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The Popes supremacie how and when it first came into England.

MarginaliaKynges of England before the Conquest gouernours as well in causes Ec-gouernors here vnder Christ, as well in causes Ecclesiasticall, as temporall, both in directyng orders, institutyng lawes, in callyng of Synodes, and also in conferryng Byshoprikes and benefices, without any leaue of þe Romish Byshops. Thus Odo, Dunstane, Oswold,Marginaliaclesiasticall as temporall.Ethelwold, Aldelmus, and Lancfrancus although they fet their palles afterward from Rome, yet were they made Byhsops and Archbyshops by Kynges onely, not by Popes.

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And thus stode the gouernement of this Realme of England all the tyme before the Conquest, MarginaliaWhen kynges of England came first vnder the Popes subiection.till Pope Hildebrand through the settyng on of the Saxons, began first to bring the Emperour (which was Henry 4.) vnder foote. Then folowed the subduing of other Emperours, Kings, and subiectes after that, as namely here in England, when Lancfrancus, Anselmus, and Becket went to complayne of theyr kynges and gouernours, then brought they the Popes iudiciall authoritie first from Rome, ouer this land, both ouer kynges & subiectes: which euer since hath continued, till these later yeares. Albeit the sayd kynges of this realme of England being prudent Princes, and seyng right well the ambitious presumption of those Romish Byshops, dyd what they could to shake of the yoke of their supremacie, as appeareth by the lawes and Actes of theyr Parlamentes, both in Kyng Edward the thyrdes tyme, Kyng Kichard the 2. and Kyng Henry 4. aboue in theyr Parlament notes specified: yet for feare of other foreine Princes, and the blynd opinion of their subiectes, such was then the calamitie of that tyme that neither they could nor durst cōpasse that, which fayne they would: till at last, the tyme of theyr iniquitie beyng complete, through the Lordes wonderfull workyng, theyr pride had a fall, as in the next Volume ensuyng (the Lord so grauntyng) shall by proces of history be declared.

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