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K. Henry. 7. The historye and tyrannye of the Turkes.



Damascus. Gal. 1.
Philadelphia. Apoc. 1.
Buthis, vel Pella.
Marginalia* Antiochia, apud Orontem, chiefe Citie in Syria, where the Disciples of Christ were fyrst named Christians. Act. 11.Cassiotis,
* Antiochia, apud Oron-
tem, vel Theopolis.
(Act. 11.
Marginalia* Nicopolis is a citie also in Macedonia mentioned in the epistle of S. Paule to Titus, cap. 3.Comagena.
Antiochia, sub Tauro.
Alexandria, apud Ißū.
* Nicopolis.
Marginalia* Seleucia is a Citie in Syria: Also an other in Pamphilia: an other in Cilicia pisidiæ: an other in Cœlesyria, & in Mesopotamia an other.Seleucis.
* Seleucia. Act. 13.
Marginalia* In this Laodicæa was the councell kept, which is called Concilium Laodicense.
There is an other Laodicæa in Lydiæ neere to Coloßæ, in Asia minor. Coloß. 5.
Laodicæa also is the chiefe Citie in Phrygia pacatiana, nere to Galatia. Act. 18. 1. Tim. 6.

* Laodicea. Coloss. 2.
Idumea. Marc. 3.
Besamma, vel Bersabee.
Eleusa. Gen. 21.

¶ Thus farre reacheth the compasse
of Syria.
Arabia. Gal. 1. 4.
Petrea, or Nabatea.
MarginaliaIn Edeßa reigned kyng Abgarus, mencioned Euseb. Lib. 1. cap. 15. to whom Christ wrote, promising to send vnto hym after hys death.
(Psal. 59.
Carra, or Charan,
where Abraham
dwelt. (Act. 7.
Edessa. which is nowe
called Orpha, & in the
storie of Tobias, cal-
led Rages.
MarginaliaBabilon in Chaldea, where Nabuchodonozor reigned, and was after destroyed and translated by Seleucus Nicanor: an other is in Ægypt, called Alcayrus.
Babilonia. Dan. 3.
In the coūtrey of
Babilonia, is also
a certaine regiō ap
pointed for Philo-
sophers and Astro
nomers, called
Chaldæa. Iere. 50.

Babylon, vel Baldach.
(Act. 7.
Orchoe, vel Vrchoa, vel
Hur chaldeorum, where
Abraham was
borne. Gen. 11. 15.
Gerusa S. Georgius.
Dioscuria, vel Sebastia,
which is now
called Suias.
Getara, vel Gangara.
Armenia. Gen. 8.
Armenia Maior, is
diuided from
Armenia Minor, by
the ryuer Euphrates.
This Armenia Maior
and Minor, this day
bee both vnder the

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¶ And thus farre reacheth the compasse of Asia Minor, with the countreys and prouinces to the same perteinyng, which being once brought to þe fayth of Christ, are now, in a maner, all subdued to the Turkes.

¶ The Ilandes belongyng to the regions of Asia Minor aforesayd, gotten by the Turkes.

MarginaliaIlandes belonging to Asia minor.

Chios.Act. 20.toLydia.
Pathmos.Apoc. 1
Samos.Act. 20.toIonia.
Trogylium.Act. 20.
Cnidus.Act. 27toDoris.
Coos. Coum.Act. 21.toDoris.
Rhodus.Act. 21.toLycia.
Cyprus.Act. 11.MarginaliaThys Cyprus K. Richard the first did once subdue, fyghtyng agaynst the Saracens.
Lesbos, with the Citie Mitylene.Act. 20.

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Æneas Syluius, otherwise Pope Pius. 2 in describyng  

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This incident is recounted in Pius II, Cosmographia (Paris, 1509), fo.60v.

of Asia Minor. cap. 74. reciteth a certeine facte of a worthy virgine: MarginaliaEx Æne. Syluio. lib. De orbis Descriptione. cap. 74.who, at what tyme the Turkes were besiegyng a certain town in Lesbos, & had cast down a great part of the walles, so that all the townesmen had geuen ouer, putting on a mans harnes, stepped forth into the breache, where not onely she kept the Turkes from entryng in, but also slue of them a great sorte. MarginaliaA memorable facte of a virgine in defence of her countrey.The Citizens seyng the rare courage and good successe of the mayden, tooke to them agayne their hartes & harnes, and so lustely layd about them, that an incredible number of the Turkes were slaine. The rest beyng repulsed from the lande, reculed into their shyppes: who beyng then pursued by a nauie of Calisa, were worthely discomfited lykewise vpon the sea. And thus was the Ile of Lesbos at that tyme, by a poore virgine, that is, by the strong hand of the Lorde workyng in a weake creature, preserued from the Turkes. Ex. Æne. Siluio. Et Seb. Munst. Lib. 5.

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¶ Beside these regions and countreys  

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The information on India is from Sebastian Münster, Cosmographiaeuniversalis (Basel, 1559), pp. 1083-90. The information on Persia is from pp. 1041-44 of the same work and the information on Arabia is from pp. 1031-7.

of Asia Minor aboue described, Sebast. Munsterus in the 5. booke of his Cosmographie declareth moreouer, MarginaliaEx Sebast. Munst. Cosmogr. Lib. 5. in præfat.that the Turkes and Sultanes haue vnder their subiection, both Arabia, Persia, and also India exterior, wherin is Calecute. The which Persia although it be vnder þe Sophi,  
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I.e., the Safavid shah. The Safavids ruled an empire based on what isnow Iran. They were Shiite Moslems (the Ottomans were Sunnis) and bitter rivals ofthe Ottomans.

whiche is an enemy to þe Turke, yet it is to be thought that he is a Sultane, one of the Turkishe and Mahometish Religion. This Persia and India were once seasoned with Christes Gospell, as may appeare by the primitiue Churche, MarginaliaVid. supra, pag. 135. 136.pag. 135. And thus haue you the partes of Asia described, whiche in tymes past beyng almost all Christened, doe now serue vnder the Turke.

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After the description of Asia, let vs next consider the partes and countreys of Aphrike:  

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This description of Africa is from Sebastian Münster, Cosmographiaeuniversalis (Basel, 1559), pp. 114-26.

Where although the greatest part either consisteth in desertes desolate, or is possessed with Prester Iohn, whiche professeth Christ and his Gospell:  
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A legendary Christian ruler. Earlier in the Middle Ages, his kingdom was considered to be in central Asia. From the fifteenth century onwards, Africabecame the favoured location and Prester John's kingom came to be identified with Ethiopia.

yet the Turke hath there also no litle portion vnder his dominion, as

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Ægyptus. Math. 2.
Regnū Tunece.

Africa Minor.
Cyrene. Act. 2.

Hippon. Here S. Au-
gustine was Bishop.

¶ A