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K. Henry. 7. A Table of the Turkes storye.

houses, plante vineyardes, shall hedge about his orchardes, shall procreate children: and after the xij. yeare shall appeare the sworde of the Christians, whiche shall put the Turke to flight euery where.MarginaliaThe expositiō of the Turkes prophecie.They which  

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Bartolomeo Georgevits, De origine imperii Turcorum as excerpted in Theodore Bibliander, Machumetis saracenorum prinpipis…Alcoran (Basel, 1550), III, pp. 166-71.

make declaration of this Turkish prophesie do expounde this xij. yeare to signifie the xij. yeare after the wynnyng of Constantinople: whiche Constantinople, they say, is ment by the redde apple: And after that xij. yeare, say they, shall rise the sword of the Christians. &c. and this prophesie beyng written and translated out of the Persian tounge, with this exposition vpon the same, MarginaliaEx Barthol. to be founde in the boke of Bartholomæus Georgienitz. Albeit, concernyng the exposition therof, it semeth not to be true which is there spoken of þe xij. yeare after the wynning of Constantinople, beyng now 100. yeares since the wynnyng therof.

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MarginaliaAn other exposition.Wherfore it may rather seme probable that by the vij. yeare and xij. yeare of the Turkes, this to be þe meanyng: that if the vij. of the Ottomā Turkes do scape the sword of the Christians, they shall continue, builde and plante, &c. vntill the xij. Turke, whiche is this Solimannus, and then after that shall rise the Christiās sword, which shall put thē to flight & vanquish thē in all quarters. And thys exposition may seeme to accorde with þe place of Genesis, wherin is written, of Ismael that he had xij. sonnes, & no moe: MarginaliaGen. 25.So that thys Solymannus being þe xij. Turke after Ottomānus, may (by þe grace of Christ) be þe last, whom we heard credably to be reported, at the printing hereof, to be dead. But how soeuer this prophesie is to be taken, it appeareth by their owne oracles, that at length they shall be ouercome by the Christians.

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¶ A table describyng the tymes and yeares of the Saracens, Turkes, and Tartarians, for the better explaning of the story aboue prefixed.  
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The following table, which lists events in Near Eastern history from the death of Muhammed in AD 632 until the fall of Acre, the last Crusader stronghold in the Holy Land, in 1291. This table is Foxe's own composition. When it is dealing with history of the Crusades and the Crusader kingdoms it is fairly reliable, but otherwise it can be very inaccurate; in fact, some of the events and people it describes are fictitious.

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MarginaliaThe Saracens begynne their reigne.
AN. 632. Began þe kyngdome of þe Sara-
cens or Arabians after the death of Ma-
humet þe first ryngleader of that mischief:
whiche Saracens reignyng in Babylon o-
uer Persia and Asia, continued about.


An. 667.  
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Jerusalem actually fell to the Moslems in AD 638; the conquest of Persia was complete in 636.

Hierusalē was takē of þe Saracens.
These Saracens after they had subdued Or
misda kyng of Persia, set vp to them selues
a new kyngdome callyng their chief prince
Calipha, which signifieth a generall Lord:
and vnder him Seriphes, that is, an vnder
prince: And agayne vnder hym their Sul-
dane, whiche is, a ruler or captaine: vnder
the whiche Suldanes, all their prouinces
were diuided. And thus ruled they the
space aboue sayd of.

MarginaliaThe Ægyptian Saracens or Sultanes.
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The conquest of Egypt occurred in AD 641. Cairo did not become the capital until AD 972.

The Ægyptiās being wery of their
subiectiō vnder þe Romanes, called for helpe
of the Saracen, Calipha: and so castyng of
the Romanes, submitted them selues to the
law of þe Saracēs, & had also their Calipha, &
their Babylō called Cayrus, where their Ca
lipha cōtinued vnto Saraco or Syracinus.

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If one includes the Fatimid caliphs, than these caliphs ruled Egypt for 530 years from AD 641 until AD 1171..

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The following sequence of events is fictitious.

Mauginetus or Muchumetus þe
chiefe Sultan of Persia, beyng at variaunce
with Imbrael þe Sultan of Babylon, sēt for
þe ayde of þe Turkes, out of Scythia: by whō,
when he had got the victory agaynst the Ba-
bylonians, the sayd Turkes shortlye after,
conquered the Persians and subdued theyr
countrey within the space of.

MarginaliaThe Saracens kyngdome ceaseth.
An. 830.  
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The following sequence of events is fictitious.

