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K. Henry. 8. The history and death of Rich. Hunne,

came vp, they foūde hym hanged with hys face towardes the walle. Wherupon they (astonished at this sight) gaue knowledge thereof immediatly vnto the Chauncelour, beyng then in the Church, and watchyng, I suppose, of purpose for suche newes: MarginaliaHorsey the Chaunceler, craftely practiseth.who forthwith gat vnto hym certeyne of his collegues, and went with them into the prison, to see that which hys own wicked consciēce knew full well before: as was afterwardes playnly proued: althoughe then he made a fayre face to the contrarie, blasing abroad among the people, by their officers and seruantes, that Hunne had desperatly hāged him self. MarginaliaThe death of Hunne suspected of the Londiners.Howbeit the people hauyng good experience aswell of the honest life and godly conuersation of the man: as also of the deuilishe malice of hys aduersaries the Priestes, iudged rather that by theyr procurement hee was secretlye murthered. Wherof arose great contention: for the Byshop of London, on the one side, takyng his clergies part, affirmed stoutly that Hunne had hanged hym selfe. MarginaliaThe Crouner sitteth vpon the death of Hunne.The Citizens agayn on the other side, vehemētly suspectyng some secret murther, caused the Crowner of Londō (according to law) to chuse an enqueste, and to take good viewe of þe dead body, & so to trye out the truth of the matter. Wherby the Bishop and his chappleynes were then dryuen to þe extremitie of shifts: and therfore myndyng by some subtile shewe of Iustice to stop the mouthes of þe people, MarginaliaHeresye layde to Hunne after his death.they determined that in the meane whyle as the enquest was occupyed about their charge, the Byshop should for his part, procede Ex officio, in case of heresie against the dead person: supposyng (moste lyke) that if the partie were ones condempned of heresie, the enquest durst not then but finde him gilty of his owne death, and so clearely acquyte thē from all the former suspicion of priuie murther. This determination of theirs they did immediatly put in practise in order as foloweth.

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MarginaliaD. Hedde promoter of the dead.First, besides the Articles before mencioned (whiche they affirme were obiected agaynst hym in his lyfe tyme) D. Hed did nowe also after his death, collect certeyne others out of the prologue of hys Englishe Bible remaynyng then in the Byshops handes: whiche he diligently perused, not to learne any good thyng therein, but to get therout such matter as he thought might best serue their cursed purpose: Marginaliaex Regist. Rich. Fitziames. appeareth by the tenure of the Articles, whiche are these.

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Newe articles cōmensed against Hunne, after his death.  

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Arthur Ogle argued that the very Bible, from whose prologue these articles were drawn, is the Wiclif B Bible which is now Corpus Christi College, Parker MS 147. (Arthur Ogle, The Tragedy of the Lollard's Tower [Oxford, 1949], pp. 113-31).This debateable, but it is certain, that the articles were drawn from a copy of theWiclif B Bible.

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First the sayd booke dāpneth all holy Cannons, calling them ceremonies and statutes of sinnefull men and vnconning, and calleth the Pope Sathanas and Antichrist.

Marginalia2Item, it dampneth the Popes Pardons, saying they be but leasinges.

Marginalia3Itē, the said booke of Hunne sayth, that kinges and Lordes called Christen in name, and heathen in condicions, defoyle the sanctuary of God, bringing clarkes full of couetyse, heresie, and malice, to stoppe Gods law that it cannot be knowen, kept, and frely preached.

Marginalia4Item, the said booke saith, that Lordes and Prelates pursue full cruelly, them that would teache truly and frely the lawe of God: and cherishe them that preache sinfull mens traditions and statutes, by the whiche he meaneth the holy Cannons of Christes Churche.

Marginalia5Item, that poore men and Jdiotes haue the truth of the holy Scripture, more then a thousand Prelates and religious men, and Clerkes of the schole.

Marginalia6Item, that Christen Kinges and Lordes set Jdoles in Gods house, and excite the people to Jdolatry.

Marginalia7Item, that princes, Lordes, and Prelates so doing, be worse then Herode that pursued Christ, and worse then Jewes and heathen men that crucified Christ.

Marginalia8Item, that euery man swearyng by our Lady, or any other Sainct or creature, geueth more honour to the Saincts, then to the holy Trinitie, and so he saith they be Jdolaters.

Marginalia9Item, he saith that Saincts ought not to be honoured.

Marginalia10Item, he dampneth adoration, prayer, kneeling, and offering to Jmages, whiche he calleth stockes and stones.

Marginalia11Itē, he saith that the very body of the Lord is not conteined in the sacrament of the aultar, but that mē receanyng it shall thereby keepe in minde that Christes fleshe was wounded and crucified for vs.

