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K. Henry. 8. Persecution in the dioces of Lincolne.
Certayne articles obiected.

teine causes I thought here to inserte, for our posteritie to note
and consider, and they are these, as foloweth.
MarginaliaAn. 1521.
Ex Registr. Io. Longland. Lincol.
¶ Articles ministred to Agnes Wellys.  
Commentary   *   Close

It is worth noting that these questions, rather unusually, are designed to gain information on the identity of other heretics, rather than to identifying the specific theological opinions of the accused. This is very characteristic of Longland's methods of investigation.

MarginaliaArticles ministred agaynst Agnes Wellys.1.

WHether she knew that certeine of the parishe of Amer
sham were conuented before Williā Smyth, late By-
shop of Lyncolne, for heresie?

Item, whether she knew that certeine of them so con-
uented before the Byshop for heresie, did erre in the Sa-
crament of the altare, or in other Sacramentes, and what
erroures they were, and wherein?

Item, whether she knew any other to be suspect of the
same heresie or sect, beside them of Amersham so conuen-
ted, who they were, and how many?

Item, whether shee had bene of the same company, or
secte, or opinion with them, which were conuented before
the Bishop for heresie: and if she were, what company she
vsed, and whose?

Whether she was at any tyme conuersant with Thur-
stan Litlepage: and if she were, how oft she had bene in
his companye: how, what tyme, in what place, who els
were present, for what causes, and whether she knew him
to be suspected of heresie?

Item, whether she knew and had bene cōuersant with
Alexander Mastall: and if she were, how, when, in what
place, who were present, for what causes, and whether she
knew hym suspected for heresie?

Itē, whether she was euer detected to the office of Wil
liam Smith late Byshop of Lyncolne: at what tyme or
since the tyme, that Litlepage and Mastall were conuen-
ted before the Byshop for heresie: and whether shee was
then called and conuented before the Byshop for heresie,
or not?

Item, whether she hath bene, or is now noted, had, hol
den or reputed, or diffamed to bee of the same secte with
Thurstan Litlepage, or other conuicted of heresye, and
whether she be or hath bene nominated for a Knowen
woman among them?

Item, whether she had bene present at any tyme at the
readynges or conferrings betwene Thurstan Litlepage,
and other conuictes?
MarginaliaFor reading the Scripture in Englyshe.
Item, whether Thurstan Litlepage did euer teach her
the Epistle of S. Iames, or the Epistles of S. Peter or
Paule in Englishe, and whether shee hath repeted oft
times the said Epistle of S. Iames, vnto the sayd Thur-
stan in the presence of Richard Bartlet her brother.

Item, whether Richard Bartlet her brother did teach
her at any tyme the Epistle of S. Iames, and if he did,
how oft, and in what place?

Item, whether shee had bene instructed by Thurstane
Litlepage, or by any other, in the foresayd secte, that in the
Sacrament of the altare was not the true body of Christ,
but onely the substaunce of bread?

Item, whether she had bene instructed by Thurstane
Litlepage, or any other, that pilgrymage was not to bee
vsed, nor the Images of Saintes to be adored?

Item, whether she did credite þe sayd Thurstan Litle-
page, or any other, teachyng her in the premisses, and
whether she did beleue or expressely consent with them in
the foresayd Articles?

Item, whether that Robert Bartlet her brother did e-
uer teach her the Epistle of S. Iames, and if he did, how
often, and where?

Whether the sayd Robert Bartlet had taught her that
pilgrimage was not to be vsed, and that Images were
not to be adored?

Item, whether she knew such a lawe and custome a-
Accusers.Parties accused.Crimes obiected.
MarginaliaCaptious articles.
mong them, that such as were of that sorte, did contracte
matrimonie onely with them selues, and not with other

Item, whether she did euer heare Thurstane or any o-
ther say, that they onely whiche were of their doctrine,
were true Christians?

Item, when shee came to receaue, and was confessed,
whether she did vtter & confesse her heresies to þe Priest?

¶ Vnto these captious and cruell Interrogatory Articles mi
nistred agaynst Agnes Wellys, she aunswered negatiuely, almost
to them all, refusing to vtter any person, vnto the Byshop: But
sone after beyng otherwise schooled, I cā not tell how, by the Ca
tholiques, she was compelled to detecte both her selfe, her
brother Robert Bartlet, Thustan Litlepage, and also Isabell
Morwyn, wife of Iohn Morwyn. &c.

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Isabell Bart-
let, was then
brought, and
examined be-
fore the By-
shop: where
sheMarginaliaShe excuseth her owne wordes.

being asked whether she spake these words
folowing to her husband, at the cōing of
the Bishops mā: Alas now are you an vn-
done mā, & I but a dead womā: First she
stode in long deniall of the same, and al-
though her husband gaue wytnes against
her, yet stoode she that her husband sayd
not truth. At last she was cōpelled to graūt
those wordes to be spoken: and then being
asked what she ment by them, thus she ex
cused her selfe, that her husband had bene
vnkind vnto her a long time, and therfore
she desired to depart from him, wherup-
pon nowe for sorow she spake those wordes.
&c. The which wordes her husband did
excuse some thing otherwise, saying: that
his wife spake those woordes betwene the
threshold, and the hall doore, because of a
vehement feare, for the losse of their goods.

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VV. Ched-
well, of Amer

Richard Hobbes of Hichenden.
Henry Hobbes of Hichenden.
Herns wife.
Herne widowe of Amrsham.
Thomas Couper of Amersham
Iohn Stāpe
wheler, of A-
Alyce Har-
dyng, wife
of Tho. Har
Commentary   *   Close

A Thomas Harding and his wife were listed among those who had abjured in 1511. In 1532, Thomas Harding will be burned for heresy.

The crime laid to Alyce
Hardyng was this, be-
cause, whē the Priest was
cōming to Rich. Bennet
to geue hym housell, shee
wēt before and instructed
him what he should do.

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Roger Ben-
net, by like
of his othe,
was caused
to detect these

VVilliā Ro
gers, Tyler.
VV. Har-
Roger Har
dyng.MarginaliaFor English bokes.

These were detected by
Roger Bennet, for that
they beyng admonished to
appeare before the bishops
Chaūcelour at Amershā,
neglected so to do.

Iohn Iennyngs ser-
uaunt of Iames Mor
Commentary   *   Close

A James Morden was handed over to the secular arm for burning in 1522 (TNA C/185/115/13).

George, seruaunt of
Thomas Tochel.
Tho. Gray, seruāt of
Roger Bennet.
VV. Smith

These were dete-
cted for caryeng
about certeyne
bookes in Eng-

The wife of
Ioh. Milsēt.
The wife of
W. Rogers.
Ro. Stāpe,
& his wife.

These good wemen here
named were detected to
the Bishop by Rog. Ben-
net, for that vpō the holy
dayes, when they go and
come frō the Church, they

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