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K. Henry. 8. Persecution in the dioces of Lincolne.

MarginaliaAn. 1521
Ex Regist. Io. Longland. Lincol.

Accusers.Parties accused.Crimes obiected.

of Londō.

This Vulman was detected vpon
this, for that he would haue redde
to this Iohn Butler a certaine
Englishe booke, and spake against
pilgrimage and Jmages.
Henry Vulman and his wife, of Vxbrige.

ter of

This Raffe Carpenter was dete-
cted, for hauyng certeine bookes
of the Apocalyps in Englishe.
Also for that this Carpenter and
his wife did bringe him and the
wife of Henry Vulman to a cor-
ner house of Fridayestrete, where
the goodman of the house hauing
a stumpe foote, had diuers such
bookes, to the entent they should
heare them read.

A daugh-
ter of Ioh.
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A John Phipp appeared on the list of those in the Amersham area who abjured in 1511. It probably was not the same person, since Phipp was not executed for relapse in 1521, but it could well have been a close relative.

A daugh-
ter of
R. Butler.
Butler his
own bre-

The mo-
ther of
Ric. Ashe
I. Butler
his other

These were detected partly for
holdyng agaynst the Sacrament
of the altar: partly also, because
they were readyng two houres to-
gether, in a certeine booke of the
Actes of the Apostles in Eng-
lishe at Chersham in Ashfordes
house. fol. 43.

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A John Phipp appeared on the list of those in the Amersham area who abjured in 1511. It probably was not the same person, since Phipp was not executed for relapse in 1521, but it could well have been a close relative.

by his oth
to detect

The wife
of Rob.
MarginaliaFor readyng bookes in Englyshe.
For hauing certein bookes in Eng
lishe, one bounde in bordes, and iij.
with perchement coueringes, with
iiij. other shetes of paper writen in
Englishe conteining matter a-
gainst the Romish Religion. Also
an other boke of the seruice of the
Virgine Marie in Englishe.


Thomas Stilman was therfore de
tected, for that he tolde W. Fyppe
howe that hee being in Lolardes
tower, did clime vp the steple wher
the belles were, and there cutting
the belropes, did tye ij. of them to-
gether, and so by them slipped
downe into Paules Churchyard,
and escaped.

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by his oth
to detect

Ioh. Mor
of Ash-
ley grene.
his bro-

These were accused, and detected,
because Iohn Morden had in his
house a booke of the Gospels, and
other chapters in Englishe, and
read iij. or iiij. times in the same:
In which booke his brother Ash-
ford also did read once.
Item, because Ioh. Morden spake
against Jmages, and spake these
wordes: Our Lorde Iesus Christ
saith in his Gospell: blessed be they
that heare the worde of God and
kepeth it. &c.

his owne

Tredwaye also detected his mo-
ther for teaching hym that hee
shoulde not worship the Images of

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MarginaliaIoanne Bernard.
¶ Likewise Ioanne Bernard beyng accused by Robert Cop
land, was sworne by her othe to detecte Thomas Bernarde her
owne naturall father,  
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Foxe is genuinely shocked by Bishop Longland's methods of investigation, which undermined the integrity of both family and community.

for speakyng agaynst pilgremage, agaynst
worshipyng of saintes, and agaynst diriges and praying for the
dead, and for warnyng his daughter not to vtter any of all this
to her ghostly father.

¶ The like othe also was forced to Richard Bernard that he
should in lyke maner detecte Thomas Bernard hys owne natu-
rall father, for teachyng him not to worshyp Images, nor to be-
leue in the Sacrament of the aultar, but in God onely whiche is
in heauen: and that he should not vtter the same to the Priest.

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Accusers.Parties accused.Crimes obiected.

The vi-
care of I-
uer, and


For defendyng the cause of Ien-
kin Butler, and for saying, that
the Bishop did him iniurie. Item,
for saying that if he had knowen
the Bishops man would haue fet
him so to the Bish. he would haue
geuen him warning therof before.
Item for saying, that if he should
call him, hee woulde confesse no-
thing, although he burned him.

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wife of

her hus-

For saying, that he suspected
that shee was to much familiare with
the Vicare of Iuer. And when she
aunswered againe, howe coulde
hee bee euill with her, seyng hee
saith Masse euery daye, and doth
not confesse him selfe before:
then her husband sayd, that hee
could confesse him self to a poaste,
or to the altare.

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¶ Where note that the Bishop then examinyng her of that of-
fence, whether she was culpable, & whether she was cōmonly in
þe voyce of the people, diffamed with him or no: she confessed so to
be. Wherupon no other penaltie nor penaunce for that crime of
adultery was inioyned her of the Byshop, but onely this: that
she should frequent the Vicares house no more.

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Clerke of
forced by
his oth to

of riselyp.
MarginaliaAgaynst Images.
For speaking agaynst Jmages, pil-
grimage, oblations, & against the
sacrament of the altare.
Item, when this Iohn Clerke had
made a weele for fishe,  
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A wooden snare for catching fish.

Rich. Vul-
ford comming by, asked him, whē
hee had made his weele, whether
the weele now could turne againe
and make him: and hee said no.
Euen so, ф hee, God hath made all
Priestes as thou hast made the
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A wooden snare for catching fish.

and howe can they turne a-
gaine and make God?

Iohn But

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Iohn Ma
stall de-

The dau-
ghter of
Ioh. Fyp  
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A John Phipp appeared on the list of those in the Amersham area who abjured in 1511. It probably was not the same person, since Phipp was not executed for relapse in 1521, but it could well have been a close relative.

of Hin-

For saying that shee was as well
learned, as was the Parishe Priest
in all thinges, except onely in say-
ing of Masse.

Iohn Ba-
ker, all
these de-

wife of
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Richard Saunders's property was assessed at £300 and he was by far the wealthiest person in Amersham (Andrew Hope, 'Lollardy: The stone the builders rejected?' in Protestantism and the National Church, ed. Peter Lake and Maria Dowling [Beckenham, Kent, 1987], p. 10).

of Amer-

For geuing xii. pence to Tho. Hol
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Thomas Holmes informed against so many people that even Foxe is reluctant to credit him as a martyr; yet it was not enough to save him. Why he was treated with such unusual severity is unclear.

to bye a certeine booke in En-
glishe for her daughter. To whom
Thomas Holmes  
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Thomas Holmes informed against so many people that even Foxe is reluctant to credit him as a martyr; yet it was not enough to save him. Why he was treated with such unusual severity is unclear.

aunswered a-
gayne, that a noble would not suf-
fice to bye it.
An other time, for geuing vi. pēce
to the bying of a certeine booke in
English, which coste v. markes.
An other tyme, Thomas Houre
cōmyng frō Owburne, she asked
what newes, & he sayd that ma-
ny were there condēned of heresie:
& therfore he would lene to that
way no more. Then sayd she, if he
did so, he would gayne nothyng
thereby. Whereby he had no more
worke with her husband, and af-
ter was put from his holy water
clerkeship in that towne.
An other time, for saying to Tho.
Rouland these wordes: ye may see
howe Thomas Houre and other
which laboured to haue heretikes
detected before Bishop Smith,
are brought nowe to beggerye:
you may take example of them.  
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Given Richard Saunders' relative wealth, this was not an empty threat.

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