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The Pope caried on mens shoulders, the Emperour & kings going before him. Ex Lib. Sacrar. Ceremon. lib. 1.

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CUL copy: a significant amount of additional detail is provided by the painter in this illustration, although, again, no additional detail is provided over the top of the colour red when used. WREN copy: another pale image, although there is a good attempt made to provide detail to the clothing depicted, particularly the fur collars. There is, however, too much detail provided in black ink.

MarginaliaThe Image of Antichrist exalted in the temple aboue all that is called God. 2. Theß. 2.

so agreeyng to the same (that he should beare dominion & superioritie ouer all the other Apostles. Marginalia149.
Quasi vero Petrus non a Petra, sed xxxx ducatur.
149. And therfore had his name giuen him Cephas, that is, head or begynnyng of the Apostlehode. Marginalia150.
dist. 21. cap. In nouo.
150. wherupon the order of Priesthode first in the new Testament began in Peter, to whom it was sayd: Thou art Peter, and vpon thee I wil build my Church. Marginalia151.
151. And I wil giue thee the keyes of þe kyngdome of heauē. And thou beyng conuerted confirme thy brethren. Marginalia152.
Dist. 21. cap. Decretis.
152. I haue prayed for thee, that thy faith shall not fayle. Wherfore seyng such power is geuen to Peter. Marginalia153.
Pope Leo Dist. 19. c. Ita Dominus.
153. & to me in Peter, beyng his successor. Marginalia154.
Pope Nicolaus in tantum. Dist. 22.
154. who is he then in all the world, that ought not to be subiect to my decrees, which haue such power in heauen, in hell, in earth wt the quicke and also þe dead. Marginalia155.
Pope Clemēt. in Bulla Viennæ, in scriniis priuilegiorum.
155. commaūdyng & grauntyng in my Bulle of lead sent to Vienna, vnto all such as dyed in their peregrination to Rome, that the payne of hell should not touch them: And also that all such as tooke the holy crosse vpō thē, should euery one at his request not only be deliuered hym self, but also deliuer three or iiij. soules whom so euer he would, out of Purgatory. Marginalia156.
Dist. 21. cap. Decretis.
156. Again, hauyng such promise and assurāce, that my faith shall not fayle, who then will not beleue my doctrine? For dyd not Christ him selfe first pray for Peter that hys faith should not fayle? Marginalia157.
Pope Anacletus. Dist. 22. c. Sacrosancta.
157. Also haue not I a sure promise of Paules owne mouth, writing to my Church by these words: God is my witnes whom I serue in my spirit, in the gospell of his sonne, that without ceasing I make mētion of you alwaies in my praiers? Rom. 1.  

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Romans 1: 9-10.

MarginaliaScripture well applyed, and like a Clerke.Marginalia158.
Pope Damasus. 25. q. 1. c. Omnia.
Item Pope Grego. Dist. 19.
158. Wherfore as I condēne all such worthely, which will not obey my decrees, to be disposessed of all their honour, without restitution: Marginalia159.
Pope Nicolaus. Dist. 22. cap. Omnes.
159. So all they that beleue not my doctrine, or stand against the priuiledge of the church, especially of the Church of Rome, I pronounce them heretikes. Marginalia160.
160. And as the other before is to be called vniust, so this man is to be called an heretike. Marginalia161.
161. For why, he goeth against the fayth which goeth agaynst her who is þe mother of faith. Marginalia162.
Dist. 20. Decretales.
162. But here may rise percase a doubtor scruple, that if my fayth and knowledge stand so sure by the promise of Christ, and by the continuall prayer of S. Paule: whether is it true, or is to be graunted, that any other should excell me in knowledge or interpretation of holy Scripture. Marginalia163.
163. For looke whose knowledge is groūded of most reason, his wordes should seme to be of more authoritie. Marginalia164.
164. Wherunto I aunswere & graunt, that many there be and haue bene more aboundantly indued with fuller grace of the holy ghost, and greater excellencie of knowledge, and therfore that the tractations of Augustine, Hierome and others ought to bee preferred before the constitutions of diuers Popes: yet I say in determination of causes, bycause they haue not the vertue and height of that authoritie which is giuen to me, therfore in expounding of Scriptures they are to be preferred, but in deciding of matters they stand inferiour to my authoritie. By vertue of which authoritie. Marginalia165.
Dist. 19. Si Romanerū.
165. both they themselues be allowed for doctours, & their workes approued, and also all other matters be ruled, through the power of the keyes which be giuen to me immediatly of Christ. Although I deny not but the same keyes be also committed to other Prelates, as they were to other Apostles besides Peter: Marginalia166.
Gariell Biel. li. 4. Dist. 19.
166. yet it is one thyng to haue the keyes, an other thyng to haue the vse of the keyes. Marginalia167.
Petrus de Dalude.
167. Wherfore here is to be noted a distinction of keyes, after the minde of my scholedoctours: one key which is called Clauis ordinis, hauyng anthoritie to bind and lose, but not ouer the persons whom they binde and lose, and this authoritie they take not immediatly of Christ, but mediatly by me the vicare of Christ. The other key is called Clauis iurisdictonis, which I the vicare of Christ take immediatly of him, hauyng not onely authoritie to bind and lose, but also dominion ouer them on whō this key is exercised. By the iurisdiction of which key, the fulnes of my power is so great, that where as all other are subiectes. Marginalia168.
Dist. 96. cap. Imperator.
168. yea and Emperours them selues ought to subdue their executions to me. Onely I am a subiect to no creature. Marginalia169.
Gbariell. lib. 4. Dist. 19.
169. no not to my selfe, except I liste, In foro pœnitentiæ, to my ghostly father submitting my selfe as a sinner, but not as Pope: So that my Papall maiestie euer remaineth vnminished. Superiour to all men. Marginalia170.
Pope Nicolaus. Dist. 19. cap. Si Romanorum in Glosa.
170. whom all persons ought to obey. Marginalia171.
Item. 24. q. 1. Hac est.
171. and fol-

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