Marginalia12Item, he dampneth the Vniuersitie of Oxforde, with all degrees and faculties in it, as arte, Ciuill, Canon, and Diuinitie, saying that they let the true waye to come to the knowledge of the lawes of God, and holy Scripture.

An holye mother church, which can not abide the worde of god to be translated.
Item, hee defendeth the translation of the Bible and holye Scripture into the English tongue, which is prohibited by the lawes of our mother holy Churche.

These Articles thus collected, as also the others before specified, they caused for a more shew of their pretended Iustice and innocency, to be openly read the nexte Sonday folowyng, by the preacher at Paules Crosse, with this protestation made before.

MarginaliaThe bishops publication at Paules crosse agaīst Rich. Hunne.☞ Maisters and frendes, for certeine causes and considerations, I haue in commaundement to rehearse, shewe and publishe here vnto you the Articles of heresie, vppon whiche Richard Hunne was detected and examined: and also other great Articles and damnable pointes and opinions of heresie conteined in some of his bookes be commen to lyght and knowledge, here ready to bee shewed.

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And therewith all he read the Articles openlye vnto the people, concludyng with these woordes:

And Maisters, If there be any man desirous to see the specialty of these Articles, or doubt whether they be conteined in this booke or not, for satisfying of hys mynde, let hym come to my Lorde of London, and he shall see it with good will. Moreouer here I counsayle and admonish, that if there be any persones, that of theyr simplenes haue bene familiar and acquaynted with the sayd Richard Hunne in these Articles, or haue heard hym read vpon this booke, or any other soundyng to heresie, or haue any lyke bookes their selues, let them come vnto my Lord of London betwixt this and Candelmas next and knowledge their fault, & they shal be charitably intreated and dealt withal, so that both their goodes and honesty shalbe saued: and if they wil not come of theyr owne offer, but abyde the processe of the law, then at theyr owne peryll be it, if the rigour of the law be executed agaynst them.

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After whiche open publication and admonition, the Bishop at sondry tymes examined diuers of his Priestes, and other lay persons vppon the contentes of both these Articles. Among whiche examinates, there was a man seruaunt and a mayden of þe sayd Hunnes, who although they had of long tyme dwelt with hym, were not yet able to charge him with any great thyng worthy reprehensiō: no, not in such pointes as the Byshop chiefly obiected agaynst hym.  

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Notes which James Ussher took of the depositions of those testifying against (which Foxe consulted but which no longer survive) show that Hunne owned vernacular translations of Scripture and forbidden Lollard works, but they contain no other accusations of heretical belief and practice (John Fines, 'The Post-Mortem Condemnation for Heresy of Richard Hunne', EHR 78 [1967], pp.530-1).

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But yet the Priestes (through whose procurement this mischief was first begon) spared no whyt stoutly & maliciously to accuse hym: some in the contētes of the first Articles, and some in the second. Wherfore hauyng nowe (as they thought) sufficient matter agaynste hym, they purposed spedely to procede to hys condemnation. And because they would seme to do all thynges formally and by prescript order, they first drew out certeine short & summary rules  
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This was apparently to guide Fitzjames through the ceremony posthumously condemning Hunne. Such a ceremony was unprecedented in England and a proper form of ritual had to be devised.

, by the whiche the Byshop should be directed in this solemne session: MarginaliaEx Registro Fitziames. Lond.whiche are these.

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Marke the maner of this procedyng.
First, let the Bishop sit in his tribunall seate, in our Ladyes Chappell.  

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The condemnation of Hunne was held in the Lady Chapel of St. Paul's.

Marginalia2.Secondly, let him recite the cause of his comming, and take notaries to him to enact that shalbe there done.

Marginalia3.Thirdly, let hym declare, how vpon Sonday last at Paules Crosse he caused to be published a generall monition, or denuntiation, that all fautours and mainteiners of Richard Hunne, should come in, as by this daye, and submit them selues: and let him signifie withall, how certain haue come in and haue appeared already.

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Marginalia4.Fourthly, let him protest and say, that if there remayne any yet behinde which haue not appeared according to the former monition and denunciation: yet if they will come and appeare and submit them selues, they shal be heard and receaued with grace and fauour.

Marginalia5.Fiftely, let the Bishop or some other at his appointement, recite the Articles obiected agaynste Richard Hunne in the tyme of his life, and then the other Articles likewise whiche were out of his great booke of the Bible extracted.

Marginalia6.Sixtly, let the aunsweres and confeßions of the said Richard Hunne, summarily be recited, with the attestations made to the same Articles. Also let his bookes be exhibited, and then
