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K. Henry. 7. A Table of the Turkes storye.

fielde of our men, of whō 2000. were slaine
in the chase. Accon at lēgth was got of the
Christians. K. Richard gotte Cyprus. The
ij. kynges fell at strife. Philip retyred home
without any good doing. King Richard layd
siege to Hierusalem, but in vayne, and so
returnyng homeward was taken nere to
Vienna in Austria, after he had taken truce
before with the Soldan, vpon such conditiō
as pleased him. And thys good spede had the
Popes, sendyng out agaynst the Turkes.
An. 1215. There was an other Coūcell hol
den at Rome, by pope Innocent 3. where
was enacted a new article of our fayth for
transubstantiatiō of bread & wine, to be tur-
ned into the body & bloud of our sauiour. In
this Coūcell also great excitation was made
by þe pope, & great preparatiō was throughe
all Christendome, to set forward for recoue-
ry of the holy land. A mighty armie was col-
lected of dukes, lordes, knightes, byshops
and prelates, that if Gods blessing had gone
with them, they might haue gone through
out all Asia and India.

An. 1219. The Christians after 18. mo-
nethes siege, got a certain towne in Ægypt
called Damiata, or Elipolis, wt much a do,
but not much to þe purpose. For afterward
as the Christian armie of þe popes sending,
went about to besiege the Citie Cayrus or
Babylon, the Sultan throughe his subtile
trayne so intrapped and inclosed them with
in the daunger of Nilus, that they were con
streyned to render agayne the Citie Da-
miata, with their prisoners, and all the fur-
niture therof, as they found it, into the Sol-
dans hand, and glad so with their lyues to
passe forward to Tyrus. an. 1221.
MarginaliaVid. supr. pag. 389.
In the meane time the Ægyptian Turke
caused the Citie of Hierusalem to be rased,
that it should serue to no vse to the Christi-
ans. What great thing els was done in that
viage, it doth not greatly appeare in stories.
Albeit Fridericus the 2. Emperour was
not vnfruitfully there occupyed, and much
more might haue done, had it not bene for
the violence and persecution of the Byshop
of Rome agaynst him  
Commentary   *   Close

Note that Foxe here, as elsewhere, blames the failure of the Crusades on the Papacy.

: wherby he was en-
forced to take truce with the Sultan for ten
yeares, and so returned. After which things
done, not many yeares after, at length the
last Citie of all belonging to the Christians,
whiche was Ptolomais or Akers, was al-
so taken from them by the Sultane, so that
nowe the Christians had not one foote left
in all Asia.
Porta Caspiæ.

An. 1203. Thus þe Christians beyng dryuē
out of Asia by the Sultans & Turkes, yet the
sayd Turkes and Sultanes dyd not long en-
ioye their victory: For eftsones þe Lord stir-
red vp agaynst them the Tartarians,  
Commentary   *   Close

I.e., the Mongols. This passage describes the Mongol invasions of the Near East in 1258-1260.

breakyng into Asia by þe portes of Caspius,
subdued diuers partes of Asia, namely a-
bout Comana, Colchis, Iberia, Albania, &c.
These Tartariās, as they had got many
captiues in their warres: so for gayne vsed
to shyppe them ouer customably to Alexan-
dria in Ægypt to be solde: whiche seruaūtes
and captiues Melechsala the great Sultan
was glad to bie, to serue him in his warres.
Whiche captiues and seruaunts after they
MarginaliaSaladinus stocke in Ægypt ceaseth.
had continued a certeine space in Ægypte,
and through their valiaunt seruice, grew in
fauour and estimation with þe sayd Melech-
sala, and beganne more to increase in num-
ber and strength: at length they slue hym,
and tooke to them selues the name and kyng
dome of the Sultan.  
Commentary   *   Close

This is a garbled account of the overthrow of the Ayyubid dynasty in 1250 and the establishment of the Mamluk caliphs in Egypt.

And thus ceased the
stocke of Saracon and Saladinus afore men
cioned, whiche continued in Ægypte about
the space as is sayd of.

MarginaliaMamaluchi in Ægypt.
An. 1240. After þe death of Melechsala, the
army of these foresaid rascals and captiues,
set vp to them selues a kyng of their own cō
pany, whom they called Turquemenius.
Who to fill vp the number of their compa-
ny that it should not diminishe, diuised this
order, to get or to bye Christen mens chil-
dren, taken young from their parentes, and
the mothers lappe: whom they vsed so to
bryng vp to make them to renye Christ, and
to be circumcised, and instructed in Mahu-
metes law, & afterward to be trained in the
feates of warre, and these were called Ma-
maluchi. Among whom this was their or-
der, that none might be aduaunced to bee
kyng, but out of their owne number, or els
chosen by them: neither that any should be
made knightes or horsemen, but onely the
children of Christians, whiche should denye
Christ before, called Mamaluchi. Also it
was among them prouided, that to this dig-
nitie neither Saracens nor Iewes should be
admitted. Item, that the succession thereof
should not descende to the children and of-
spryng of these Mamaluchi. Also, that the
succession of the crowne shoulde not des-
cende to the children of the foresayd Sul-
tans, but should go by voyce and election.
The Tartariās with Turquemenius their
kyng, aboute this tyme obteyned Turquia,
that is, Asia Minor, from the Turkes, and
within ij. yeares after, preuailyng agaynst
the Turkes, expelled them from their kyng-
dome, and so continued these Mamaluchi
reignyng ouer Ægypt and a greate parte
of Asia, till the tyme of Tomumbeius
their last kyng, whiche was destroyed and
hanged at the gates of Memphis, by Ze-
limus þe Turke, father to this Solymannus,
as in his story is declared  
Commentary   *   Close

See 1570, p. 885, 1576, p. 722 and 1583, p. 747.

, pag. 885. These
Mamaluchi continued the space of.

yeares.MarginaliaVid. supra. pag. 885.

An. 1245. These Tartarians raungyng
through þe countreyes of þe Georgians, & all
Armenia, came as farre as Iconiū, which
was thē the Imperiall Citie of the Turkes.
An. 1289.  
Commentary   *   Close

These cities were captured in 1291.

The Soldan of Ægypt & Baby-
lon got frō the Christians Tripolis, Tyrus,
Sidon, and Berithus in Syria.
An. 1291. Lastly, Ptoloniais, which also is called Akers,
was surprised by þe sayd Sol-
dan, rased and cast down to þe ground, & all
the Christians therin (which were not ma-
ny lefte) were slayne. And this was the last
Citie which the Christians had in Asia: So
that now the Christians haue not one foote
(as is sayd before) left in all Asia. Thus the
Ægyptian Soldans, and the Tartariās reig-
ned & raunged ouer the most part of Asia,
aboue þe Turkes, till the reigne of Ortomā-
nus the great Turke, about þe space of.


¶ And thus haue ye the whole discourse of þe Turkish storie, with their names, countreys, townes, dominions,
