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Henricus. 4. Emperour surrendered his crowne to the Pope.

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CUL copy: This illustration manifests many contradictions in its colouring in. In many ways it is more crudely coloured in than those preceding it. For example, the clothing of the cardinals is in red but in block colour, with no attempt to provide detail or shading. However there is attention to detail in other parts of the picture, such as in the faces and headwear. The depiction of shadows is unrealistic - somewhat medieval in its representation. WREN copy: a very pale version, the cardinals' vestments are in a pale orange wash, rather than a block colour.

to bow and submit their heades vnto Byshops, and not to proceede in Iudgement agaynst the heades of Byshops. Marginalia20.
Pope Clemēt. 5. Clement. de Sentent. & reiud. c. Pastoralis.
20 If this reuerence and submission was wont to be giuen to Bishops, how much more ought they to submitte their heades to me beyng superiour, not onely to Kynges, but Emperours, and that for two causes: First for my title of succession that I Pope of Rome haue to the Empire, the roome standyng vacant. Also for the fulnesse of power that Christ the Kyng of Kynges, and Lord of Lordes hath geuen to me in the person of Peter. Marginalia21.
Pope Innocentius 3. De iudicijs cap. Nouit.
21 By reason, whereof, seyng my power is not of man but of God, who by his celestiall prouidence hath set me ouer hys whole vniuersall Church maister and gouernour, it belongeth therfore to my office to looke vppon euery mortall sinne of euery Christen man: Marginalia22.
22. Wherby all criminall causes as well of Kynges as all other, be subiect to my censure,  

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This is a good example of how Foxe can distort the sources he is quoting. The rule actually asserts the right of the papacy to hear appeals from bishops regarding offenses committed against them, even by kings, but it does not assertjurisdiction over all criminal offenses.

Pope Iulius. Causa. 2. q. 6. c. Ad Romanam.
23. in such sort, that in all maner of pleadyng if any maner of person at any tyme either before the sentence giuen or after shall appeale to me, it shalbe lawfull for hym so to do. Marginalia24.
Innocentius Ibidem.
24. Neither must Kynges and Princes thinke it much to submit them selues to my iudgement: for so dyd Valentinianus the worthy Emperour, so dyd Theodosius, and also Carolus. Marginalia25.
Bonifacius Dist. 40. ca. St Papa.
25. Thus you see all must be iudged by me, & I of no man. Yea & though I Pope of Rome, by my negligēce or euill demeaner be found vnprofitable, or hurtfull, either to my self or to others: yea, if I should draw with me innumerable soules by heapes to hell, yet nor mortall mā so hardy, so bold, or presumptuous to reproue me. Marginalia26.
Glosa. Extrauag. de sede vacant. Ad apostolatus.
26. or to say to me: Domine cur ita facis? i. Syr why do ye so? Marginalia27.
Pope Leo. caus. 1. q. 7. c. Nos.
27. For although you read that Balaam was rebuked of his Asse, by the which Asse our subiectes, by Balaam we Prelates are signified: yet that ought to be no example to our subiectes to rebuke vs. Marginalia28.
Gregor. 2. q. 7. c. Petrus.
28. And though we read in the Scripture that Peter, who receaued power of the kyngdome, and beyng chief of the Apostles, might by vertue of his office controlle all other, was content to come and giue aunswere before hys inferiours, obiectyng to hym hys goyng to the Gentiles, yet other inferiours must not learne by this example to bee checkmate with their Prelates bycause that Peter so tooke it at theyr handes, shewyng therby rather a dispensation of humilitie, then þe power of his office: by the which power he might haue said to them againe in thiswise: It becōmeth not shepe, nor belongeth to their office to accuse theyr shepheard. &c. Marginalia29.
Pope Nicolaus Dict. 21. cap. In tantum.
29. For els why was Dioscorus Patriarch of Alexandria condēned & excōmunicated at Chalcedon? not for any cause of hys fayth, but onely for that he durst stand agaynst Pope Leo, and durst excommunicate the Byshop of Rome: for who is he that hath authoritie to accuse the seat of S. Peter? Marginalia30.
Hiero. Caus. 2. q. 7. cap. Paulus.
30. Albeit I am not ignoraunt what S. Hierome writeth, that Paule would not haue reprehended Peter, vnlesse hee had thought hym selfe equall vnto him: Marginalia31.
Glosa Gratiani ibidem.
31. yet Hierome must thus be expounded by my interpretation, that this equalitie betwixt Peter and Paule consisteth not in like office of dignitie, but in purenes of conuersation. Marginalia32.
Glosa. in Dist. 11. cap. Quis.
32. For who gaue Paule his licence to preach but Peter, and that by the authoritie of God, saying: Separate to me Paule and Barnabas? &c.  
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Acts 13:2.

Caus. 2. q. 7. c. beati.
33. Wherfore be it knowen to all men that my Church of Rome is Prince and head of all nations. Marginalia34.Pope Nicolaus Dist. 22. c. omnes.34. the mother of the fayth. Marginalia35.
Pope Anacletus. Dist. 22. c. Sacrosancta.
35. the fundation cardinall: wherupon all Churches do depend as the doore doth depend by the hynges. Marginalia36.
Pope Pelagius Dist. 21. quāuis.
36. the first of all other seates, without all spotte or blemishe. Marginalia37.
Pope Nicolaus Dist. 21. cap. Deniq.
37. Lady mistres and instructor of all Churches. Marginalia38.
Pope Steph. Dist. 19. Enimuero.
38. a glasse and spectacle to all men, to be folowed in all, what so euer she obserueth. Marginalia39.
Pope Lucius. 24 q. 1. A rect.
39. Which was neuer founde yet to slide or decline from the path of Apostolicke tradition, or to be intangled with any newnes of heresy. Marginalia40.
Pope Nicolaus. Dist. 22. Omnes.
40. Agaynst which Church of Rome who so euer speaketh any euill, is forthwith an hereticke. Marginalia41.
Pope Gregorius. Dist. 81. cap Siqui.
41. yea a very pagane, a witch, and Idolater or infidell. Marginalia42.
Pope Leo. Caus. 3. q. 6. cap. Multum.
42. Hauyng fulnesse of power onely in her owne handes in ruling. Marginalia43.
Dist. 20. Decretales.
43. deciding, absoluyng, condemnyng, castyng out, or receyuyng in. Marginalia44.
Pope Iulius. Caus. 2. q. 6. Qui se.
44. albeit I deny not but other Churches be partakers with her in laboring and caryng. Marginalia45.
Caus. 2. q. 6. Arguta. item. c. Ad Romanum.
45. To the which Church of Rome it is lawfull to appeale for remedy, from al other Churches. Although it was

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