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The order of þe Popes riding, the Emperour holding his bridle, & kings going before him. Ex Lib. Sacrar. Ceremon. lib. 1.

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CUL copy: a significant amount of additional detail is provided by the painter in this illustration, although, again, no additional detail is provided over the top of the colour red when used. A particularly vivid green is also used in this illustration; see, for example, the figure in the bottom right of the illustration, on his bended knee with his cap in his left hand. WREN copy: another pale image, although there is a lot of detailing in black ink.

the holy day is prophaned, or whē reuerence is not geuē to Lawes and Canons. Marginalia126.
2. q. 7. cap. Plarūq̀; Glosema Gratiani.
126. Agaynst the second sort maketh þe place of þe booke of Kynges, where we read, the Arcke of God was brought from Gabaa to Hierusalem, and in the way the Arcke inclinyng by reason of the vnruly oxen, Ozias the Leuite put to his hand to helpe, and therfore was stricken of the Lord.  

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2 Samuel 6:6-7.

By this Arcke is signified the Prelates: by the inclination therof, the fall of Prelates. Marginalia127.
127. which also be signified by the Aungels that Iacob did see goyng vp and commyng downe the lader. Marginalia128.
128. Also by the Prophet, where he sayth: He bowed downe the heauens and came downe, &c: By Ozias and by the vnruly Oxen are mente our subiectes. Marginalia129.
129. Then lyke as Ozias was stricken for putting his hand to the Arcke inclinyng, no more must subiectes rebuke their Prelates, going awry. Marginalia130.
Ibidem. q. His ita.
130. Albeit here may be aunswered agayne, that all be not Prelates which so be called: for it is not that name that maketh a Byshop, but hys lyfe. Marginalia131.
Pope Vrbanus. 23. q. Tributum.
131. Agaynst the thyrd sort of such as would bryng vs vnder the tribute and exactions of secular mē, maketh the new Testament, where Peter was bid to giue þe grote in the fishes mouth, but not the head nor the body of the fishe: No more is the head or body of the Church subdued to Kinges, but only that which is in the mouth, that is, the externe thynges of the Church. And yet nor they neither. Marginalia132.
Ibidem. q. Quamuis.
132. For so we read in the booke of Genesis, that Pharao in tyme of dearth subdued all the land of the Egyptians, but yet he ministred to the Priestes, so that he tooke neither theyr possessions from them, nor their libertie. If then the Prelates of the Church must be neither iudged, nor reprehended, nor exacted, how much more ought I to be free from the same? Marginalia133.
Pope Benedictus. Extr. De aut. et vsu pallij. c. Sācta.
133. which am the Byshop of Byshops, & head of Prelates. Marginalia134.
Pope Stephanus. Dist. 19. Enimuero.
134. For it is not to be thought that þe case betwixt me & other Prelates: betwixt my sea & other Churches be like. Marginalia135.
Pope Pelagius. Dist. 21. Quamuis.
135. Although the whole Catholicke and Apostolicke Church make one bridechamber of Christ: yet the Catholick and Apostolicke Church of Rome, had the preeminence giuen ouer all other by the mouth of the Lord hym selfe saying to Peter: Thou art Peter. &c.  
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Matthew 16: 18.

Dist. 21. Decretis.
136. Thus a discretion and difference must be had inthe Church, as it was betwixt Aaron and his children. Marginalia137.
Pope Anacletus. Dist. xx. In nono.
137. betwixt þe 72. Disciples, and þe 12. Apostles: betwixt the other Apostles and Peter. Marginalia138.
Pope Bonifacius & Greg. Dist. 89. Ad hoc.
138. Wherfore it is to be concluded, that there must be an order and difference of Degrees in the Church betwixt powers, superiour and inferiour: without which order, the Vniuersitie of the whole can not consist. Marginalia139.
139. For as amongest the Angelicall creatures aboue in heauen there is set a difference and inequalitie of powers and orders, some be Aungels, some Archangels, some Cherubins, & Seraphins: Marginalia140.
Dist. 89. cap. Singula.
140. So in the Ecclesiasticall Hierarchie of the Church militant in the earth, Priestes must not be equall with Byshops, Byshops must not be lyke in order with Archbyshops, with Patriarches or Primates. Marginalia141.
Ex Citatione Bul. Decr. 5. Ser. 3.
141. Who conteyne vnder them three Archbyshops, as a Kyng conteyneth three Dukes vnder him. In the which number of Patriarches cōmeth in þe state also of. Marginalia142.
De Officio Archipræsbyt. in Glosa.
142. Cardinals or Principals, so called because, as the doore turneth by hys hynges, so the vniuersall Church ought to be ruled by them. Marginalia143.143. The next and hyest order aboue these is myne, which am Pope, differyng in power and maioritie, and honor reuerentiall, from these and all other Degrees of men. Marginalia144.
Ex 3. Parte Sūma maioris. b. Antonini.
144. For the better declaration wherof, my Canonistes make three kyndes of power in earth: Immediata, which is myne immediatly from God: Deriuata, which belongeth to other inferiour Prelates from me. Marginalia145.
Pope Innocent. 3. De sacra vnctione.
Qui venisset.
145: Ministralis, belonging to Emperours and Princes to minister for me. For the which cause the annoyntyng of Princes and my cōsecration doth differ: for they are anoynted only in the arme or shoulders, & I in þe head, to signifie þe difference of power betwixt Princes and me. Marginalia146.
Pope Nicolaus Dist. 22. cap. Omnes.
146. This order therfore of Priestes, Byshops, Archbyshops, Patriarches and other, as a thyng most conuenient, my Church of Rome hath set and institute through all churches, folowing therin, not onely the example of the Angelicall army in heauen, but also of the Apostels. Marginalia147.
Pope Clement. Dist. 80. cap. In illis.
147. For amongest them also there was not an vniforme equalitie or institution of one degree. Marginalia148.
Pope Anacletus. Dist. 22. c. Sacrosancta.
148. But a diuersitie or distinction of authoritie and power. Albeit they were all Apostles together, yet it was graunted notwithstādyng to Peter (them selues al-

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