt the space of. 243. yeares. MarginaliaA worthy destructiõ of the Mameluci forsakyng theyr fayth and Religion.The progenie of the whiche Mamaluci remainyng of the warres, the Turke commaūded in the prison gates of Alexandria to be cut in peeces. MarginaliaNote agayne the prouidence of God.Zelymus frõ thence, triumphing departed to Constantinople, entēdyng to spende the rest of his tyme in persecutyng the Christians: MarginaliaThe death of Zelymus.But in that meane space he was stricken with a Cankered sore rottyng inward & dyed after he had reigned. 7. yeares, like a beast, in the yeare of our Lord. 1520.

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The reigne of this Turke was but short in number of yeares: but in nūber of his murthers and cruell bloudshed, it might seme excedyng lõg: which liued more lyke a beast then a mã, for he neuer spared any of his frendes or kinred. MarginaliaThe beastly crueltie of Zelymus agaynst hys kyndred.His father first he poysoned: his brethren & all his cousins hee quelled, leauyng none of all hys kynred alyue. Moreouer, his chief and principall captaines, for small occasions he put to death, as Mustapha, Calogere, Chendeme, Bostange his sonne in law, and Iuno bassa. MarginaliaThe crueltie of Zelymus agaynst hys sonne Solyman.It is sayd moreouer that he entended the poysonyng of his owne sonne Solyman, sending vnto him a sheart infected with poyson, because hee semed somethyng freely to speake agaynst the cruell demanure of his father: But by the meanes of his mother, the gift beyng suspected was giuen to an other whiche was his chamberleyne, who puttyng on the sheart, was strocken with the poyson therof and therwithall dyed.

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MarginaliaA Note of Gods prouidence for the reformation of Religion.As touchyng this Turke Zelymus, by the waye here may be noted howe the secrete prouidence of the Lorde kept him occupied with his Turkishe warres at home, while that þe reformation of Christian Religion here in Europe þe same tyme begonne by Martine Luther, might the more quietly take some rootyng without disturbãce or interruption. For so it appeareth by the computatiõ of tyme, that in the dayes of this Zelymus, Martine Lu-

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