The Saracens being expulsed out
of Asia by the Turkes, wandered about A-
phricke, Spayne, and Italie, and were in
diuers places dipersed, and so remayne.
MarginaliaThe Turkes kyngdome begynneth.
An. 830.  
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Various Turkish kingdoms (notably the Uighars and the Ghazanavids) were established in the seventh to the tenth centuries, but this is probably a reference to the domination of the Seljuk Turks which began in the late tenth century.

The Turkes, after they had expul
sed the Saracens out of Asia, beganne to

reigne in Asia, in Persia, & in Arabia, and
there reigned without interruptiō, till þe
ming of the Tartarians, the space of.


An. 1009.  
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The Seljuk Turks conquered Jerusalem in 1075.

The Turkes wanne the Citie of
Hierusalem frō the Saracens: whiche Citie
the Sultan of Ægypte wanne agayne from
the Turkes shortly after, and possessed the
same till the commyng of Gotfridus.

An. 1051.  
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This entry is fictitious. In fact, the Seljuk Turks and the Fatimid caliphs of Egypt were bitter rivals.

Began the first king of þe Turkes
called Zaduke, to reigne in Asia, and ioyned
league with Calipha of Ægypte, and there
reigned till the conquest of Gotfridus and
the Christians, the space of.


An. 1078.  
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Süleyman ibn Kutalmish was the Seljuk ruler of the sultanate of Rûm in Anatolia from 1077-1086. He was a kinsman (but not the nephew) of Alp Arslan, the second Seljuk sultan.

Solymannus, nephew to Aspasa
lem þe Turkish king in Asia, otherwise called
Turquinia, subdued Cappadocia, whiche
hath continued now since, the space of.


An 1099. Gotfridus Bulion, Duke of Lo-
tharyng a Christē prince, takyng his viage
into Asia, with 700000. christē souldiours,
first got þe Citie of Nicea agaynst þe Sultan
of the Turkes: then Lycaonia, Cilicia, Sy-
ria, afterward Mesopotamia, and Coma-
gena, then Antiochia. an. 1098: and the
next yeare recouered Hierusalem, being thē
in the handes of the Saracens, whiche they
a litle before had wōne from the Turkes, as
is aforesayd. After this Gotfridus succeded
viij. Christian kyngs, whiche kept the kyng-
dome of Hierusalem and Asia both frō the
Turkes and Saracens the space of.


An. 1100.  
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After the death of Süleyman ibn Kutalmish in 1086, the Armenians overran the sultanate of Rûm.

The Georgians, which be a peo-
ple of Armenia the greater, vanquished the
Turkes out of þe kyngdome of Persia, after
they had cut their kyng in peeces. Wherby þe
Turkes flying to Cappadocia, there remai-
ned vnder Solymā, and ioyned them selues
to þe Suldan of Ægypt, & waxed thē strong
in Asia minor, called now Turquinia.

An. 1170. Whē Almericus the vij. kyng of
Hierusalē after Gotfridus, had ouercome þe
Calipha or Sultane of Ægypt, the Sultane
beyng ouercome called for the helpe of Sara
con the Sultan of Syria. This Saracon af-
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Salah al-Din (or Saladin) was the nephew of Shirkuh, a commander of Nur ad-Din, the ruler of Syria. In 1171, Shirkuh and Salah al-Din overthrew the last Fatimid caliph of Egypt.

he had expulsed the Christians out of Æ-
gypt, turned his power agaynst the Sultan
of Ægypte, and vanquishyng him, tooke to
hym selfe the kyngdome of Ægypt: Which
kyngdome hee with his posteritie did holde
till the commyng of the Tartarians and the
Mamaluches about the space of.


An. 1187. Saladinus þe nephew of Saracon
þe Sultan of Ægypt, perceauing þe dissension
amonge the Christian states of Palestina,
got Antioche, where he slue Raymunndus
the prince with his owne hādes  
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Shirkuh had slain Raymond of Poiters, prince of Antioch, in 1149.

: Then got
Tiberias: From thence went to Accon,
where he tooke Guido king of Hierusalem
and Maister of the Templares, prisoners:
for whose raūsome the Turke had Ascalon
yelded vp to hym of the Christians. That
done, he subdued Hierusalem, whiche had
bene inthe handes of þe Christians before,
the space of.


An. 1189.  
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The events described in this entry took place in 1189-92..

Friderike Emperour, Philippe
Frēch kyng, Richrad king of Englād made
their viage into Asia, where Friderike wash
ing in a ryuer at Cilicia, dyed. In this viage
at the siege of Accam, Saladinus wāne the