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K. Henry. 8. Persecution in the dioces of Lincolne.
A Table describyng the greuous afflictions of good men and wemen, in the dioces of Lincolne vnder Iohn Longland there Byshop, with the names both of the Accusers, and of them that were accused: also with the crimes to them obiected: out of the Registers of the sayd dioces. an. 1521.

MarginaliaAnno. 1521.
Ex Regist. Io. Longland. Lincol.

Accusers.Parties accused.Crimes obiected.

W. Chedwell
sicke in his
Robert An-
Rob. Bēnet.
Iohn Hill.
Edmūd Dor
Iohn Milsent
Thomas Ber-
Thom. Litle-
Iohn Dosset.
Isabell Bart-
let: these be-
ing before abi-
ured, were
nowe cōpelled
by oth to detect

Rob. Bart-
Bartlet, his

THis Robert Bart-
let, and Rich. his
brother were detected by
these foresaid accusers to
be Knowen men, that is to
bee of the same companie
& affinitie with these Ju-
rates, and other that had
ben abiured before in the
time of William Smith
Bishop of Lincolne, about
the yeare of our Lorde.
1508. and that in the
house of Tho. Hardyng  
Commentary   *   Close

A Thomas Harding and his wife were listed among those who had abjured in 1511. In 1532, Thomas Harding will be burned for heresy.

they were so noted by the
woordes of Hardinges
wife: who speaking to
Robert Bartlet, sayd,
that she was glad that he
was cōuerted to grace, &
chosen to almightie God,
requiryng hym neuer to
forsake that he was called
to, for if he did, there was
no sacrifice left for him.
Also the said Hardings
wife speaking to Rich. Bartlet, comming into
her house, said, here cōmeth a good mā, & I hope
he wilbe a good man, but hee hath so much mind
of bying and selling and taking of fermes, that
it putteth his minde from all goodnes. By whiche
words it appeared, said they, that he was a Knowē
man. Item, that Rob. Bartlet speaking to Har-
dynges wife, said, he had thought to haue called
W. Tilseworth false hereticke: but now he was
better aduised.  
Commentary   *   Close

This incident shows the local power of the Lollards in the Chilterns; here they are pressuring an individual to retract his negative of a Lollard martyr.

Item, that they vsed the lectures
and readinges of that company.
MarginaliaFor reading scripture in Englishe.
¶ This Robert Bartlet, and Richard his brother, first beyng
sworne, & yet cōfessing nothyng before the bishop, at last were cō-
uicted by witnes (as aboue appeareth) & noted therfore of periu-
rie. Wherfore incurryng into greater daūger, they were cōstrei-
ned at their next examinatiō to vtter thē selues & confesse what
they had both done & sayd: that is, þe sayd Rob. had read vnto
Rich. his brother a parcell of scripture begynnyng thus: Iames
the seruaunt of God, to the xij. kindes, &c. Itē, for that he heard
Williā Tilseworth say,  
Commentary   *   Close

The date given by Foxe of Tilesworth's excommunication is incorrect; the signification of Tilesworth's excommunication and commitment to the secular authority survives and is dated 10 August 1511 (TNA C 85/115/10). But this document - which lists Robert Cosin, William Scrivener, Nicholas Collins and Thomas Man as also being condemned - shows that, in this case, apart from the date, the information from Foxe's aged informants was essentially accurate.

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that Images of saintes were but stockes
and stones & dead thinges: and that he taught the same to his
brother Richard, and concealed the wordes of Wil. Tilseworth.  
Commentary   *   Close

The date given by Foxe of Tilesworth's excommunication is incorrect; the signification of Tilesworth's excommunication and commitment to the secular authority survives and is dated 10 August 1511 (TNA C 85/115/10). But this document - which lists Robert Cosin, William Scrivener, Nicholas Collins and Thomas Man as also being condemned - shows that, in this case, apart from the date, the information from Foxe's aged informants was essentially accurate.

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Item, for that he partly beleued Tho. Mastall, teachyng him,
that the true presence of Christ was not in the Sacrament: and
likewise of Images and pilgrimage. Item, for receauyng the
Communion at Easter without shrifte. &c.

