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The Jmage of Antichrist exalting him selfe in the Temple of God.

insignia Episcopalia concedit. i. a decimis eximit. i. præsbytero con-
cedit infantes vngere

Insignit. Laico. sacra donat: Chrisma ministro.
Summa fede fedet, plenusq; vicarius extat.
Si fit Catholicus Papam non iudicat vllus.

¶ Cases Papale, to the number of one and fiftie, wherin the Pope hath power onely to dispense and none els besides, except by speciall licence from hym.

Marginalia24. q. 1. Quoties.FIrst, þe determinatiō of doubtes and questions belongyng to fayth.

MarginaliaExtr. De translat. c. Inter.Translation of a Byshop, elect, or cōfirmed: Likewise of Abbotes exempted.

Marginalia3. q. 6. Quamuis.Deposition of Byshops.

Marginalia9. q. 3. Deniq̀;.The takyng of resignation of Byshops.

Marginalia16. q. 1. Frater.Exemptiō of Byshops, not to be vnder Archbyshops.

Marginalia2. q. 6. Ideo.Restitution of such as be deposed from theyr order.

MarginaliaExtr. De restitutione cap. Cum venißent.The iudiciall definition, or interpretation of hys owne priuileges.

Marginalia7. q. 1. Temporis.Chaungyng of Byshoprickes, or dimission of Couentes. &c.

Marginalia16. q. 1. Felix.New erection of Byshops seates, or institutiō of new Religions.

Marginalia16. q. 1. Et Christus.Subiectiō or diuision of one Byshopricke vnder an other.

MarginaliaExtr. De voto. Ex multa.Dispensation for vowing to go to þe holy lād.

MarginaliaExtr. De statu monachi. c. Cum ad.Dispensation for the vow of chastitie, or of religion, or of holy orders.

MarginaliaExtr. De iuramento. cap. Venientes.Dispensation agaynst a lawfull oth, or vowe made.

MarginaliaExtr. De Iudicio. c. At si clerici.Dispensation agaynst diuerse irregularities, as in crimes greater then adultery, and in such as be suspended for Simonie.

MarginaliaExtr. De bigamia. c. Nuper.Dispensation in receiuyng into orders hym that had two wiues.

MarginaliaExtr. De clerico non ord. ministrante.Dispensing with such as being within orders, do that which is aboue their order, as if a Deacon should say Masse, beyng not yet Priest.

MarginaliaExtr. De corpore vitiatis. & Dist. 55.To receaue into orders such as be blemished or maymed in body.

MarginaliaDist. 50. Miror.Dispensation with murder, or with such, as willyngly cut of any mēber of a mās body.

MarginaliaExtr. De sententia & excō. ca. Cum illorum.Dispēsyng to giue orders to such as haue bene vnder the sentence of the greater curse or excommunication.

MarginaliaIbidem.Dispensation with such as beyng suspended with the greater curse, do minister in any holy order.

MarginaliaExtr. De filijs præsbyt. c. Is qui.Dispensation with such as beyng vnlawfully borne, to receiue orders, or benefices.

MarginaliaExtr. De præbend. c. De multa.Dispensation for pluralities of benefices.

MarginaliaExtra. De elect. cap. Cum nobis.Dispensation to make a man byshop before he be thirty yeare old.

MarginaliaExtr. De ætate & qualit. Generalem.Dispensation to giue orders vnder age.

MarginaliaDist. 15. Per totum.The Pope onely hath power to make and call a generall Councell.

Marginalia9. q. 3. c. Per principale.The Pope onely hath power to depriue an Ecclesiasticall person, and giue away his benefice beyng not vacant.

MarginaliaDe elect. cap. Venerabilem.The Pope alone is able to absolue hym that is excommunicate by name.

MarginaliaExtr. De officio legati. c. Quærenti.The Pope onely is able to absolue him whom his Legate doth excommunicate.

Marginalia9. q. 3. Altorum.The Pope both iudgeth in the causes of them that appeale vnto him, and where he iudgeth none may appeale from him.

MarginaliaExtr. De Templi ordine. c. Cum in Distrib.Onely he hath authority to make Deacon, and Priest, whom he made Subdeacon, either vpon Sondayes, or vpon other feastes.

MarginaliaExtr. De vsu pallij. cap. Ad honorem.Onely the Pope, and none els, at all tymes and in all places weareth the palle.

MarginaliaExtr. De elect. c. Dudū.The Pope onely dispenseth with a man, either beyng not within orders, or beyng vnworthy to be made Byshop.

MarginaliaExtr. De elect. c. Venerabilem.He onely either confirmeth, or deposeth the Emperour when he is chosen.

MarginaliaTractatu. De censuris.A man beyng excommunicate, and his absolution referred to the Pope, none may absoluethat man but the Pope alone.

MarginaliaExtr. De elect. c. Innotuit.The same hath authoritie in any election, before it be made, to pronounce it none when it is made.

MarginaliaExtra De religione & veneratione Sanct. cap. 1.He doth Canonise Sainctes, and none els but he.

