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Bishops of Rome aduaunced by Emperours, Constantinus, Theodosius. &c.

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CUL copy: note the attention to detail in this illustration: tiny, individual brushstrokes are used to suggest the weave of the fabric in the Emperor's clothing. The detail added to the marbling on the right-hand pillar replicates that added to the pillars in other images, such as the 'Vivate Rex' on the verso of the title page. WREN copy: this copy is not as detailed as that in the CUL copy.

Christ giueth influence to his body: so doth the Pope. Christ forgiueth sinne, the pope doth no lesse. Christ expelleth euil spirites by his power: so pretēdeth þe Pope by hys holy water. Furthermore, where Christ went barefoote vppon the bare ground: he with his golden shoes is caryed on mens shoulders. And where Christ was called Sanctus Sāctorum: he is called Sanctorum Sanctissimus. Christ neuer practised but onely the spirituall sword: he claymeth both spirituall and temporall. Christ bought the Church: he both buyeth and selleth the Church. And if it be necessary to beleue Christ to be the Sauiour of the world: so is it necessary to beleue the Pope to be the head of the Church. Christ payed tribute to Cæsar: he maketh Cæsar pay tribute vnto hym. Finally, the crowne of Christ was of sharpe thorne: the Pope hath three crownes of gold vpon hys head, so far excedyng Christ the sonne of God in glory of this world, as Christ excedeth hym in the glory of heauen. The Image and paterne of whose intolerable pride and exaltation, accordyng as S. Paul doth describe hym in hys Epistle aforesayd, we haue here set forth, not onely in these Tables to be sene, and by hys own factes to be noted, but also in his own words, and Registers, Clementins, Extrauagātes, & Pontificals, expressed as in order (the Lord willing) shall folow.

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¶ The exaltation of Popes aboue Kinges and Emperours, out of historyes.

MarginaliaIohn Patiarch of Cōstantinople subdued by the B. of Rome.FIrst, after that Italy and the Citie of Rome were ouer runne by the Gotthes and Vandals, so that the seat of þe Empire was remoued to Cōstantinople, then began Ioannes Patriarch of Costantinople to to put forth hym selfe, and would nedes be called vniuersall Byshop of the world: but the Byshop of Rome in no case would suffer that, and stopped it. MarginaliaThe Emperours Lieutenāt of Rauenna subdued by the Lombardes & Romane Bishops.After this came the Emperours debitie, and Exarch of Rauenna to rule Italie, but the Bishop of Rome through aide of the kyng of Lombardes soone quailed hym.

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Not long after, about the yeare of our Lord. D.C. came Phocas þe murderer, who slue þe Emperor of Cōstantinople hys master Mauritius & his children. MarginaliaBoniface 3. obtained of Phocas to be called vniuersall Bishop.By which Phocas þe Byshops of old Rome aspyred first to their preeminence, to be coūted þe headbishops ouer the whole Churche, & so together with þe Lombardes began to rule the Citie of Rome.  

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This summary of papal history from Phocas and Boniface III through to Otto I, is based on on William Tyndale's The Practice of Prelates.(See Expositions and Notes…by William Tyndale, ed. Henry Walter, ParkerSociety [Cambridge, 1849], pp. 258-70).

Afterward when the Lombardes would not yeld vnto hym, in accomplishyng hys ambitious desire, but would nedes requyre of the Byshop the sayd citie of Rome MarginaliaPope Zachary putteth downe Childericus þe French king, and setteth Pipinus in his place.he styrred vp Pipinus, but first deposed Childiricus the kyng of Fraunce, and so thrustyng hym into an Abbay, MarginaliaPipinus & Carolus Magnus set vp by Pope Zachary.set vp in his place Pipinus and his sonne Carolus Magnus, to put downe the sayd kyng of Lombardes called Aistulphus: and so translated the Empyre from Constantinople into Fraunce, diuidyng the spoyle betwene hym and them: MarginaliaHow the Bishops of Rome came first to be the head Bishops of the that the kynges of Fraunce had all the possessions and landes which before belonged to the Empire, and he to receaue of them the quyet possession of the Citie of Rome, with such donations and Lordshyps, MarginaliaDonation of Constantine a thing false and forged.which now they chalenge vnto them vnder the name of S. Peters patrimonie, which they falsely ascribe to the donation of Constantinus the great.

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It foloweth then in proces of tyme, after the dayes of Pipinus, Carolus, and Ludouicus (who had indued these Bishops of Rome, called now Popes, with large possessions) when the kynges of Fraunce were not so applyable to their becke, to ayde and mainteyne them agaynst the Princes of Italy, who began then to pynch the sayd Byshops for their wrongfull vsurped goodes, MarginaliaPope Gregory v. practiseth with the Germanes to reduce þe Empire to Germany. an. 1000.they practised with the Germanes to reduce the Empire to MarginaliaOtho first Germane Emperour.Otho first of that name Duke of Spayne,  

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I.e., the duke of Saxony.

referryng the election therof to vij. Princes Electours of Germany, which was about. an. 1002. notwithstāding reseruyng still in his handes the negatiue voyce, thynkyng therby to enioy that they had, in quietnes and securitie, and so dyd for a good space.

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At length whē some of these Germane Emperours also after Otho began a litle to spurne agaynst the
