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K. Henry. 8. Persecution in the dioces of Lincolne.

MarginaliaAnno. 1521.
Ex Regist. Io. Longland. Lincol.

Accusers.Parties accused.Crimes obiected.

The wife
of Rob.

vse to resort vnto one Ioh. Co-
lingworthes house, and there
kepe their conuenticle.

The wife
of Dauid
Lewes & her

This woman was charged for
speaking these woordes: That
the Churche men in the olde
time did leade the people as
the henne doth leade her chic-
kines: but our Priestes now
do lead the people to the deuil.

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put like-
wyse to hys othe,
did detect

wife of

Because shee turned away her
face from the Crosse, as it was
caryed about on Easter daye in
the mornyng at the resurre-
ction. Fol. 10.

Iohn Gardiner.
Iohn Same.
Iohn George.

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A James Morden was handed over to the secular arm for burning in 1522 (TNA C/185/115/13).

For carying about bokes from
one to an other.
Iohn Scriuener, the elder.

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A James Morden was handed over to the secular arm for burning in 1522 (TNA C/185/115/13).

in like
maner by
his othe,
did detect


For these wordes following:
If I lye, curse, storme, or
swere, chide, fyght, or threate,
Then am I worthye for to be
I pray you good maister mine,
Amend me with a good scou-
In the lyke also was charged
Thomas Chase.

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There is no surviving information on Thomas Chase apart from theaccount in Foxe. This account - as Foxe makes clear - is based on testimony from contemporaries to the events and the cruelty with which Chase was treated undoubt-edly lost nothing in the telling. It seems reasonable to accept that Thomas Chase wasarrested for heresy and committed suicide in prison. There is no way of telling whathappened beyond that but claims that he was murdered seem far-fetched.

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Because he heard him twise re-
cite the Epistle of S. Iames, begin
ning: Iames the seruaunt of God
and of our Lord Iesus Christ, to
the xij. kindes, &c.
Also for these woordes: It was
by the dayes of Herode king of
Iewes, that there was a priest,
Zacharie by name, & he came
of the sort of Abias, and his wife
of the daughter of Aaron: both
they were iuste before God,
goynge in all the Commaunde-
mentes, &c.


of Ches-

The cause layde to this Agnes
was for teaching this Iames the
wordes following: We be the
salte of the earth, if it be pu-
trified and vanished away, nothing it
is worth. A citie set vpon an hill may
not be hidde. Teende ye not a candle
and put it vnder a bushell, but set it
on a candlesticke that it may geue a
light to all in the house. So shyne your
light before men, as they may see your
workes and glorifie the father that is
in heauen. No title nor letter of the
lawe shall passe ouer, tyll all thinges be
doe: And fiuetimes wente hee to the
foresayd Agnes to learne this lesson.
Itē, that the said Agnes did teach him

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Accusers.Parties accused.Crimes obiected.

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A James Morden was handed over to the secular arm for burning in 1522 (TNA C/185/115/13).


to say this lesson: Iesus seing his people, as he went
vp to a hill, was set, and his disciples came
to him: he opened his mouth and taught them,
saying: blessed be the poore men in spirite, for the
kingdome of heauē is theirs. Blessed be milde
men: for they shall welde the earth. And twise
he came to her to learne this lesson. Ex Regist.
Longl. fol. 11.
And these lessons the sayd Agens was bidde
to recite before vj. bishops: who straitly injoyned
and cōmaunded her, that she should teach those
lessons no more to any man, and especially to her
children. Ex Regist. fol. 11.
Richard Ashford, smith.

Agnes Ash-
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There is no surviving information on Thomas Chase apart from theaccount in Foxe. This account - as Foxe makes clear - is based on testimony from contemporaries to the events and the cruelty with which Chase was treated undoubt-edly lost nothing in the telling. It seems reasonable to accept that Thomas Chase wasarrested for heresy and committed suicide in prison. There is no way of telling whathappened beyond that but claims that he was murdered seem far-fetched.

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Because these ij. did exhort him
thrise that he shoulde keepe the
things they spake of, as secret in
his stomacke, as a man woulde
kepe a in prison.
Tho. Tredway, of Chessham

Rob. Pope.
Iohn Mor-
den, and
his wife.

Because the
presence of this
their nephewe, the x.
Cōmanndementes in their house
in English. Fol. 15.

Alyce At-

Because of him she learned the Pa
ter noster, Aue Maria and
Creede in Englishe, and the v.
meruels of S. Austen. Also an o-
ther peece of an English booke be-
ginning: here sueth 4. thinges by
which a man may knowe whether
e shall be saued. &c.
Also that she did not worship Jma
ges. And after these litle thinges,
hee intended to teache her of the

Morden, his owne
VV. Affrike, or Litlepage.
Iohn Affrike, or Litlepage.
Emme Hardyng, or Affrike.
Iohn Fyppe, Phisition.

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¶ To thys Iames Morden  
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A James Morden was handed over to the secular arm for burning in 1522 (TNA C/185/115/13).

with other moe abiurers it was
inioyned by byshop Smyth, for vij. yeres, to visite the church of
Lincolne twyse a yeare from Amersham. And when diuers had
gotte licence of the byshop for length of the iourney, to visite the
Image of our Lady of Missenden, for the space of v. yeres, this
Iames Morden, when he could not obtaine licence so to doe, yet
notwithstanding for the tediousnes of the way, went with them
to the same Image, and therupon was charged for violating the
byshops iniunction.

Also because, to gette his liuing, he wrought halfe a yere out of
the dioces, when he had bene inioyned by the byshop not to goe
out of the dioces of Buckyngham. Fol. 11.

¶ This Iames Morden  
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A James Morden was handed over to the secular arm for burning in 1522 (TNA C/185/115/13).

cōfessed that he vsed hys Pater noster
and Creede so much in Englishe, that he had forgotte many
wordes therof in Latyne, and therfore was inioyned by bishop
Smyth to say it no more in Englishe, but onely in Latyne, and
because he kept not this iniunction, he fell therfore in relaps.

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Roger Benet
by lyke com-
pulsion of hys
othe, was cau
sed to detecte
these follow-
ing, to bee knowen per-

W. Rogers Tyler, and his wife.
W. Hardyng.
Rog. Hardyng.
Ioanne Ienynges.
George, seruaunt to Tho. Techell.
Tho. Gray, seruaunt of Roger Benet.
Agnes Franke.
Ioanne Colyngworth.
VV. Smyth.
The wife of Iohn Milsent.
Rob. Stampe, and his wife.
The wife of Rob. Bartlet.
The wife of Dauid Lewes of Henley.
Iohn Fryer, seruaunt to maister Pen.
Iohn Tracher.

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