MarginaliaExtrau. De præbend. cap. De multa.Dispensation to haue many dignities or personages in one Church, and without charge & cure of soule, belongeth onely to the Pope.

MarginaliaExtrau. Qui, si. sint leg. cap. Tanta.To make that effectuall which is of no effect, & contrariwise, belongeth only to the Pope.

Marginalia9. q. 3. cap. Vltimo.To plucke a Monke out of his cloyster both agaynst hys owne will and the Abbates, perteineth onely to the Pope.

MarginaliaExtrau. De Sentent. & re Iudic. c. In causis.His sentence maketh a lawe.

MarginaliaExtrau. De elect. cap. Quod sicut.The same day in which the Pope is cōsecrate, he may geue orders.

MarginaliaExtrau. De restit. spo. Literas.He dispenseth in degrees of cōsanguinitie and affinitie.

MarginaliaExtra. De præscript. c. Vlt. & De Iudicio. c. Nouit.He is able to abolishe lawes, quoad vtrumq̀; forum, that is, both ciuill and canon, where daunger is of the soule.

MarginaliaThomas.It is in his dispensation to geue generall indulgences to certaine places or persons.

MarginaliaExtrau. Qui si. sint. legit. c. Per venerabilem.Item to legitimate what persons so euer he please, as touching spiritualties: in all places, as touching temporalities, as honors, inheritaunce. &c.

MarginaliaPetrus de Palude. lib. 4.To erect new religiōs, to approue, or reproue rules, ordinances, and Ceremonies in the Church.

MarginaliaSecundum Thomam in 4.Hee is able to dispense with all the preceptes and statutes of the Church.

Marginalia9. q. 3. Per principalem.Item to dispense and to discharge any subiect from the bonde of allegiance or oth made to any maner person.

MarginaliaDistinct. 40. Si Papa.No man may accuse him of any crime, vnlesse only of heresy, and that neither, except he be incorrigible.

MarginaliaIbidem.The same also is free from all lawes, so that he can not incurre into any sentence of excommunication, suspension, irregularitie, or into the penaltie of any crime, but into the note of crime he may well.

MarginaliaDist. 32. cap. Prater hoc.
¶ Verum.
Finally he by his dispensation may graunt, yea to a simple priest, to minister the Sacrament of confirmation to infantes: also to geue lower orders, and to hallowe Churches and virgins. &c.

These be the cases wherin I only haue power to dispēse, and no man els, neither Bishop, nor Metropolitane, nor legate, without a speciall licence from me.

¶ After that I haue now sufficiently declared my power in earth, in heauen, and in purgatory, how great it is, and what is the fulnes thereof, in binding, losing, commaunding, permitting, electing, confirming, deposing, dispensing, doing, and vndoing. &c. MarginaliaThe riches and possessions of the Pope.I will entreate now a litle of my riches likewise and great possessions, that euery man may see by my wealth and aboundance of all thinges, rentes, tythes, tributes, my silkes, my purple, Miters, Crownes, Golde, Siluer, Perles and Gemmes, Landes and Lordships, how God here prospereth and magnifieth his vicar in the earth. For to me pertayneth first the imperiall citie of Rome, the Palace of Lateren, the kingdome of Sicile is proper to me, Apulia, Capua be mine. Also the kingdome of England and Ireland, be they not or ought to be tributaries to me? Marginalia214.
Dist. 96. Constantinus.
214. To these I adioyne also, besides other prouinces and countries both in the occident & orient, from the North to the South, these dominions by name. Marginalia215.
Ex Commentarijs Theodorici Nicmi. quem citat Illyricus in Catalogo testium. fol. 228.
215. as Surrianum, Montembordon, & Iunæ insulā, Corsicæ regnum, Paruam Mantuam, Montenselete, Insulam venetiarum, Ducatum ferrariæ, Canellum, Caniodam, Ducatum Histriæ, Dalmatiam, Exarchatum Rauennæ, Fauentiam, Cesenam, Castrū Tiberiatus, Roccam Mediolanum, Castrum ceperianum, Castrum Cusianum, Terram Cornulariam, Ducatum Arimini, Contam, Montem ferretum, Montem Capiniæ seu Olympicum, Castrum exforij, Robin, Eugubin, Vrbin, forum Sempronij, Galli, & Senogalli, Anconam, Gosam, Ducatum perusij, Vrbenetam, & Tudertum, Castrum Cinianum, Ducatum Spoletanum, Theanum, Calabriam, Ducatum Neapolim, Ducatum Beneuenti, Salernum, Sorrenti insulam, Cardiniam insulam, Anciæ insulam, Territorium Cutisan, Territorium prænestinum, Terram Silandis, Terram Clusium, Terram fundan, Terram vegetan, Terram Claudianam, Terram camisinam, Terram Fabinensem, Terram Siram, Terram portuensem, cum insula Archis, Terram Ostiensem cum maritimis, Ciuitatem Aquinensem, Ciuitatem lamentum, & Sufforariam, Ciuitatem Falisenam, Fidenam, Feretrum, Cliternam,

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