Rob. Bartlet
was brought
to examinatiō
and caused by
hys othe to de-

Rich. Bart-
let, his bro

The crime wherin Ro
bert Bartlet appeached
his brother Ric. was this,
because hee sayd his bro-
ther Rich. had ben much
conuersant with Thur-
stane Litlepage, & had
learned of him the coun-
sailes and secretes of those
men. Also that hee had
learned of him, some of
the Epistle of saint Iames
thus beginning: Iames
the seruaunt of God,
to the xij. kyndes. &c.

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Accusers.Parties accused.Crimes obiected.

The foresayd
Rob. Bartlet
was brought
to examinatiō
and caused by
his othe to de-

Isabel Bart-
let, his wife.
MarginaliaThe husband detecteth the wife.
The cause wherin Ro-
bert Bartlet did detecte
his wife was this, that
when the Bishops seruaūt
was come for her husbād,
she vttered these woordes
saying: alas hee was nowe
an vndone man, and shee
but a dead woman.
Furthermore the sayde
Robert being demaūded
of the Bishop, whether he
knewe Isabel his wife to
be of the secte of heretikes
before he maried her, said
yea. Beyng asked againe,
if she had not bene of that
secte, whether then hee
would haue maried her,
he graunted the same like

Agnes Wel
lys, his si-
MarginaliaThe brother accuseth the sister.
Furthermore the saide
Rob. Bartlet detected
his owne sister, in that hee
had twise instructed her
not to worship Jmages, &
also had taught her in the
Epistle of S. Iames.

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Elizabeth Dean, wife
of Richard Deane,
of Westwicam.
Emme Tilseworth,
wife of Williā Tilse-
Commentary   *   Close

The date given by Foxe of Tilesworth's excommunication is incorrect; the signification of Tilesworth's excommunication and commitment to the secular authority survives and is dated 10 August 1511 (TNA C 85/115/10). But this document - which lists Robert Cosin, William Scrivener, Nicholas Collins and Thomas Man as also being condemned - shows that, in this case, apart from the date, the information from Foxe's aged informants was essentially accurate.

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VVilliam Grinder,

and his wife.
Iohn Scriuener.  
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John Scrivener will be burned in 1521; see TNA, C/85/115/13.

Alexander Mastal.
VV. Tilseworth,  
Commentary   *   Close

The date given by Foxe of Tilesworth's excommunication is incorrect; the signification of Tilesworth's excommunication and commitment to the secular authority survives and is dated 10 August 1511 (TNA C 85/115/10). But this document - which lists Robert Cosin, William Scrivener, Nicholas Collins and Thomas Man as also being condemned - shows that, in this case, apart from the date, the information from Foxe's aged informants was essentially accurate.

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Thurstan Litlepage.
Iohn Bartlet, his bro-

The said Rob, Bart-
let detected also these to
be of the nūber of Knowen
men: for that they resort-
ed many times together
reading and conferring a-
mong thē selues, and tal-
king against worshipping
of Jmages, and pilgrima-
ge: And if any came in a-
mongest them, whiche
was not of their side, then
they would saye no more,
but keepe all silence. &c.

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Rich. Barlet
by his othe
was con-
trayned to

Agnes Wel
lys, wife
of Iohn
his sister.
MarginaliaThe brother accuseth the sister.
This Agnes was dete-
cted of her brother in thre
pointes. First for learning
the Epistle of S. Iames in
English, of Thurstā Litle
page. Secōdly, for not be-
leuing the bodely presence
in the Sacramēt. Thirdly,
for speaking agaynst wor-
shipping of Jmages, and
goyng on pilgrimages.

Old father
Bartlet, his

This Rich. Bartlet al
so in his confeßion, said of
his father that hee was a
better man, then hee was
takē for. For the other day
there came a man to him
as he was threshyng, and
said, God speede father
Bartlet, ye worke sore,
yea said he, I threshe God
almighty out of the straw.MarginaliaThe Popes God almightie threshed out of the strawe.

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¶ Agaynst this Agnes Wellys brought and examined before the
Byshop, were ministred these Interrogatories, whiche for cer-
