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K. Henry. 8. Persecution in the dioces of Lincolne.

MarginaliaAn. 1521.
Ex Registr. Io. Longland. Lincol.

Accusers.Parties accused.Crimes obiected.

Iohn Mordens wife.
Richard Ashford.
VVilliam Litlepage, prentise some-
time of Iohn Scriuener.  
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John Scrivener will be burned in 1521; see TNA, C/85/115/13.

Emme his wife.
Iohn Scriuener.


For teachyng Coplandes
wife her errours.

sworne v-
pon hys
othe, dyd
these na-
mes here

Iohn Milsent, and
his wife.
Roger Hardyng,
and his wife.
Thom. Bernard.
Thomas Afrike,
and his wife.
VV. Rogers.
VV. Hardyng.
Thom. Hardyng,
and his wife.  
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A Thomas Harding and his wife were listed among those who had abjured in 1511. In 1532, Thomas Harding will be burned for heresy.

Kat. Bartlet, the
mother of Rob.
& Ric. Bartlet.
VV. Franke, and
Agnes his wife.

Because these cōming
to the Church, and es-
peciallie at the eleua-
tion tyme would say no
prayers, but did sit
mumme (as hee ter-
med it) like beastes.
Because Kat. Barlet
beyng of good health,
came but seldome to
the Churche, but
feyned her selfe sicke:
and because William
Franke maried Agnes
his wife, she beyng be-
fore abiured.

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Thomas Holmes informed against so many people that even Foxe is reluctant to credit him as a martyr; yet it was not enough to save him. Why he was treated with such unusual severity is unclear.

Robert Pope.
Because he fled away when
the great abiuration wasMarginaliaThys great abiuration was, an. 1511.
at Amersham.
Also for hauing certeine
Englishe bookes. fol. 16.

Emme Affrike aliâs, Emme Hardyng.
Henry Mylner.
Iohn Affrike.
Hernes wife, now the wife of Wayuer.
VVilliam Tilseworth.  
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The date given by Foxe of Tilesworth's excommunication is incorrect; the signification of Tilesworth's excommunication and commitment to the secular authority survives and is dated 10 August 1511 (TNA C 85/115/10). But this document - which lists Robert Cosin, William Scrivener, Nicholas Collins and Thomas Man as also being condemned - shows that, in this case, apart from the date, the information from Foxe's aged informants was essentially accurate.

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Emme Tilseworth, of London.
Thomas Tilseworth, and his wife.
The wife of Robert Tilseworth.
VVilliam Glasbroke.
Christopher Glasbroke, Milner.
Thomas Groue, and Ioanne his wife.
Thomas Man, by Bristow.
Henry Milner.
Counted for a great he-
reticke, and learned in
the Scripture.

Iohn Schepard.
The wife of Iohn Schepard of Dorney.
The elder daughter of Roger Hardyng
of Amersham.
Nicholas Stokeley couper, and his wife, of
Ihon Clerke.
Thomas VVilbey of Henley.
W. Stokeley.
Hobbes with his sonnes by Hychenden.
The wife of Iohn Scriuener, smith of
Thomas Clerke the elder.
Thomas Clerke the younger.
VVigmer fermer of Hychenden.
Robert Carder Weyuer.
Iohn Frier, seruaunt to M. Penne.
Iohn Morwen, & Isabell his wife.
Elizabeth Houer, wife of Henry
Houer of little Missenden.
Richard VVhyte, Fuller of Beckinsfilde.

Andrew Randall
& his wife, of Ric-

Because they receaued
into their house, Tho.
Man, flying for perse-
cution, and for reading
Wickleffes Wicket.

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Accusers.Parties accused.Crimes obiected.

The fore-
said Tho.
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Thomas Holmes informed against so many people that even Foxe is reluctant to credit him as a martyr; yet it was not enough to save him. Why he was treated with such unusual severity is unclear.


The father of An-
drew Randall.

Benet VVarde,

This Benet Warde
was also denounced by
I. Merston, for saying
that it booteth no man
to praye to our Ladye,
nor to no sainct nor an-
gell in heauen, but to
God onely, for they
haue no power of mans

The wife of Benet
VVarde, and her

For saying that Tho.
Pope was the deuou-
test mā that euer came
in their house, for he
woulde sitte reading in
his booke to midnyght
many tymes.

Thomas Taylour, & his wife, of Vxbridge.
Robert Quicke.
Robert Cosyn.
Thomas Clerke and his wife, of Ware.
One Geldener about Hertford.
Iohn Say, and VVilliam Say his sonne, of
litle Missenden.
The wife of Iohn VVellys of Amersham.
Ioanne Glasbroke sister to VVilliā Glas-
broke, of Harow on the hill.
Thomas Susan, Wheler.
Iohn a Lee, Smith.
Iohn Austy, Sherman.
Iohn Frier.
Edmund Hardyng.
Iohn Heron, Carpenter of Hambeldon.
Henry Miller.
Iohn Phippes.  
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A John Phipp appeared on the list of those in the Amersham area who abjured in 1511. It probably was not the same person, since Phipp was not executed for relapse in 1521, but it could well have been a close relative.

Hee was very rype in
Emme, wife of Richard Tilseworth.
Iohn Phyppe.  
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A John Phipp appeared on the list of those in the Amersham area who abjured in 1511. It probably was not the same person, since Phipp was not executed for relapse in 1521, but it could well have been a close relative.

Hee was a reader or
rehearser to the other.

Iohn Say of Missenden.
VVilliam Stokley.
Roger Squire.
For saying to Holmes:
This is one of them that
maketh all thys busines in
our towne with the Bi-
shop. I praye God teare all
the bones of him.

Roger Herne.
A certayne Tanner.

Iohn Butler,
Rich. Butler.
VV. Kyng of
MarginaliaFor reading of Scripture in Englyshe.
These iij. satte vp all the
nighte in the house of
Durdant of Yuencourte
by Stanys, reading all the
night of a booke of Scrip-

Iohn Mulkyf,

For speaking against ho-
ly bread and holy water.
Tho. Man
For saying that Christ
was not substantiallye
in the sacrament.

Thomas Stil-

For receauing an English
booke geuē him by Carder
his father, who after his
abiuration done before B.
Smyth, fell sicke and died.

Ienkyn But-

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